Chapter 33: Rescue plans

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(A/N: I hope you enjoy!)

Izumi was sitting in her room, on her bed, crying to herself. Kaina stood outside her door and sighed to herself. "Izumi, please let me in." Silence. "Izumi, please. I know you're scared for Izuku. Just please, talk to me?"

Kaina sat down on the floor, sighing to herself. As she did so, someone else walked up next to her. "Is she still... you know." Katsumi looked at her door, scratching the back of her head, sad.

"Yeah. She won't respond to me at all. I'm really worried for her. How are you doing by the way, Katsumi?" Katsumi looked down, trying to hold back some tears that were attempting to escape. "Yeah, Shoka isn't much better. Stella is with her, trying to help her."

"D-do... do you think he'll...?"

"Be okay? Heh, of course. This is Izuku we're talking about. He probably is already trying to break himself free from whatever prison they're keeping him in. Don't worry."

Katsumi just looked down and nodded slightly. She looked over to the door, feeling something. She walked up and knocked on it. "Izumi? Please, let me in."

Getting no answer, Katsumi grew sad but quickly got a determined face and began to head downstairs. Kaina watched her go, smiling. "Ah, true love." Once Katsumi was out of sight, she then grew a sad look. "Izuku, please be okay."


The teachers of UA were all gathered in a meeting room, talking about the current situation. All Might was barely paying much attention to what was happening as thoughts were constantly swirling around in his head.

All of a sudden, his phone went off, causing him to jolt up and quickly grab it, muting the sound. "Uh, sorry. I need to take this." Quickly making an exit, he answered the call. "Tsukauchi, what is it?"

"All Might, listen..." All Might heard what Tsukauchi was saying and felt something growing in his chest. "That's everything we currently have on the league of villains and Izuku's location. Listen, I know how you feel about him. But if you were involved in this rescue mission, the chances of it coming out a success are almost guaranteed."

All Might stood quiet for a second. Then his body began to puff up into his muscular form. "Tsukauchi, it's time I do the right thing for him for once."


Katsumi stood outside of the dorms, looking up at Izumi's balcony. Using the fire escape, she climbed up, eventually making it and opening the glass door inside. "Izumi?"

Izumi sat silently on her bed, knees pulled up against her chest with her head resting on top. Katsumi slowly made her way over to Izumi and sat down on the bed, facing her.

"Izumi, I'm sorry. I... I wasn't strong enough to save him. But... but I decided something. Izumi, I'm going to save him. Yaomomo put a tracker on a Nomu that was chasing her. If... if you wanted to come... *sigh* meet me outside the dorms tonight. Shoka and Stella are going with me. I promise, Izumi, I'm going to get him back."

Katsumi was about to get up, but stopped when she felt a hand touch her. "Kat..." Katsumi looked at Izumi. Izumi lifted her head off of her knees and looked at Katsumi in her eyes. For a moment, Katsumi felt a fluttering in her chest, seeing Izumi look at her. Before she could react, Izumi pulled Katsumi towards her, placing a kiss on her cheek. "Thank you."

Katsumi froze, unable to fully process what had just happened. Her lips twitched into a smile for a second before rushing out of the room, leaving Izumi to smile at the empty doorway. Kaina appeared, smiling at Izumi before looking down the hall. "So, you finally accepted how you feel, I take it?" Izumi could only nod as she thought about what Katsumi had told her.

"K-Kaina? I... I need some help."


Katsumi was standing outside with Shoka and Stella. "So wait, she kissed you?" Stella asked, to which Katsumi only nodded.

"Y-yeah. I-I wasn't expecting that at all and I kinda... ran away." Katsumi scratched the back of her head.

Stella sighed to herself and Shoka laughed to herself. "Are you three ready to go?" The three looked and saw Kaina was standing there with Izumi.

"Kaina? What are you doing here?" Shoka asked.

"I'm making sure you don't do something you all don't break any laws. And make sure you're safe. It's what Izuku would have wanted me to do." She tossed a couple bags to the girls. "Now, hurry up."

The girls opened the bags, seeing... armor? "What?"

"Suit up. Izuku made these for you all. Stella, here's your armor with improvements from Izuku." She handed a case to Stella. She opened it to see her crimson armor. "It has more than enough heat resistance to deal with your Dragon Spirit." The girls quickly went to get charged.


The heroes were waiting inside of a building adjacent to the building where Izuku is suspected to be held. All Might stood, trying to prepare himself for this. 'Breath Toshinori. This won't make up for the mountain of mistakes you've made. But you need to do this.'

"There's movement inside!" He heard the call of one of the officers watching the building. The heroes began to move into position, readying to invade the building. All Might stood on top of the building next to the target.

Hearing Edgeshot begin knocking, he pulled his fist back before jumping forwards, and punching through the wall. "Smash!"

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed!)

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