Chapter 39: Big Three

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(A/N: Alright, the next chapter of Mura! Also, I changed my profile picture stuff because Dragon girl is best girl. I hope you enjoy!)

Everyone from class 1-A was sitting in their classroom, waiting for class to start. It felt like any other day to them. As they waited for Aizawa to walk in, Izumi was talking with Izuku.

"I can't believe we really got our licenses. It still doesn't feel real!" She said, her voice full of excitement as she looked over her temporary hero license.

Izuku chuckled seeing his twin sister's excitement. "Yeah. It really doesn't." He pulled out his own card, looking it over.

As he was looking at it, Aizawa walked in looking as tired as always. "Alright, there's a big announcement. You all will be participating in work studies." Everyone began to cheer. Aizawa activated his quirk, silencing all of them. "You'll need to pick someone who has a good track record of having students. You also won't have the luxury of having heroes come to you for offers. You'll need to go to them and get approval from us."

Class began and everyone began thinking about where they should go. When lunch came around, everyone was talking with each other. "Hey Izuku, where are you planning to go?" Katsumi asked.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not sure yet. I was planning on asking an upperclassman for help in introducing me to their work study hero."

Stella was eating her rather large tray of food. "Hey, do you think we should all go to the same hero?"

Izuku shook his head. "It would be a lot for one hero to take on five new students all at once. We should probably split up into groups. Figure out who-" Izuku was cut off by his sister.

"I call going with Izuku!"

Izuku could only sigh, shaking his head but he couldn't say no to his sister. "Alright. How about Katsumi and Stella try looking for one and Shoka, you should be fine by yourself."

Everyone nodded while Shoka looked nervous. Izuku took her hand. "You'll be fine. Trust me." She nodded.


A few days passed and Aizawa walked into class, three students walking in behind him. Kirishima raised his hand. "Uh, sir, who are they?"

"These three are known as the big three of UA. Basically, they're the strongest students from the third year and the ones most likely to become some of the top pros in the country when they graduate."

The big guy with blonde hair walked up. "Hey class A! Name's Mirio Togata!" He looked back to his two classmates.

A girl with long, blue hair walked up, a big smile on her face. "My name is Nejire Hado!" She suddenly began running to different people, almost as if she was floating, asking them questions. "Hey, why do you wear a mask? Oh! If your horns broke off, would they grow back? Hey, why do you both have green hair? Are you related?"

She kept running from student to student, asking a question before running off to someone, barely giving them a second to answer. She was stopped by Mirio. "Haha, give them time to answer, Nejire! You're overwhelming them."

The final one gave the students an intense look before turning and standing in the corner. "I can't do it, Mirio. I just wanna go home."

"Ha! It'll be okay, Tamaki!"

Nejire began jumping around, excited. "Oh! Oh! If he doesn't wanna introduce himself, can I do it?!" Mirio laughed nodding. "His name is Tamaki Amajiki! He and Mirio have known each other since elementary school!

Everyone was confused by the people in front of them. "Are they really the strongest students from the third year?" Denki asked.

Mirio seemed to notice their confusion. "Hey Aizawa, do you mind if we have a sparring match?"


Everyone from class 1-A was standing in gym gamma, dressed in their gym clothes. "Alright. All of you will be fighting Togata. Mura." Izuku was confused why Aizawa called him that. "You'll be sitting this fight out."

Izuku walked up next to Aizawa. Mirio was on the opposite side of the gym, stretching out.

"So Mr Aizawa, why am I not fighting?" Izuku asked his teacher.

"You said it yourself when you joined my class. You kept tabs on people who are in the hero classes so I'm sure you already know his quirk."

Izuku couldn't argue with that. He did keep tabs on the big three of UA in particular because of their amazing control of their quirks and rapid improvement. "So why did you call me Mura?" Aizawa didn't answer him, only smiling under his scarf.

Nejire and Tamaki we're standing on the sideline, Tamaki facing the wall. Nejire looked at Izuku with a curious look. "Oh, so he's that one vigilante guy! Did you see him, Tamaki?! Did you?!"

Tamaki looked over at Izuku before looked right back at the wall. "Scary."

"Oh come on, he doesn't bite. He uses swords," Nejire said. Tamaki could only shutter at that.

Mirio finished stretching, looking at class 1-A with a smile. Many of the students felt confident about their chances with such a big advantage in numbers.

But then his clothes suddenly fell off, revealing his naked body to the world. Jiro immediately closed her eyes, pointing one of her jacks at Mirio. "Dude, your clothes!"

"Hm?" He looked down, seeing what she was talking about and rubbed the back of his head. "Oh, haha, that happens sometimes!" He quickly pulled up his pants before diving into the ground, disappearing from everyone's view.

Izumi looked at where he was, thinking to herself. 'Warp quirk? No, that can't be. But what...' She quickly looks behind herself, before dodging out of the way as Mirio went to punch her, his fist aimed for her stomach. She landed, looking to where Mirio was trying to grab him with her quirk but didn't see him anywhere. "What? Where did...?"

She heard Denki shout in pain and looked over to see him on the ground, holding his stomach as Mirio seemed to slip into the ground. Then another shout of pain followed by another after another. Before she knew it, most of her class was on the floor.

She kept looking around, trying to figure out where Mirio would come out from next. Then, right in front of her, he emerged from the ground, his fist aimed at her. She threw her own punch, her fist passing through his still smiling face, before feeling a strong fist hitting her in the gut, sending her flying.

But as she was, she reached her hand out, not giving Mirio the chance to go back under and grabbing him with her telekinesis. She landed with a skid, rubbing her stomach while looking at the floating Mirio who was looking around in wonder. "Ha, so that's how it works."

Katsumi ran up to her, helping her up. "You okay, Izumi?"

"Yeah. I've taken bigger hits in training from Izuku. But now I know his quirk."

Mirio looked surprised. "Really? Well, I'm surprised. I don't think anyone has been able to figure out my quirk so fast!"

"Yeah. It's some sort of intangibility quirk. He can pass through things but his body is still affected by forces like gravity so I figured my quirk should work on him. Seems like I was right."

"Yeah, you were." Izuku walked up to his sister, patting her on her head. "Nice work. I knew you could figure it out." Izumi smiled up at her brother, happy to get praise from him.

"Alright, that's enough." Aizawa had Izumi put Mirio back on the ground.

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed!)

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