Chapter 23: Finals intro

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(A/N: I hope you enjoy!

All Might was about to jump towards me but he stopped by the sound of a tea cup being put on a plate. "All Might, you weren't trying to start a fight in my office were you?"

"Uh n-no, sir. Of course not." All Might began to shake a bit and sat back down.

"Good. Now, if you wish to fight out your conflicts with each other, you will just have to wait. Izuku, Izumi, you two may leave."

Me and Izumi got up and when we got to the door, I heard Inko speak. "Izuku, I'm sorry." I glanced at her and walked out of the office.


A couple months passed and I've ended up training most of the class after school at this point. Luckily Kaina has been fitting into her role as a teacher really well. She's always open to helping anyone who needs it.

A lot of my classmates also seem to get along with her too, which made me happy. Right now, Aizawa had just walked. "Everyone, shut up. In a week, the end of term final exams are going to start. You all better start studying hard or else you won't be able to go to the training camp."

Everyone began to get excited.


When class ended, Mina was begging Momo to help her study. Denki joined her along with a few others. Momo got excited to do it and she walked up to me. "Hey Izuku, could you help me tutor them?"

"Sure, I can do that. Just tell me when and where." Momo and I made a schedule with everyone so we could get the most amount of time out of the limited amount of time we have.

I was kind of looking forward to tutoring since it would allow me more of a laid back situation with everyone. I've never been very good with most social situations. But luckily Izumi has been helping me a lot with that problem.


After the week passed, everyone had done their exams. They were all confident about what they got and Aizawa had everyone change into their hero costumes before having us head to a stadium.

We arrived to see most of the teachers waiting for us. Aizawa's scarf began to rumble as Nezu popped out of it with his usual smile. "Hello everyone. Can any of you tell us what the second part of the exam will be?"

"It's gonna be robots right?!" Mina shouted with excitement clear in her voice.

"Yeah this is gonna be great!" Denki shouted with just as much excitement.

Nezu had an almost manic look in his eye. "Nope, you are all going to be fighting the teachers!" Everyone's excited looks immediately dropped. "Now let's get everyone teamed up!"

Everyone was paired off except for one team of three leaving only me, Izumi, Katsumi, Shoka and Stella. "Sir, why haven't we been paired off?"

"Well, that's easy. You four girls are going to be fighting Izuku. As for Izuku he'll be facing..."

"AHahahaha!" All Might stood on the top of the building laughing to himself. He jumped down in front of Izuku and stood over him. "I shall not hold back against you, young Mura."

"Hmm, I was going to say the same thing. Principal Nezu, sir, can I fight him without the restraints?"

"Hmm, I think that is fine if you really wish to."


After everyone finished freaking out about me going against All Might one on one without the restraints, the matches began. Everyone was doing really well so far. They managed to hold their own really well against the teachers. For the most part anyways. Denki and Mina got... out played by Nezu to put it lightly. 

When my time came to fight the girls I got on the bus that would take us to the forest field so I could test them. I could tell that they were nervous but Shoka and Katsumi were acting especially off.

I was pretty sure I knew the reason why and already had a plan to help them.


Izumi POV

Me and the girls were making any last minute preparations we needed when I saw the looks that Shoka and Katsumi were sharing. "Girls are you okay?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah. Where fine Zu," Kat said.

I looked at Kat with a sceptical look. "You can't lie to me Kat. I know when something is bothering you. Just tell me. Maybe I can help."

Kat hesitated for a second. "Well... I keep thinking about what we did when we were kids. I just... I'm scared that he'll somehow hate us if we fight." Shoka nodded.

Stella took Shoka's hand. "Hey, there's no need to be scared. Izuku already forgave you two. And Shoka, you're dating him. This only a test, he would never hold anything against us. Trust me."

A buzzer sounded and the gates opened for us to walk in. All of us were keeping an eye out for any sign of Izuku. It was slightly nerve wracking for us. We were all well aware of how strong Izuku was but I was confident that if we worked together, we could win.

Izuku POV

I was watching the girls walking through the forest from one of the trees. I wasn't going to take it easy on them because I wanted to push them to their limit. Taking them all on at once was probably the most dangerous approach but it was the best way to test their teamwork skills.

I began fiddling with the restraints that I had to wear for this. 'Geez, these things are seriously heavy. Guess that's the point though.'

I jumped from the tree, landing in front of them. "Heroes, let's see if you can stop me." I stared them down as they got ready to fight.

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed!)

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