4: Friends

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~During the flight~

[Name] was slouching and watching "TV" throughout the flight, "So tedious...these flights. It's hard to believe that I was so fond of flying on a plane when I was five. I just wish this plane would crash or something so that I could get some excitement. [Sister's name], why can't people invent planes with arcades and such?" "How would I know? Stop whining and do something on your laptop," [Name's] sister merely replied as she tried to sleep.  [Name] sighed, "I guess I have nothing better do to." She pulled her laptop out of her backpack and just then, an idea popped in her head. My sister knows to call me by a fake name, to keep my identity safe; however my other friends in Ikebukuro don't know. What if they obliviously call me [Name]? No, I can't let that happen. [Name] smirked as she placed her laptop on her small, sliding table and connected it to the plane's Wi-Fi, and then logged in to her email account. She typed up the following message:

'My dear lovely friends in Ikebukuro,

This is to tell you that I would have to keep my identity safe once I get to Ikebukuro; therefore, nobody will be able to call me by my real name. Every one of you will have to call me [F/N] instead. Thank you for reading this message sweetheart! ~

Yours, [Name].'

She sent the message to a bunch of her friends that lived in Ikebukuro, including Simon and Shizuo. "I know who you are Izaya. I won't let you get to me so easily, otherwise you'll find out about my objectives. I can't let that happen. We together will cause war in Ikebukuro but you'll never know that you're helping me for the afterlife; I don't want you to know because you don't have to know.  She took out a document from her backpack, and bought its contents out: a fake birth certificate with a fake birthday, a fake passport, a piece of paper containing more information on her fake self, [F/N] and other such documents.  "I doubt I'll be able to keep everything hidden from you... You'll eventually find out what my favorite food and colors are, and how I feel towards the world because I wouldn't be able to help myself but talk about such things, but that isn't all that important. As long as you don't know who I really am and what I do, I'm perfectly fine." "Will you please stop talking to yourself, [Name]? I thought I told you to use your laptop, not talk to it! Shut up and let me sleep," [sister's name] exclaimed, earning a sigh from [name].  She was bored again; therefore she attempted to sleep...

~Many years ago~

[Name] was so little, bijou and calm. She loved and learned like every other human being. She had hobbies; she was smart and was adorable. She had many friends, but she had many enemies as well, most of which were bigger than her; stronger and bulkier.  She never did anything to them; they were just bullies who picked on smaller ones to make themselves feel stronger.  She didn't like bullies, she found bullying very unnecessary and pathetic but she never dared say this to the bigger kids, or else she wouldn't make it out alive. School; she loved school, her friends and her teachers. She loved to learn, but the only thing she didn't like was the bullies. Shizuo, a brunette boy, was one of her friends; every one of her other friends told her not to be friends with him because he had a very bad temper, but [Name] rebelled and did so.

"He's very sweet! He once helped me when those big kids from eighth grade who were going to beat me up. He's very strong, too! He chucked a lamppost at them and then asked me if I was okay. I asked him why he helped me and then he replied, 'Many people don't like you. They think you're stupid and such, but I've seen that you're quite nice. I know how it feels to get bullied, even though you really don't deserve it.' I really like him," [Name] said once while she and her friends were eating lunch together. Her friends looked at her in utter shock and one of them warned, "[Name], we're well aware that he can beat people up. He's very dangerous and you should stay well away from him."

[Name] didn't do so, she didn't want to after all Shizuo done for her. Shizuo stood up for her when nobody else would, when everyone else would watch her get tortured and would stay away from aiding you merely because they were too afraid to. As time went by, people started to ignore [Name] since she got closer to Shizuo. Nobody wanted to be friends with a friend of a dangerous boy; however [Name] didn't care much. Shizuo still remained true to her and they grew together.

[Name] thought all was well, but then her mother had to go to America for her business and [Name] had to continue high school in America while Shizuo would have to do the same, but still remaining in Japan. They bid their goodbyes and the last day of [Name] staying in school, but they promised each other to keep in touch and message each other.  A few years after, Shizuo found a new application called "Skype" and messaged [Name] all about it. Ever since, [Name] and Shizuo started video chatting, reminding them of their times in elementary and middle school. [Name] saw that Shizuo had dyed his hair blonde and listened to his stories on this boy who went by the name "Izaya." Shizuo told [Name] how annoying he was and how they've met in high school. Shizuo also found out that [Name] had changed... a lot.

She wasn't so innocent anymore; she was almost wicked. She was able to stand up for herself and she was able to beat people up. Shizuo then discovered something about [Name] that shocked him very much; she was only part human. Yes, [Name] was part human and part demon. [Name] explained that her mother was a demon and so she, too, is also a demon. She contained many weapons underneath her skin such as a gun with endless bullets, blades that popped out from in between her knuckles (like wolverine), 3 different kinds of darts: a black one that could kill, a red one that could make people commit suicide if shot with and also a blue one, that made people temporarily fall asleep; all of these darts along with a blowpipe to shoot them. [Name] explained to Shizuo that she kept these weapons hidden in her body and that they would pop out from her palms when she needed them (something like Saika).

At first, Shizuo failed to believe this and thought it was all a prank; but then [Name] showed him her weapons and such through webcam and he had to accept what was true. He was quick to accepting the new [Name] and they always stood up for each other and a little difference in lifestyle couldn't possibly keep them apart. They grew to be the best of friends, but then Shizuo found a change in [Name]'s attitude; she became much childish and hyper. Shizuo sighed when he had observed this, but he still chose to be her friend, despite the fact that she reminded him of the "God damn flea." All things considered, Shizuo didn't really mind having her talk to him, since she wasn't as annoying as Izaya and Shizuo knew that she would never accuse him for a crime he hadn't commit...

[Name] was abruptly awoken by her sister in the plane. "[Name]! Get up, it's time to eat!" "Are you that excited about plane food?" [Name] asked her, still sleepy and wanting to go back to sleep, because she was dreaming of the memories she had with Shizuo. "No! But I'm super hungry... so yea," [sister's name] said.  [Name] obliged to get up and she organized her laptop and fake documents into her backpack then ordering food from the menu... 


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