6: Meeting

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Izaya climbed up an old, abandoned building, using the windowsills and the many bricks that stuck out of the wall to aid him. He would have used the stairs of the building, but the entrance seemed to be barricaded from the inside and so he didn't bother trying to get in from there. Tonight, Izaya was going to meet up with a desperate girl who needed someone to look up to (again) whom he had chatted with over the internet and found out that her parents had abandoned her when she was young and ever since then, she had been trying to seek help but no one was willing to do so. He then arranged to meet up with this girl on the roof of this crumbling building, "promising" that he would help her, but Izaya being the manipulative "God" he is, had other things in mind and was not going to keep his promise.

The moon shone brightly when Izaya had reached the roof of the building; therefore assisting him to scan the area around him. As he did so, he spotted a figure at a distance that was standing dangerously on the edge of the structure. Seeing this, he smirked and approached the figure saying, "You must be her! The girl who's family had left her in her past! Well it's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Iza..." Before he could finish, the figure had quickly spun around and cheerfully said while slowly sauntering him near him, "You're Izaya Orihara! I know you but then again, I'm sure everyone in this city does. I mean well, why wouldn't anyone know of such a handsome man, or should I say God?" Izaya looked at the giggling "girl" who had said that she was 15 years old, but she blatantly looked much older than that. She had [skin type] skin along with [hair type], [hair color] hair, and stood approximately at [height]. (A/N: If you are bespectacled, then you can add that too.)

"Well then, I see you already know me," Izaya said, "I'm sure someone had told you about me, about avoiding me and such, saying that I am a dangerous person, am I correct?" The woman chuckled and then replied, "Yup! Shizuo had told me all about you. He didn't say you were dangerous or anything, just plain annoying," she winked at him and then said, "The Shizaya fan base is huge, and crazy if I do say so myself. It's a pity that you both hate each other so much!" Izaya took time to process the bit of information that flung right in his face. He put up a straight face but in all honesty, he was shocked hearing that Shizuo actually spoke with this person and quite possibly, told her their high school story. However, he was also very much confused because he didn't understand what a "Shizaya" was, but he didn't think about that now. He was more focused on getting to know this person, who quite frankly, didn't seem like the same person whom he had chatted with previously.

"It's unfair that you know my name, but I don't know yours," Izaya whined without questioning her aforementioned statement. "But of course," she replied, standing right in front of him, "My name is [F/N]. It's a pleasure to meet you too!" Immediately, Izaya's eyes widened. This is the person whom Shizu-chan had been looking for yesterday! "So you're [F/N!" Izaya abruptly said in a loud and jolly voice and then started laughing hysterically, holding his stomach in a way that seemed like his lungs were aching from laughter. This seemed to confuse [Name] (A/N: The story is in third person, therefore the narrator would know that [F/N] is actually [Name] and so [F/N] will be referred to as [Name] when there is no dialogue) for a bit, who then said with a sneer, "Has anyone told you about me, saying I'm plain annoying too?" "Oh, no no no no," Izaya replied, now standing straight but still chuckling in between his words, "I've figured out that you were annoying to Shizu-chan, and possibly, he finds you more annoying than he does with me!"

"I doubt that's possible because first of all, I don't call him by nicknames that he finds pathetic and second of all, I wouldn't accuse him for crimes that he would never do," [Name] said. Her grin grew wider when she saw that the man in front of her started laughing the same way he had done before. "So, you know about the rivalry between me and Shizu-chan, don't you? Very interesting," he said as he quickly regained himself in a proper position and then said, "You and Shizu-chan are friends I suppose?" [Name] sighed, saying, "That's not all that important," she began to walk around Izaya like she was a predator and he was her prey, "And just so you know, I don't need any assistance from anyone and I couldn't care less if my family ever left me. My parents are both dead, and they never really meant much to me anyways. I only said that to you because I wanted to meet up with you in a place where nobody would see us. You've arranged this place because you wanted to see me kill myself by jumping off the edge, am I correct?" Izaya, at this point, was in shock as well as in amusement, seeing that this woman had cleverly planned everything in the first place.

He didn't know what to say, and so he continued following her with his eyes with a leer placed on his face as she went on circling him, "You're more transparent than you think. I'm a bit disappointed though, I mean I've heard rumors about you predicting other humans' actions and such. You don't really seem like that kind of person to me, Izaya-san. You have been too manipulative with far too many people and you have reached that point in which some can actually predict on what you are planning to do. But well, I hope in the future you will be able to prove me wrong, or at least I hope," she smirked, obviously proud of her little speech and she stopped walking and stood face-to-face with Izaya, who then said after a bit of silence, leaning close to [Name]'s face, "How did you get up here?"  He observed her face carefully as she shifted her eyes to the ground, seeming to think of an answer.

Very clever Izaya-san. You have me cornered on this one. Now if I say that I climbed up the building with the help of the bricks, you'll be able to predict of who I really am because well, thanks to surveillance cameras and your stalking skills, you have already seen the "Assassin" climb several obstacles and since I'm new here and the "Assassin" is also a new murderer, it will only make my identity seem more obvious.

She then looked at Izaya, who was still leaning close to her, waiting for an answer. "See that building over there?" She said, pointing to the building right next to the one they were standing on. Both buildings seemed to be attached with one another, having very little gap in between them, both abandoned. "That building didn't have a barricaded entrance, so I went up that building and then jumped from that roof to this roof," she said in a suave voice, attempting to make it seem like she was telling the truth, but Izaya knew much better than that. "It's not nice to lie [F/N]~ You probably climbed up this building like I did," Izaya said in a whining voice as he stood up and eyed the woman who then sniggered, "I see you're good with finding out if a person is lying or not. That's going to be a bit of a problem, I suppose. It's getting late, Izaya-san, I should get going home," she said as she walked away from him to the other edge of the building from which they both came from. She then turned around and waved to Izaya, "It's been nice Izaya-san! I hope to see you again!" And with that, she jumped off the building and ran towards her home. She didn't live in an apartment, but in her own house which had those triangular roofs, typically a two storey. Izaya stood there, smirking to himself. After a while, he too climbed down the building and started to follow [Name] from a distance to retrieve her address.    


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