Chapter 22: Introductions, confessions and a talk

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(A/N: I hope you enjoy!)

No one POV

Izuku was in his usual spot in gym gamma, swinging his practice sword in his usual practice formations to help him cool off.

While he was doing that, everyone that had spoken negatively back in the dorms felt a bit bad. Izumi wanted to immediately chase after her little brother but held back, knowing he just needed some time to himself.

Kaina grabbed Shoka and Stella and brought them to the side. "Girls, I'm going to have you two confess to Izuku if you're ready."

Stella and Shoka looked at each other and nodded. "We're ready."

Kaina smiled and nodded at the girls and left with them towards gym gamma. On the way over, stella was thinking about her dad. 'I hope dad doesn't find out.'


As the three girls arrive to see Izuku swinging his sword shirtless making Shoka and Stella blush. She stops as he sees the girls and grabs a bottle of water. Kaina told the girls to wait there for a second as she walked up to Izuku.

"Hey Izuku, do you remember what I talked to you about the other day? About letting more girls into our relationship?"

He nodded. "Yeah, why?" she turned around and motioned for Stella and shoka to come over. "Hey girls, what's up?"

Stella and shoka were blushing like crazy. Stella spoke up first. "I-Izuku, ever since you joined 1A and we began to become friends, I've been feeling something. I wasn't sure what it was at the time but now I do. I'm in love with you. You're so strong willed. You care for everyone even if they hate you. You always see the best in people and are willing to look past your history like with Shoka and Katsumi. I just hope that you accept me."

Shoka walked up next to Stella. "Izuku, I've regretted every day you were gone. Every day I thought that I was never going to get the chance to apologize to you, that I would never get to see you again. But the thing that hurts the most was that I believed that you would hate me every day of your life. But that day during the sports festival, you treated me like a friend. You kept me safe from my father. You helped me realize who I really wanted to be. And I love you for that."

Both girls looked down with their eyes closed as they waited for what Izuku would say. Izuku stood there for a second as he thought about what they said. He smiled as he grabbed both girls' hands and kissed them both. "Girls, I love both of you two and I would love to date the two of you."

The girls both smiled and kissed him. Kaina smiled at them.


Katsuki was sitting in his room on his bed, looking at his hands. "Quirkless..." Recovery Girl did a quirk test on Katsuki and the results had only just come back that day. "I'm... quirkless..."

Katsuki balled his hands in anger. All he wanted to do was blow a hole through Izuku's chest and kill him like the Deku he was. But now he couldn't.

He heard a knock on his door and Shoto walked in. "Bakugou, there isn't anything we can do now."

"Yeah, no shit! I don't have a fucking quirk anymore! How the fuck am I supposed to show everyone I'm the greatest without my fucking quirk?!"

Shoto looked down in thought about what to do until something came to him. "Get ready, we're going for a walk."

"The fuck are you on about?!"

"Don't worry, just trust me." Shoto walked out of the room and headed to his own room with a devious smile on his face.


Shoto and Katsuki were walking down the street. "What the fuck are we doing here?" Katsuki looked around and felt slightly unsettled about the fact that there was no one around despite the time of day.

Shoto suddenly stopped at an alleyway and stopped Katsuki from going any further. From the alleyway walked a pale looking guy with a black sweater. "So, you want to join, huh?"


Izuku was back in the dorms, talking to his new girlfriends, Izumi, Katsumi, Kaina and a few other classmates. Stella and Shoka demanded sitting on either side of him so they could cuddle which Izuku was more than happy to oblige them.

Everyone that was talking down about Kaina being there had apologized about what they had said. Now they were just chatting about random things when the PA sounded. "Can Izuku and Izumi Yagi please report to Principal Nezu's office."

Much to Stella and Shoka's displeasure, Izuku got up and went towards the main building with Izumi. "What do you think this is about?" Izumi asked.

"I don't know but I don't think this is anything good."


Izuku POV

We arrived at Nezu's office and we walked in to see Mr and Mrs Yagi. "Ah, Izuku and Izumi. Please, have a seat." We walked in and sat on a couch that was in the office. "Tea?"

"Yes, thank you," we said.

Nezu handed us our tea before he told us the reason we were here. "Now, Mr Yagi has come to me with some concerns."

"Izuku, you are to stop being a hero!" Mr Yagi cut Nezu off. "You are to turn yourself in for the crimes you've committed and Izumi, you're to drop out and return home! Izuku has ruined your perspective of what a hero really is!"

I was about to respond when Izumi spoke up first. "No dad! You don't understand what a hero is! All you seem to care about is your image! When Izuku was found to be quirkless, you and mom forgot about him, you threw him away like trash! A real hero would never have done that! And especially not when you had your quirk!"

I just smiled at Izumi as she stood up to them. "You always did try to protect me, Izumi. All Might, I won't do that. I'm going to be a hero and there isn't anything you can do about it, I'm sorry."

He grew angry and began to puff up into his buff form. "If you won't turn yourself in then I will throw you in jail myself!"

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed!)

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