9: Trolling

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(A/N: This morning I woke up all drowsy and when I came on, my eyes just snapped open. 500 reads. *Deep breathe in... deep breathe out* I love you people. Also, sorry for not updating.)

(A/N: Another update... My glob... 600 reads.)

3:00 am

[Name] stood in front of the brightly lit supermarket with a list of things to buy in her palms, which was sweaty with excitement. She had changed her clothes from the pink night gown to her old clothes which were underneath her bed in Celty's home. She had also found her wallet in her back pocket of [pants, skirt... or whatever else you like to wear].

[Name]'s list of groceries and EVIL:

1.       Spray paint, red and white

2.       Razor and shaving foam (HAHAHAHAHAHAH!)

3.       Fatty tuna

4.       Cups of pudding

5.       1 copy of the latest Manga

6.       Cake designing supplies (not evil, but I need it)

7.       Fondant mix (also not evil)

[Name] was easily excited of things, and fortunately for her, she had many exciting things to think about, even right now at the moment. She checked her phone and saw a few messages she'd received from her sister:

[Sister's name] one week ago: [NAME]!!!! I SAW YOU ON TV AND YOU ALMOST DIED! :O

[Sister's name] 5 days ago: Okay... Shizuo told me everything that had happened. WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU WANT TO TELL HIM ABOUT SHIZAYA?! ARE YOU CRAZY!?

[Sister's name] two days ago: You're still in a coma, right? I love you.

[Sister's name] few minutes ago: Shinra... that doctor whoever is treating you told me that you woke up a few hours ago. I know you're not sleeping now. Please reply. I love you. Also, today is a special day.

[Name] sighed and put her phone back in her pocket as she entered the store.

Today is a special day.

 She peered in her list of groceries and giggled eerily at each of the items she'd scribbled down as she pulled out a shopping trolley from the countless others near the entrance. The clattering noise alerted the staff (who had their night shifts) of a customer and typically, during this time, they would never expect anyone but alas, [Name] was soon looking at them; a group of (approximately 10) uniformed males sitting on one of the register counters and playing cards.

A few of them raised their heads, their eyes scrutinizing [Name]'s bandages on her forehead (the bandages on her hips are covered by her clothes) and then their pupils shifted, admiring her large chest.

A young, blonde shopkeeper with bright green eyes hesitated a bit, averting his gaze from [Name]'s puffy chest and stuttered, "H-how may we help you, m-ma'am?" At this point, the rest of the men on the counter put their cards down and gawked at [Name]'s chest, a few with their mouths wide open. [Name] chuckled looking at this and said, "Oh... you don't have to help me at all, I bet I can find my way around here. But of course, keep this in mind, I'm only here for myself; I'm not here to satisfy your perverted fantasies." The men shook their heads hastily as they took their eyes away and attempted to give [Name] their signature smiles, which they'd always give to those who'd enter the store. [Name] smiled back evilly and walked away to the labeled aisles when a brunette, about her age tagged along with her and said, "If you need anything, anything at all, you can tell me! I'm always here to help" She merely sighed in return as she walked toward the "Stationary" aisle and found spray paint cans at the bottom of a shelf. She leaned down to grab the red and white ones with both hands when the shopkeeper lunged under her and took them for her, immediately putting the two cans in her trolley with a great big smile, "The name's Akashi, and you are?"

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