Chapter 36: All for One

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(A/N: I spent the last couple hours writing this. I hope you enjoy!)

Izuku flew towards All for One at high speed, aiming his sword for his head, only to be met with metal coming off his body, clashing with the blade. "Oho! You've gotten quite fast." All for One began to raise one hand to Izuku's stomach. "But not fast enough."

All for One sent a blast of air into Izuku's stomach, blasting him away. "Izuku!" All Might cried out.

Catching himself midair, he quickly stabilized himself. "Don't worry, All Might. An attack like that can't hurt me." He turned his head towards the deflated hero. "You need to leave. In the state you're in, you'll only be a hindrance."

All Might was about to argue but couldn't. But he didn't leave. "I said I wouldn't stop until you were safe." Sparks began to surround All Might. "And you won't be until that villain is captured!"

Izuku knew he couldn't stop All Might from continuing the fight. He turned and spotted people hiding behind a nearly collapsing stone wall. 'Kaina, please, keep them safe. Please.'

He turned his full attention back to the solitary villain. Readying himself for whatever he might do, Izuku charged back towards him, using the full speed of float.

All for One smirked. "Scared? Well, who can blame you when the ones you care for most are a part of this fight." He raised his hand towards the wall, preparing the fire at it.

Seeing this, Izuku's mind went blank for a second, black wisps coming off of his hands and shooting towards All for One faster than he could realize. "What?!" The blast went off before he could stop it, damaging his hand. "Ugh, I hate that quirk."

"You're not touching them!" Izuku flew in, punching All for One, sending the villain flying back. All for One crashed into a wall, causing it to collapse onto him as Izuku was becoming consumed with anger.

Suddenly, everything around him seemed to slow down to a stop. Izuku became confused, realizing he couldn't move. Suddenly, a figure came into view. "Calm yourself, Izuku."


Buredo walked up to Izuku, grabbing his shoulder. "I left this world before I intended. There were still things I had to tell you. Things that you weren't ready for yet. But now, it is time."

Buredo began speaking and Izuku's eyes widened in realization. "I am the swordsmith, Muramasa. My lingering spirit has been guarding the sword until someone worthy like yourself came to find it. I do not believe a more worthy person could have been chosen, my boy."

He gave Izuku a hug. "You made my long long years of solitude worth it. But do not be sad for me. I lived a long life. More so than anyone else. But my best years were with you. Now, remember what I taught you."

"Wait, you don't mean..."

"Yes. It is time for you to put everything I taught you to the test. Focus, Izuku. I know you can do it. And remember, I am always with you. As long as you have your sword, I am fighting by your side." Buredo vanished and time began to return to normal.

All for One pulled himself out of the rubble. "So, you have a few tricks up your sleeve." He held his hand, still feeling the explosion. "No matter. I can still kill you and take your quirk off you before you pass away."

He began laughing, but Izuku wasn't listening to him. 'Breath. Focus.' He closed his eyes, feeling his surroundings. 'Remember his words. Anticipate his next move. Then strike.' Izuku dodged out of the way as All for One was about to punch him, and kicked him in the head.

Izuku opened his eyes, seeing he managed to pull it off. "What?" All for One asked himself.

"You can't win, All for One. Best to just give up now."

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