42: Coward

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Update on a New Year! ~^v^~ *happy dances*

"Say," Izaya started as he pressed a few buttons on his phone. He spun slowly on his chair and looked up at [Name] who stood in front of his large window. She looked down at the street and noiselessly sipped at the cup of tea in her hands. "You really did put up a show there, didn't you?" 

"A show..." 

"It was quite foolish of you, wasn't it? Now people are fully aware of your capabilities and now they'll ant to hunt you down." 


"Its said that your attacks have caused deaths and many of the boys you've attacked ended up being hospitalized." 


Izaya smirked wide and stood behind [Name], "You seem awfully off tonight. Was it because of what happened in the meeting?" 

"The meeting...?" 

Izaya waved his hand in front of her face, which made [Name] jump slightly. She turned around quickly towards Izaya, spilling a bit of her hot tea over his chest. He winced slightly and [Name] gasped, "I'm sorry, Izaya-san... Here, let me -" She got a handkerchief from her back pocket to wipe off the hot tea when Izaya lifted a hand in protestation. "No, no... it's alright," he simply said as he smiled dashingly at her. He got a few tissues from the tissue box on his desk and started wiping on the stain. He then turned his head to see [Name] staring at his face with the most blankest expression ever. Her grip on her teacup was extremely loose and drops of tea fell to the carpet. 

Izaya walked towards her again. Her eyes still stared into nothingness. Her eyes occasionally flickered yellow, as if they were signaling something. 

"[Name]-Chan...?" Izaya called out, "What's the matter with you?" 


Her eyes fell to the floor as Izaya looked at her skeptically. "Izaya," she said monotonously, "I don't feel too well." 

Now it was Izaya's turn to look blank while [Name]'s eyebrows furrowed with worry. Her gaze was still on the floor as she spoke, "I feel like someone is watching us, Izaya-san..." 

Izaya walked towards his kitchen to get a cup of tea himself and said, "Watching us, huh? So you're saying that you have a stalker and now both of us are being stalked because you're here?"

"It could be your stalker too..." 

Izaya sipped at his tea, watching [Name] just stand there with her face looking over the floor. "I highly doubt that would be the case." He sipped once again and resumed speaking, "Let's suppose I'm being stalked because you're here. I guess the most logical thing for me to do is to kick you out, isn't it?" 

"You're the one who kept me here even though I wanted to leave.... so it's your own fault," [Name] replied sternly while looking at the informant straight in the eye.

Don't hide from me ~ Izaya x readerWhere stories live. Discover now