Chapter 28: Training camp 2

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(A/N: I hope you enjoy!)

All Might POV

I was sitting in Recovery Girl's office, thinking about the finals. 'Izuku... he was chosen by... by the previous wielders.' I looked down at my hands. 'Then... I was wrong about him. I... I'm sorry...'


Izuku POV

I woke up to the sound of Aizawa blaring a horn in the guys room. "It's time to start training."

I got up, stretching out my arms, walking out to the hallway where he did the same thing in the girls room. After everyone was out, I saw that Izumi was still inside the girls room.

I walked in and nudged her with my foot. "Mmmm five more minutes..."

I sighed. "Okay, if that's how you want to play it." I smiled. "Izumi, look out! There's a giant spider right next to you!" Izumi immediately shot up, screaming, and running to the other side of the room in an instant. "Good, you're awake. It's time for training."

"Izuku, that wasn't funny!" Izumi pouted as we walked back out with the rest of the class.

Aizawa led us out to a cliff above the treeline. He brought out a ball and tossed it to Katsumi. "Throw this like you did at the start of the year. And don't hold back this time."

Katsumi stepped up to the edge of the cliff, preparing to throw the ball. Throwing the ball with a huge explosion, the ball launched off in the distance.

Aizawa looked at his phone, watching as the distance increased. He turned it around, showing everyone. "812.7 meters." Everyone seemed surprised. "As you can see, there wasn't much of a change from the beginning of the year. While some improvement is to be expected, we haven't been training your quirks to be more powerful. That changes here. For the next week of training, you will all be exclusively training with your quirks to get them to be more powerful. Let's get started."


Izumi POV

I was in the forest with Izuku as we were sitting on the ground. "Okay, I want you to focus. Close your eyes and focus on the things around you."

I sat there, I felt my quirk activating as a few small pebbles began to float around me. "Okay, now what?"

"Feel your surroundings. Feel every movement around you. As if you were grabbing it with your quirk, feel it but don't affect it."

I tried to do what he said. I felt something moving around me. I felt the trees as they moved in the wind. It was... weird. "I... think I did it."

I suddenly felt something heading towards me at high speeds and freaked out grabbing it with my quirk, almost falling over. "Good." I saw it was a pebble. "You're making amazing progress already."

I saw Izuku floating with his quirk. "Thanks, Izuku. This kinda reminds me of when we were young. You, always helping me to get better with my quirk."

"Heh, well, I'm happy we can do this again. Just the two of us. Now, we're going to keep going until you can do this walking around."


Izuku POV

It's been a few hours and Izumi was doing really well. While she was trying to get a better hold of it, I was practicing with One for All. I needed to get a better hold of it.

Right now, everyone was preparing dinner. Most of them had no idea how to actually cook so I took the chance to help them. They managed to get a hold of it pretty well and the food didn't turn out too bad.

After everyone ate, I pulled the girls aside to talk with them. "I need to talk to you all."

"What's up, Izuku?" Kaina asked.

"*sigh* I think something is going to happen."

Katsumi looked confused. "Like what? Something good? Weird?"

"Bad. I think villains are going to attack."

Kaina grew a serious look. "Why do you think that?"

"One for All. It has a quirk called "danger sense" and from what I'm able to gather about it, it senses potential dangers that are in the area. And ever since we began to drive here, it's been going off so someone has been close to us the entire time."

Kaina looked down in thought. "For now, it would be best to act as if there isn't anything off. If the villains think we know about them, things could go south fast. I'll talk to Aizawa and the Pussycats about this and figure out a plan."

I nodded and headed to the baths with the girls. On the walk, I looked at Izumi. "Hey Zumi." She looked at me. "Grandma says she loves you."

Izumi smiled. "Tell her I love her too." I nodded as we continued walking.


It was the next day and I was training with One for All again. I wanted to see if I could somehow mix the different quirks together or not. I wasn't completely sure how to go about it though. 'Do you guys have any ideas?' I asked the previous wielders.

"Ha! Well, whatever it is, you should use my quirk with it! It's definitely the best one here!" Banjo shouted.

"What are you talking about?" The third asked. "My quirk is the most malleable for use in a multitude of different situations."

'Okay, let's calm down. How about we try both of your quirks? I should have some energy from Fa Jin.' I began using blackwhip, the black tendrils began to come off of my hand.

Then I tapped into the energy of Fa Jin. The black tendrils began to change in appearance as they began to resemble the appearance of chains. "Yeah! See, my quirk is the best! I think we should call it Blackchain!"

'Pretty apt name. Next, I want to try using float with Fa Jin.' I began to float off the ground and went in a single direction. 'This is a good speed to try.' I tapped into Fa Jin again and the next thing I knew, I was flying through the forest before crashing into a mountain where a few of my classmates were training.

"Ugh, okay, too much power." I pulled myself out of the hole I made and saw my classmates staring at me. "Uh, sorry. Just testing some things." 'Not to self, learn to use less of Fa Jin's energy.'

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed!)

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