Chapter 1: The start of the end

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(A/N: Hello! This a little thing I thought up and thought to myself 'sure, I can write that!' So I'm gonna be writing this in a different way than I usually do. Normally, I'd write like three or four chapters before I post anything but this time, I figured 'why not just write and post?' Anyways, I hope you enjoy!)

Today, I was so excited! I get to learn what quirk I get and be a hero! My sister and I were in the back of mom's car, bouncing in our seats, excited and wanting to get to the doctor. "Mom, how much longer!" Izumi cried from next to me.

"Just a few more minutes, dear. We're almost there." Mom smiled at us from the rearview mirror.


We were sitting inside the doctor's office, waiting for the doctor to come in and tell us the results. When the door opened, the doctor came in and told us.

"I'm sorry Mrs Yagi. Your son, Izuku, is quirkless." Those words caused me to freeze. I was quirkless? One of the few that didn't have power.

'Can I still be a hero? Can I still be like All Might? Can I bring smiles and hope to people with me just being there even without a quirk?' My thoughts were cut short as I watched Izumi and mom walk out of the room and Izumi looked at me and motioned at me to follow.

I rushed after them and we drove home.


That night, I was in bed, crying to myself. Mom and dad both forgot about me. They didn't even bat an eyelash when they saw me sad about being quirkless.

Izumi came in and saw me. "Izuku, what's wrong?"

"M-mom and dad don't love me anymore. I-I can't be a hero now."

She came over and hugged me. "Hey, it's okay. I'm sure you can still be a hero. And I'm sure it's all a big misunderstanding. I know mom and dad still love you. Here, why don't we go ask them if you can be a hero?"

I wiped my tears away and nodded. Izumi took me downstairs and had me wait behind a wall connected to the living room where mom and dad are watching TV.

She walked up and both looked at her. "Mom, dad?"

"Yes? What is it, Izumi?" Dad asked.

"Can someone still be a hero if they're quirkless?" I held my breath and clenched my muscles, waiting for their answer as if my life depended on it.

They both looked at each other before they turned back to Izumi. "No," they both said in unison.

The moment I heard that, my heart shattered. I began to cry again and rushed back up to my room. I cried to myself the rest of the night with Izumi there to comfort me.


The next four years of my life were hell. Izumi was the only friend I had. She was always there for me when I needed her. The Bakugou twins and Todoroki twins, however, were a different story.

They would bully, berate, and beat me with every chance they had. That called me things like useless, a waste of space and, Katsuki's favorite, Deku.

Mom and dad weren't much better. Mom never made any food for me so I had to learn to cook for myself. Dad, however, was a bit more brutal. When dad would get home, he would hit me across the face to "cool his anger" as he said. I learned real fast to never be outside my room when he did get home but that didn't always help. Izumi could help with the bullying at school but I didn't want her to intervene with dad in case he set his sights on her.

Today though, I had enough. I had packed a bag with enough supplies to last a while and was standing outside at night with Izumi as she saw me off. "Izuku, are you sure this is what you want to do?" She looked at me concerned.

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