Chapter 21: A new teacher and an open position

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(A/N: Hey guys. Sorry I haven't updated this story in a while. My brain has been kinda drained of ideas but it should be back in working order. Also, a question. I made an announcement earlier today but how far do you want this story to go? The original plan was to stop after AfO but I wanted to know what you guys think. Do you want me to go into the provisional exam arc? Overhaul? Just let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy!)

Nezu walked in with his usual smile. "Ahh so you five have returned early and with a guest."

"Nezu, sir, I have a request." He motioned for me to continue. "Sir, I ask that you allow Kaina to stay here."

"And why should I do that? She has reportedly killed her superior and a whole host of heroes and villains."

Kaina looked down and I put my hand on her's, giving it a light squeeze. "Sir, I think we both know there's more to that than what the hero public safety commission will tell us. Please, I'll do whatever I need to. Just please let her stay here so she can be safe."

Nezu looked like he was thinking before looking at me again. "You are correct, Izuku. We do both know there is more to that story. For now, she will stay here to rest and recover. I'll talk to the hero commission and pull a few strings."

Nezu walked out and I smiled, hugging Kaina.


Nezu POV

I walked out of Recovery Girl's office, thinking about what has happened. I looked over and saw Aizawa. "So, you're helping the kid?"

"Aizawa, I may be and animal mastermind capable of outthinking any human on the planet but that doesn't mean I don't care. I do what's best for my students and the good of society as a whole."

I saw him smirk under his scarf. I walked back to my office to make a call to the hero commission.


Izuku POV

It's been a few days since Kaina got here. She's stayed in Recovery Girl's office to recover from her ordeal and I've been going to my classes. I've visited her every day after school. The girls came with me most days.

Today though, Kaina was being released and Nezu wanted to see us. I walked her out of the office and helped her to Nezu's office. "Izuku, I can walk just fine."

"I know. I'm just... scared."

Kaina put a hand on my face and I looked over to see her smile. "I appreciate the concern but I am okay. Recovery Girl made sure that all I would feel is some light soreness and even that isn't much."

I smiled at her and nodded. "Okay."


In Nezu's office, I sat with Kaina, waiting to hear what he was going to say. "Izuku, I have talked with the hero commissioner. Kaina Tsutsumi. You are to become a teacher assistant her at UA, working under Aizawa. You are also to stay in the class 1-A dorms under the supervision of Izuku."

I couldn't hold back my smile as I hugged Kaina. "Thank you sir."

"It's no problem. Also, I have one other thing I wish to talk about in regards to the end of term final exams."


Izumi POV

Me, Katsumi, Shoka and Stella were in the common room, talking with a few of the other girls, waiting for Izuku to get back, hopefully with Kaina.

"So this Izuku guy. What's he like really?" Tokage asked.

"He's really nice and caring but tough when it comes to training," Shoka said. "He takes time to work with you one on one to make sure we get the type of training we need for the style of combat we do."

"Oh man, i'm so jealous that you get to train with Izuku," Mina wined.

"Well, why don't you just join us?" I asked.

She stopped and looked at me. "I could have just done that?!"

"Uh, I mean yeah. We never said you couldn't join."

Mina began mopping and complaining about how she wished she knew sooner. We heard the door of the dorms open and we saw Izuku walking in with Kaina. We got up to see how she was doing and what was happening with her.

"Izuku, Kaina!"

"Oh, girls. How are you doing?" Kaina asked.

"What happened with Nezu? Are you staying here?" I asked.

"Girls, calm down, have a seat" Izuku said, motioning us to sit back on the couch. "I'll explain what's happening." We sat down and I was happy that Iida was in his room right now or I might have to do something I won't regret. Izuku and Kaina sat across from us. "Now, Nezu talked with the hero commissioner and decided that Kaina is going to be staying here in the dorms. She'll also be working as Aizawa's assistant in class."

Our other classmates gathered over and began whispering questions to each other. Kaina stood up in front of the class. "Everyone, can I have your attention?" Everyone, which was only about half of our class, looked at her in silence. "Starting tomorrow, I will be assisting you in your studies to becoming heroes. My name is Kaina Tsutsumi."

A few of the others seemed to recognize that name and began whispering to each other about her. "Hey, she's the one that killed all those heroes," Sato whispered. "I wonder what her teaching is like?" Mina asked. "Why is she here? Shouldn't she be in jail?" Sero asked. "Dude, she a total babe," Denki whispered. "Why would Nezu let her here?" Ochaco asked. "Why don't we give her a chance?" Momo asked.

Izuku stood up. "Everyone, that's enough. All of you don't know the full story of what happened to her. I won't give all of the details, I'll leave that to Kaina's decision to give out to you, but if any of you have a problem with her, bring them to me."

Just then, I heard the sound of someone running and the sound of an engine. "Resipro burst!" Iida went to kick Kaina but she quickly ducked under as Izuku caught his leg as the force of the kick pushed Izuku back a couple inches.

Iida was then wrapped up in a familiar scarf as his engines cut out. "Iida, that is the last straw." Aizawa walked over with an angry expression. "Izuku asked for you to not be expelled for constantly attacking him but attacking faculty is unacceptable."

Iida was struggling to escape the binds he was stuck in. "But sir, they're both villains! They deserve to be arrested and put to death for what they've done!"

"No they aren't. She was your new teacher and he was your classmate but now you're expelled from UA. Time to go get your stuff packed up." Iida kept shouting protests the whole way until the sound of a door slamming shut silenced it.

The atmosphere of the room felt pretty awkward now. Izuku sighed and walked out of the room. "I'm going to train."

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed!)

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