Chapter 30: A battle on three sides

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(A/N: I held back from posting this for a day since I felt like garbage yesterday. I hope you enjoy!)

Stella and Katsumi watched as the man before them turned. "Must... find him... meat... wait..." Stella summoned her sword and Katsumi prepared to attack. The man sent blades out from his teeth, towards the girls.

Katsumi used her explosions to dodge out of the way as Stella used her sword to fight the blades back. Flames began dancing around her as she tried to push forward.

"Ahhh! Meat! Need... meat! But must... find him!"

'He must be talking about Izuku.' Katsumi thought to herself. 'I won't let him be taken away by them!' She charged with determination in her eyes, Stella following close behind. 'I'm not letting anyone get him!'

She used her powerful explosions to destroy any blades that got anywhere close to her.


The blonde villain girl was frozen to the ground, smiling at Izumi and Shoka. "Tell us why you're here."

"Hmmm... no." She smiled wide at the two heroes in training, showing off her dangerous looking fangs.

Suddenly, a gout of flames rushed towards the girls as they had to jump away to avoid it. "Tch, get up. I shouldn't have to save you Toga."

"Shoto?" Shoka looked at her brother. "Y-you're working with the villains?"

"Shut the fuck up, bitch. You're not my sister. You're just a failure." Shoto raised his hand towards Shoka and Izumi, a ball of flames beginning to form. He had a crazed smile on his face. "And now you'll die for thinking you were better than me!"


Izuku stood between us the two blood crazed villains. Muramasa appeared on his back, ready to be drawn at a moments notice. Kota was behind Izuku, scared of what was going to happen. "Kota, stay behind me."

Muscular jumped towards Izuku, his fist pulled back. Izuku dodged out of the way of his fist and elbowed Muscular in face before spinning and kicking him in the back of his head. He was sent flying towards Stain who jumped over him, slashing his sword at Izuku.

In a flash, Izuku drew Muramasa, meeting Stain's blade. "Congratulations, Stain. You get to be the first person who gets to see what I can really do with Muramasa."

Stain looked at him, confused. Muramasa began to glow slightly as the blade began to shrink and the hilt began to separate. Stain watched as Izuku pulled a second sword from Muramasa.


Stella kept slashing the blades that refused to give up. The blade toothed villain raised himself high into the air, using his blades.

The two girls were making ground slowly as the blades quickly shattered under the power of their attacks. "Ahh! Meat!"

"Shut the fuck up about meat!" Katsumi let loose a powerful explosion the destroyed a large area. The villain lost his balance and began to fall. Stella took the opportunity to charge in but stopped after... *BANG*


Shoto released his flames, engulfing the area where Izumi and Shoka were standing. His smile only widening, thinking that he did it. "Heh, I told you I was stronger."

Suddenly, ice shot out of the smoke and wrapped Shoto up, freezing his fire side. "And you should learn to celebrate after you know you've won." The smoke cleared revealing an icy shield, from behind it, Shoka glared at Shoto. "And you're right. You're not my brother."

Shoto struggled in his icy prison. "Urg, why is this ice not melting?!"

Shoka walked up to him, icy hand raised as frost fell to the ground. "Because I won't let it. You're too weak to melt my ice, Shoto."

She raised her hand to his face. "Ahhh!"


Izuku kept pushing Stain back further, electricity flowing freely around his body. Stain was pushed back to the edge of the cliff. Izuku held his swords on Stain, rocks falling off the edge.

Stain jumped to the side, abandoning his sword. Behind where he stood, Muscular was flying towards Izuku. Stain grabbed a couple of his knives and threw them towards Izuku and Kota.

Izuku, seeing all of this, jumped towards Muscular, kicking him towards Stain. He used blackchain and grabbed the two knives out the air, and threw them back at Stain, stabbing him in his arm and leg before Muscular crashed into him.

Stain pulled himself out from under Muscular, ignoring the knives piercing his skin. "So it is true. Mura, the great quirkless crusader, has a quirk now."

"I don't have this power for any reason other than to protect people. To fight against the corrupt ideals that people like you have. To stop the extreme danger that people like All for One pose."

"Tch my ldeals are corrupt?"

"Yes, heroes now, are lazy. But killing them and holding All Might on the pedestal that you are as the only hero allowed to live will only destroy society and send it to chaos."

Stain pointed out into the forest. "Well hero, how are you going to protect the weak heroes out there? They're being slaughtered out there as we speak." A crazed smile washed across his face.

"Those "weak heroes" are more than capable of protecting themselves. I'm not worried about them." *BANG* A gun shot rang throughout the area quickly followed by an explosion. "There goes one of your villains."

Stain looked out in the forest and saw Moonfish was falling to the forest floor with smoke coming out of his mouth. Muscular began to pick himself back up, shaking his head. "I'm not done with you, Mura!"

Muscular jumped towards Izuku, ready to kill. Izuku dodged his punch and sent an uppercut at Muscular, making him go flying up into the air, before wrapping him in his blackchain, throwing him back to the ground, destroying the rocky ground surrounding him. "I'm not the same guy you fought last time, Muscular."

Muscular didn't move in his crater. Stain, assessing his situation, decided he should escape. He tried to jump off of the cliff, only to be wrapped in an all too familiar chain, before being flung back with it and punched in the face, knocking him out.

"That takes care of them. Kota, are you hurt?" Kota looked around at the destruction around him before looking at Izuku and shaking his head. "Good. Come on, let's get you to safety." Izuku picked him up and flew off in the direction of the main building of the camp.

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed!)

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