Chapter 19: Villains and a rescue

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(A/N: I hope you enjoy!)

Everyone stood at a standstill. Staring at each other to see who'll make the first move. That's when I felt something approaching fast from the air. I dodged back before my instincts kicked in. 'What was that feeling? Another quirk of One for All?'

Deciding to look into that at a later date, I kept Muramasa up, focusing on the newly shown threat. As the dust cleared, I saw a tall blond man with a nasty looking scar over his left eye. He looked over at me with a murderous smile. "Ah, Mura, the dangerous vigilante I've heard so much about. I can't wait to see you dead."

I recognised him and knew how dangerous he was. "Everyone, leave him to me!"

"But Izuku, hes-!"

I cut Izumi off. "I'm well aware of who he is. The villain, Muscular." I put Muramasa on my back, preparing to face him hand to hand. "If you wish to fight me, then come on!"

Muscular smiled wider and charged towards me, muscles breaking out of his skin and surrounding his arms. He pulled his fist to punch me and I felt One for All flow through me. Our fists me and I quickly overpowered him, sending him into the trees.

"Girls, you take care of everything here! I'll be back." I flew off into the forest after Muscular, leaving the girls and my master to deal with the Nomu and Stain.

Izumi POV

I watched Izuku fly into the forest and I felt worried. But I had to put those feelings away for now. 'I need to believe in him. He's strong so I need to be strong too.' I sent my sword to attack the horde of Nomu with Kat charging in and bowing holes in their numbers both figuratively and literally. Stella sent her flames in with Shoka next to her, sending her ice.

I saw Izuku's master fighting Stain but the thing that surprised me most was that he was fighting with his eyes closed and still managing to block Stain's every attack and even get some hits in. 'jeez, if he taught Izuku, how good is he?'

I looked back at the Nomu and saw that, even though they were getting cut down, blown up, burned to a crisp and frozen solid, they were all regenerating from their wounds and breaking free of the ice. "Damn it, they just won't stay down!" Kat yelled as she blew up and cut through another pack.

I ran over to Stella and Shoka. "Hey, I've got a plan that might work but we need to work together." they nodded and listened to my explanation as Kat managed to hold her own on the front lines. They both understood and we got ready.

Izuku POV

I was floating through the forest, looking around for Muscular. Then I felt that same feeling as I turned around and used blackwhip to catch a tree that was thrown at me. 'So that's how this quirk works.'

I looked over to where it was thrown from and saw Muscular there, waiting as more muscles began to grow from his arms, holding another tree. "Come on Mura, let's get on with the killing." He threw the second tree at me and I swatted it away, causing it to turn to splinters.

"I will only tell you this once. Give up. If you do not, I won't hold back against you."

"Oh don't go promising me a good time like that if you can't keep it!" He charged at me again but even faster than last time.

"Fine. If this is how you want to play it then let it be your own undoing." He went to punch me but I used float to easily glide out the way and threw a punch of my own that he blocked with his other arm. 'This still isn't enough. I still need more.'

With still more muscles growing, he pushed me away and jumped towards me for another punch. I decided to try and dodge his attacks for now to find an opening. As I did, I felt a strange power begin to build in me as I jumped from tree to tree, doging each of his punches and tackles.

I looked at my hand. 'What is this?'

The third...

I heard a voice in my head and nodded. "Thank you third."

"What?! Talking to yourself now?! Don't go crazy yet, the fun hasn't even started!" He ran at me and tried to punch me but I easily ducked under his fist and punched Muscular in the chest with everything I had and using that energy I had from the third.

I noticed that even though I didn't put any more power in, the punch did exponentially more damage. Muscular was sent into the ground, buried as the muscles he had grown began to retract back into his arms. I wrapped him up in blackwhip and flew back the others as fast as I could.

When I got back, I saw master standing Stain with sword to his throat and where the Nomu were was a bunch of ash as I saw the girls all breathing hard. I looked over to see the students of Master Akihiro had all passed out. 'What happened to them?'

When I got back to the girls, they all looked at me floating. "Heh, looks like someone enjoys his new quirk."

I took my helmet off and scratched the back of my head, smiling. "Yeah. It's pretty fun. I see that you all handled everything here."

They all nodded. "Yeah, Izumi had a great plan that allowed us to deal with the Nomu's regen quirk. Let Katsumi blow them apart then she sends her sword in there as me and Shoka turn the parts to ash with our fire."

I nodded as I heard the plan. "Sounds pretty good. It's good that you all work well together or else it wouldn't have worked as well."

I heard something coming from Stain and saw a strange, black liquid coming from his mouth and quickly covered his whole body. The same thing happened to Muscular as he was unconscious in my blackwhip. The next thing I see is that they disappeared as a misty portal opened up next to master. Out came a tall man in a black suit with a black helmet on.

He walked out of the portal clapping. "Very good. So, you're the new wielder of One for All?"

"All for One, I presume." I got ready for if he decided to attack only for him to raise his hand.

"Oh please. I have no need to kill you right now. That can come later. For now, I just wish to tell you that your little spy was found. If you wish for her to live, you'll turn yourself over to me."

I stopped when I heard that. "You wouldn't dare hurt her," I said through gritted teeth.

"Oh I wont. I have others to do that for me. But you can keep her safe by just sacrificing yourself to me."

I thought about what he said and looked over to the girls. They all looked at me concerned. "Bring her out first so I know you're telling the truth."

"Heh, very well." another portal opened next to him and she fell out of it.

She looked around, confused before she saw me. "I... Izuku? Whatever you do, don't go with him!"

I clench my fists as I saw the condition she was in. "I will only go if she stays. Deal?"

"Of course." I walked over to All for One and passed by her. I looked at her as I passed her and winked. Once I got to One for All, I looked up at him as he looked at me. Then, as fast as I could, I had One for All course through my whole body and used what energy I had from the third and punched All for One away. "Girls, get her out of here now! Don't worry about me and don't look back!"

I saw them run as i felt All for One fast approaching. I prepared myself until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked and saw master.

"Izuku, you should retreat as well. I will deal with him."

"B-but master."

"No buts. It has been my duty to keep the sword safe for over seven hundred years now. And ever since you had taken the sword, it became my duty to keep you safe even if it costs me my life. Now go and know that I am very proud of who you have become."

I looked down at my fist, before running to the girls and activating float and using black whip to pull me through the trees faster. When I saw them, I wrapped them in my blackwhip and flew out of the forest as fast as I could.

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed!)

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