Chapter 5: First day

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Today was pretty exciting. It was my first day at UA as a student. My dream school. I could be here, training to be a hero, with my sister like we always wanted. If only she knew but I can't tell her yet.

I was coming downstairs in my UA uniform and my helmet and saw a few other students. There was the pink girl, Ashido, talking with the invisible girl, Hagakure, Izumi and Vermilion.

I saw Izumi smiling as they were talking and I was smiling under my helmet, knowing that she had friends here. Especially after what happened with the Bakugou and Todoroki twins.

Speaking of them, I haven't seen Shoka at all and I haven't seen much of Katsumi lately. She hasn't been her usual, brash, hot headed self. 'I wonder what happened? I'll have to ask Izumi later.' I walked into the kitchen and made myself a quick breakfast and ate before I walked to class.

Aizawa wanted me to wait at the front of the class so I could introduce myself to everyone for some reason but I didn't really care. When everyone arrived, Aizawa had me walk up to the podium. "Hello, I am Mura. For now, I won't share my true identity for personal reasons. I hope that we can all get along for these three years."

"Alright, ask your questions. I'm gonna take a nap." Aizawa pulled out a sleeping bag from... somewhere and layed down.

I saw that almost everyone had their hand raised, even a certain sonic ripoff which got me curious. "Okay, Tenya Iida."

"First, how do you know my name! Second, why are you here! As the rightful president of class 1-A, I demand that you drop out and turn yourself in to the authorities so they can execute you for your crimes!" I don't know what I was expecting.

"Okay, how about Yaoyorozu. You have a question?" I asked, ignoring Iida, who looked like he was gonna yell again before he was shut up and forced to sit down by purple eyed sister.

"Oh, y-yes. Um, I was wondering how you knew my name at the USJ?"

"Well, that's easy. I know all of your names and quirks. I did some research on the new heroes in training for all of the schools. I like to be informed about anyone and everyone coming into this field of work." She nodded and I pointed at Ashido. "Ashido."

"Call me Mina. I was wondering if you're single." She had a mischievous smile on her face.

'A teaser huh? Okay, I can play your game.' "Yes, I'm single. Why?"

"Oh, no reason." She sat down with a smile on her face and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, Kirishima."

"Dude, it was so manly of you to come in the way you did! What is your armor made of?"

"A platinum gold alloy painted black. The hood is a silk and velvet weave. I have devices in place under the armor to allow it to be lighter and reduce noise." I looked and saw Izumi had a hand up slightly. "Yagi."

"Uh, I wanted to know about that sword you have. Muramasa? I thought it was a cursed sword that drove people crazy."

"Yes, it was cursed. But it isn't any longer. I can tell you more later when you have your notebook with you." She nodded and after answering a few more questions , I didn't see anyone else. 'Huh, I must have answered all of their questions.' "So Mr Aizawa, where will I be sitting?"

"You'll be behind Yagi. Hurry up, we need to get class started." I quickly sat down and class began with a hero quiz. 'Why do I get the feeling there's gonna be a lot of these?'


During lunch, I was sitting with the few people that liked me in class. I was looking around and saw Katsumi sitting at a small table alone until Shoka came and sat with her. "Hey Yagi, what's up with them?"

"Hm? Oh, Shoka and Katsumi? Well... they bullied my twin brother until eventually he left and, well, when they learned that they drove him away, Katsumi was devastated by it and Shoka didn't want to be a hero anymore because of it. Her father didn't take too kindly to that and he... well you see the scar."

I looked again and saw the scar on the right side of her face. A burn mark. It made me pissed. 'If I ever see Endeavor, I'll make him pay for doing that to her. She didn't deserve that.'

I talked with everyone, trying to get to know them more and build some real relationships.


After lunch and getting a lot of stares, it was time for heroics. I already knew that All Might, my father, was the teacher and I wish he wasn't but I also knew that there were things I could learn from him. He is taking a long time to get here though. 'Maybe his time limit is smaller than I thought?'

Just then, the door bursts open with All Might in a stupid pose. "I am here! To teach in a cool pose!" He walked up to the podium. "Now, today class, you shall be fighting each other. But first, get your hero costumes on!" He pressed a button and cases slid out of the wall. "Put these on and meet me at gym delta!" With that, he ran out.

I walked up and easily found my case since it's a lot bigger than everyone else's since it has my armor. In the changing room, it was a bit of a struggle to change without taking off my helmet but I got it done.

No one POV

As All Might saw everyone except for Mura, his smile visibly widened a bit. "Okay, let's begin!"

Stella raised her hand. "Sir, what about Mura?"

"Well, he's late so we'll have to start without-"

Before he could finish, Izuku walked into the gym. "Sorry I'm late. The suit takes a bit to put on. Something I'll need to change later." He walked up and stood in front of All Might. "You know, I'm starting to believe that you have something against me."

"Hahaha! Why would you think that? We just need to get class started! Anyways, today you will be fighting each other in 1v1 matches! First is Bakugou Katsuki Vs Mura! Everyone else, follow me to the observation room!"

Everyone walked into a side room while Bakugou and Izuku were getting prepared. "Hope you're ready to die, Mura."

"Hahaha! That doesn't sound very heroic, does it." Izuku took off his gauntlets and let them drop to the floor. "Ah well. There's still time before you become a hero for you to learn."

"Learn what? That I'm the greatest? I already know that! I'm gonna be the next number one hero! I'm gonna surpass Al-"

"Yeah yeah yeah. Hey All Might, when do we start?"

"Whenever you choose! There are no rules!"

Izuku cracked his knuckles and walked closer to Katsuki. "Alright, let's just get this started. And know that I take no pleasure from doing this."

Katsuki was becoming visibly angry with him and began to charge forward with his right arm raised. "Die!"

All Might watched the fight begin, expecting his perfect successor to easily beat Mura. What he didn't expect was for Katsuki to miss his attack completely and for him to be grappled to the ground.

"I recommend that you give up now. If you continue to fight me, I will not hold back."

"Grr, fuck you!" Katsuki began to glow slightly as electricity began to course around his body, eventually onLy coursing around his arm. He managed to get out of Mura's grip and went to punch him with a full powered punch. "DIE!!!" Only to miss and destroy the wall behind Mura. 

Mura had easily dodged out of the way of the punch and grabbed his arm and threw him into the concrete. "I see. So All Might gave you his quirk. Too bad you can't use it properly." Mura punched him hard in the back of the head as he was trying to get up, knocking him out and pushing his head deeper in the broken concrete. "All Might, get him to Recovery girl."

All Might was speechless. His successor, who could use 100 percent of the power of One for All right away, was beaten like it was nothing. He contacted Recovery Girl to send her robots to get a student to which he got an ear full for the called Cementos about fixing a wall, getting another ear full.

Izuku, The Twin Sword Knight: MuraWhere stories live. Discover now