18: Dermatophagia

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(A/N: 4K reads!? *throws chocolate at everyone* LOVE YOU! Also, I have a terrible case of dermatophagia. Its the obsession of one person biting their own skin, especially around the fingers. Yup. *nibble nibble*)

(A/N: Two chapters in one day! :O This one's pretty small... sorry! ^_^ It has some Shizaya in it though! :D)

Simon continued on giving blank stares at [Name] and Izaya, who were both sitting nearby a large window. [Name] looked out into the regular scene of cars zooming by and pedestrians stomping onto the paved sidewalk. Izaya was completely aware of Simon, but chose to ignore him and put his attention to his lovely "date" instead. He lightly caressed her wounded hands, which [Name] found very bothersome. Simon came up to them after a while with two wooden platters, one in each hand. One platter had eight pieces of colorful sushi and the other one had only four. The tall, Russian man placed both platters onto the table and the sound of wood banging against wood made [Name] jump slightly. Her gloomy face immediately turned brighter as she looked at her old friend, "Simon! I seriously forgot to greet you when I entered. Sorry about that. Hi! It's nice to see you again after so long!" Simon's face also softened as he replied, "[Na –" He was about to give away her real name when he saw Izaya, also giving him a buoyant smile much to his annoyance and quickly swapped back to, "[F/N], good to see you too. It only been few days since we meet last time."

[Na....? Is that the starting of her real name?

"Well, it seems like a very long time to me! We should go fishing together someplace, yea?"

"Fishing sound nice," he showed all his teeth to [Name] like a horse and then turned to Izaya. His smile faltered immediately as he said, "Изая, когда вы пришли с ней, она выглядела довольно зол. Что вы с ней сделали? (Izaya, when you came in with her, she looked pretty angry. What have you done to her?)" [Name] looked at both the men, not understand anything at all. She raised a curious eyebrow as Izaya replied, "Я не понимаю, почему вы должны быть настолько надоело об этом Симону. (I don't see why you've got to be so bothered about it Simon)." Hearing this ticked Simon a bit. He twitched his eyebrows slightly and turned around to get their green tea from the counter. As he returned, he placed the bamboo cups onto the table near the sushi. [Name] hungrily munched onto her eight pieces of sushi while Izaya nibbled onto his. He held his chopsticks with one hand and "lovingly" held [Name]'s other extended hand with his one. He gave one last glance to Simon, who then said very firmly, "Она мой друг. (She's my friend.)" And walked away without hearing another word. Izaya sucked onto his chopsticks as he finished his last piece. [Name] looked onto his platter and said, "You're done that quickly? That's incredible!" Izaya shrugged and chuckled, "I'm a pretty fast eater." "And you've managed to make Simon angry as well."

Izaya's phone buzzed from within his back pockets of his pants right then. He pulled it out and got a call from one of his clients who needed information about the "Assassin." He had been receiving many clients like such but had told them all the same, "I have no information regarding this killer." He picked up the call and heard a woman exclaim from the other line, "I know you must know something of the 'Assassin!' Even if it's a little bit of information, just tell me! They have killed my husband and I need to know of them!" Izaya sighed and looked at [Name]'s hand and stared at her fingers a bit. "Orihara! Don't ignore me! I'll pay you a lot if you –" The call was hung up. He placed his phone on the table and saw [Name] gobble up her last piece of sushi. Izaya gently bought her hand closer to his eyes, which made her awkwardly lean against the table. [Name] hesitated, "Izaya? What are you doing?" She tried to twist her hand away, because she knew exactly what he was looking at.

"[F/N]-Chan, what is this?" He looked closer at her fingers, which were nibbled and bloody around the cuticles. Pieces of white skin poked their way outwards from her finger and her thumbs were swollen like a dog has gnawed at it. "Izaya... L-let me go. Please," [Name] stuttered. This only made him smirk widely as he said loudly, "I never knew you had a case of self-cannibalism! Very interesting!" His grip loosened which gave the opportunity for her to yank her wrist away and said, "It's not self cannibalism! It's something you wouldn't understand!" She quickly got up from her seat and left a few notes of money onto the counter and walked out the door, not even looking back as Izaya caught up to her.

"Come on, [F/N]! You can tell me!"

"No, I can't tell you anything. Shut up!"

"Oh, why don't you trust me, huh?" Izaya said as he walked backwards in front of [Name].

She groaned heavily and shoved him away from her, "I'm going home."

As she was about to walk away, Izaya grabbed her arm and asked, "Did you have a good time?"

"Yea, sure."

"You don't sound do enthusiastic as you did this morning."

"I guess I'm just tired."

"Well I had lots of fun –"


A soda machine rolled right past [Name]'s ear and crashed against the building right beside her. A smile popped to her face as she turned to where the machine came from and saw the angry bartender, his suit a light tint of pink.

"IZAYA! DO YOU KNOW THAT BECAUSE OF YOU, PEOPLE THINK I LIKE YOU...?! LIKE WE'RE SOME SORTA YAOI COUPLE. DO YOU KNOW WHAT A SHIZAYA IS?! DO YOU, DO YOU, DO YOU?!" With each word he said, he stormed towards Izaya who smiled evilly at him. But then, another thought crossed his mind.

Shizaya? I heard that before. [F/N] mentioned that when we first met! What is it exactly?

"I don't know what you're speaking of, Shizu-chan, I really don't."


Shizuo stood a few feet away from Izaya, who then immediately figured out what had enraged the bartender so much.

Shizaya, Shizaya, Shizaya...

It hit him as if the sky just fell on top of him.

Me... with a monster like him? Who...?

Izaya's smile grew even wider as he reached down to grab [Name]'s hand, but all he caught was empty air. He looked to his side, only to see she was gone. He sighed slightly but he turned towards Shizuo and exclaimed, "I don't know what a Shizaya is, I honestly don't! But in all honesty, it sounds like a perfect ship name for you and I – I mean, after all, I'm sure you love me since you always chase me for attention. Am I correct?"

Nobody slept that night with all the noise generated outside their homes.


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