29: Charades

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(A/N: Episode three of Durarara ten is coming out today and chapter 29 comes out at the same day. Lovely ~ neh?)

"That's so disappointing! I thought Izaya was in love with Shizuo!"

A white van pulled up by the sidewalk to where [Name] and Izaya was standing and inside the van were Saburo, Kadota, Walker and Erika, who shouted her discontent through the back window. "Now, now Erika... These two are cute too. I could write a fan fiction about them," Walker said with his goofy smile. "Will you two just shut up?" Saburo sneered at the two of them and Kadota raised his eyebrows, "Who's that, Izaya? – It's not like you to hug a girl in the middle of the streets." [Name] just looked at the group of four with a blank look as Izaya still had his arms wrapped around her waist. [Name] hadn't realized it, but her arms were around the informant's neck and their position made the foursome even more skeptical. "This is [F/N], my admirer," Izaya said with a big smile on his face and when [Name] pushed away from him with a befuddled look, he started to laugh loudly.

Kadota replied with a tone of slight amusement, "Your admirer, huh? – Well, she's pretty cute. Too bad she has a bad taste in men. What is it that you admire about him, [F/N]?" [Name] replied with her arms crossed on her chest and pouted adorably, "I don't like anything about him! He's lying! – Why would I want to admire a person like him?" "That's what I thought," Kadota smirked which made Izaya fake a frown and he spoke with utter sarcasm and false hurt, "Why do you guys insult me? – I'm just a lonely informant, who wants a hug from his admirers, is that a bad thing?" Kadota and [Name] rolled their eyes as Erika and Walker looked extremely surprised hearing this from a cold-hearted person like Izaya. Saburo was scrolling through pictures of some recent murders of Ikebukuro (Assassin attacks) in his phone and didn't care at all for what was happening. "And also," Izaya continued, walking towards [Name] and people brushed past him, "You shouldn't lie [F/N]... You really, really admire the way I smell, don't you?"

[Name] gasped a little as her eyes widened in anger which made Kadota chuckle, "Don't tease her like that Izaya. Anyways, I have a few errands to run... you love birds enjoy whatever you were doing and treat her nice Izaya, she's super cute." Kadota winked at her a little and told Saburo to drive and just when Saburo was about to hit the acceleration pedal, [Name] exclaimed, "You're super cute too, Dota-Chin!" This made Kadota look at her direction with a look of annoyance as he replied, "Picking up Izaya's habits? – Don't call me that!" And they drove off, leaving Izaya and [Name] there again.

Izaya looked at the demon as she looked at the white van as it disappeared into the horizon of the city. When the van was nothing more than a white speck, [Name] jolted and exclaimed, "I have to meet Shizuo!" – She turned around to run – "Bye Izaya!" He grabbed her arm before she could bolt away and pulled her back. "Izaya! What are you doing? Let me go," [Name] wriggled in his arms but for a demon that didn't have full power, she didn't have the maximum strength she needed and as per usual, Izaya had her trapped in his arms. "[Name]-Chan," he whispered in her ears which made her stop squirming as his breath hit the sensitive skin of her neck, "Let's play a game. You like hide-and-seek, don't you [Name]?" "Y-yes," [Name] replied as she felt his strong scent envelope her nostrils again. "Well then," Izaya said, "That's good, because that's exactly what we're going to play. You hide, and I'll seek. If I find you within the hour, you'll have to tell me everything there is to know about you. And if I fail, I'll do anything you want me to do, okay? And you can't hide in the Underground." He had his tone again; the tone of plotting-something-mischievous and [Name] did not like it at all. She quickly shook her head in disagreement, pushed herself away and said, "No! – No! That is not happening! I'm going to let you know everything about me, ever!"

Don't hide from me ~ Izaya x readerWhere stories live. Discover now