Chapter 14: A break, a call and memories

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(A/N: I hope you enjoy!)

Izuku POV

We had just gotten back to UA from the hospital where everyone had gotten checked out for any injuries. I was planning out everyone's training for the last few days of the internship when Izumi came up to me. "Hey Izuku, can you still train us after the internship?"

"Oh, sure. As long as you want me to train you, I will. Oh and tomorrow, I'll be showing you all your swords I made for you girls to train with in full. They're made specifically to benefit from your quirks."

"That sounds so cool! I can't wait!" Izumi ran off and sat down with the others as I went back to my notebook.


Izumi POV

"So, when are you gonna tell him?"I asked Stella.

Stella blushed and looked away. "I-I don't know what you're talking about. I have nothing to tell that baka."

I had a smug smile on my face. "Oh, really? You looked really happy when Izuku carried you out of the alleyway~." Stella blushed even harder. "And what about you Shoka?"

"U-uh, I... okay, fine. I have feelings for Izuku!" Shoka shouted as she covered her face with her hands. "He's just... he's been so nice to me even after what I did to him and even treated me with kindness and respect." She brought her hands down and held them in front of her chest. "He saved me from falling down a dark path. He did all of that and I didn't deserve it but he still did." Her arms slumped to her side. "Besides, it's not like he'll accept my confession."

Kat wrapped her arm around Shoka's shoulder. "Hey, don't put yourself down like that."

"Yeah. Besides, despite how stoic Izuku likes to act, he's a real softy," I said.


Izuku POV

After I got everyone's training regimen done for the rest of the internship, I was sitting and thinking about what to do. 'What do I do? How do I tell Shoka and Stella about my feelings? Would they hate me if I told them?' I got up from the couch and headed to the kitchen and start on dinner for everyone to get my mind off of that.

As I was cooking, my phone rang and when I saw who it was, I immediately answered it. "LGN, what do you need?"

"Mura, I have some info for you. As I'm sure you're aware, Stain has joined the league. After their leader said he could give him the quirk he needs to bring his plan to fruition, Stain didn't even hesitate."

"Yeah. I figured as much when Izumi's quirk didn't work on him. Also, you could have warned me about your shot."

The woman on the other end laughed a bit at that. "Well, I wanted to test your reflexes and I must say, I'm not disappointed."

"I'm still worried about you going as deep into the league as you are. If you need it, I can get you out of this whole thing."

"And that's one of the things I like most about you, Mura. Always caring and wanting to look out for everyone. Don't worry, I've got this."

"Alright. If you're sure. Be safe LGN." I hung up and went back to cooking.

Once it was done, I plated everyone's food and served it. When I finally sat down, it was between Stella and Shoka. As we were eating, my mind began to trace back to the day before I ran away. Katsumi noticed and asked. "Izuku, what are you thinking about?"

"Heh, this'll probably sound weird but... I was actually thinking about the day before I ran away." Katsumi's and Shoka's smiles dropped in an instant as they remembered as well. "I see you two remember as well."

Stella looked at all of us confused. "Wait, what happened?"

"Oh, right. You wouldn't know. Well, back when I was a kid, Katsumi and Shoka bullied me with their twin brothers. That day was a bit different from their usual name calling and beating though."

Flashback ~(-w-)~

School had just ended and I was still packing my stuff. Izumi had to rush home for something and I had told her to go ahead of me. She was reluctant but relented. As I just finished putting away my last book, I felt someone grab me by my collar and yank me out of my chair, causing me to hit my head on the floor.

I looked up and saw the Bakugou and Todoroki twins there. Before I could get up, Katsuki grabbed me and dragged me out of the building.

When we got outside, Katsuki threw me against the stone wall that surrounded the school. As I was trying to get up, Shoto froze me in place and Katsuki blew me out of the ice with an explosion.

Katsumi and Shoka were both laughing at me. "Hahaha! Take that, Deku!"

"Yeah! Someone like you could never be a hero!"

I looked down to the floor, starting to think they were right before Katsuki spoke again. "You know what? I think I know a way for you to be a hero." I looked up at him, curious about what he meant. "Jump off a building and hope for a quirk in the next life!"

Shoto began to laugh even harder. "Hahaha! Yeah! Go jump off the roof, Deku! No one's gonna miss you!"

As I heard that, I froze. I felt my anger begin to rise and I ran away from the school, tears threatening to fall from my eyes. In the distance, I could hear my name being called but I didn't look back.


"After that, Izumi found me in my room and patched me up. She and I talked about what happened and I decided I needed to leave. She helped me buy everything I needed. Then, the next night, I ran away to the forest where I found my sword and my master."

Katsumi and Shoka both looked down. Stella looked at me sad. "So why are you thinking about that?"

"I'm... not sure. I used to think about it all the time. Used the anger to fuel my drive to become a hero. When my master saw this, he made me see how it was damaging me."

Flashback ~(-w-)~

I was practicing my sword swings, thinking about Bakugou telling me to kill myself and Todoroki... *crack* The grip on my wooden sword caused the grip to crack.

Master Buredo walked up to me. "Izuku, why are you upset?"

"Master, I just... what they said to me, I just can't forget that."

Master nodded. "I see. Izuku, holding on to these feelings will eventually consume you and even drive you to act on revenge. Force you to do things you wouldn't do otherwise." Master got down on one knee and held his hand on my chest. "The feelings you hold inside you are not permanent. But letting go of them can be extremely difficult. It most likely won't be today or tomorrow but one day, you must let these feelings go."

I looked at the ground, thinking about what he said. Master had me take the rest of the day for myself and I went on a walk through the forest to help me clear my head.


"And it took me a couple months to eventually move past it. It was one of the most difficult things I've done when training with my master. Now when I think back to it, I think of the people who used to be my best friends. The friends that I dearly missed. The friends I wanted to see and talk to again." I looked over to Shoka and Katsumi who were both looking at me. "And now, even partially, I can do that."

(A/N: There. A bit more into the past between Izuku and his old friends and his master. I hope you enjoyed!)

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