40: Bonding

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"Holy Shizuo," [Name] whispered to herself as she lay in her bed. (A/N: "Holy Shizuo" is how I say "Holy Sh**" x'DD) Her pillow and sheets were completely drenched will sweat and saliva (yes, she drools in her sleep) and she sat upright on her bed in her black nightgown. "What is happening to me?" She put one of her palms to her forehead and felt it throb. She looked at her nightstand.

11:00 am

Her alarm clock displayed in bright yellow. [Name] sighed and plopped back into her pillow. She felt a strange, unexplainable feeling inside her. She felt like she was missing something, as if a big puzzle piece was misplaced somewhere. She looked up at her ceiling, which glowed a light orange for the sunlight seeping in the window blinds.

"Father," she whispered.

She somehow felt that it had something to do with him. Her father and his death. Her chest tightened ad her head throbbed more.

"Father!" She screamed.

She grabbed her pillow in her arms and hugged it tightly. She dug her face into it and sobbed.

In Shinjuku where a specific handsome informant lives ~

"Namie," he called out as he typed in his laptop and then switched back to typing into his computer, "I've been having strange dreams lately."

"Dreams about what?" Namie replied from the couch and flipped through a few files, "Not that I really care."

Izaya alternatively changed from Chrome and Nakura, sparking up conversations between himself.

"I don't know really," he replied as he smirked, "But I think they might have something to do with Valhalla."

Namie rolled her eyes, "Oh come on... Valhalla is just a theory of yours. There is no way you can actually dream about it."

Izaya ignored her and continued to type into the chatroom.

[O/N] joined the chat -

Kanra: Hello there [O/N]-Chan!~

Setton: Good morning!

Saki: Hello!

Chrome: Hey.

Saika: Hello!

Taro Tanaka: Hey [O/N]!

[Name] didn't reply to anyone.

-[O/N] opened a private chat with Kanra-

[O/N]: We need to meet somewhere ASAP.

Kanra: Oh?~ What's wrong? You seemed a little rushed~ What's up?

[O/N]: I need to talk to you about something.

Kanra: Alright! Let's meet at Russian Sushi? :o

[O/N]: No... Let's meet on top of that building we first met.

Don't hide from me ~ Izaya x readerWhere stories live. Discover now