Chapter 4: Aftermath

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I sat in a meeting room with all of the other staff. I could feel All Might's eyes watching me, waiting for me to do something, but I didn't care. "Sir, may you tell me what it is that you require?"

"Yes. You see, I had an interesting conversation the other day with Ms Vermilion. She talked about how you saved her some odd months back."

I thought back to our first encounter in the alleyway and nodded. "Yes. I remember."

"She told me about how she asked you why you weren't trying to become a hero with how skilled you are at keeping others safe rather than being a vigilante. You said that it wasn't that simple for you. I simply wished to know why exactly."

I lowered my head a bit before answering. "Very well. To know that, you must hear my story. You see, I was once a happy and energetic young boy. One day, I went with my sister to see what our quirks were. I was quirkless. After that, everything changed. My mother never talked to me or made me any food, my father would beat me when he got home from work most days and my friends would use their quirks on me, saying how I'm useless or how I can't be a hero.

This went on till I was eight and I ran away. My sister was the only one who cared and got me all of the supplies I needed for the trip. Leaving her hurt me more than anything but I knew I had to go. I went to the forest and made camp. The next morning, I found a cave with my sword in it and was found by my master. He taught me everything I know. Trained me in the way of the sword. He was a father to me. A father I never really had. After I turned eighteen, I left and returned to the city and became a vigilante."

"So why not come to UA then?" Midnight asked.

"I believe I can answer that," Nezu spoke. "You learned everything from your master but it wasn't official so you didn't have a proper school record and as such, couldn't attend UA or any other school."

I nodded my head. "Yes. I wanted to be someone who could save people more than anything but without a record, I couldn't do it legally. If I had the chance, I would have become a hero but I didn't." I lowered my head a bit. "And now I'm captured. So, what shall you do with me, Nezu? Throw me to the wolves and have me locked up?"

Nezu closed his eyes as he took a sip of tea in thought. "Yes, I believe that will do. Mr Mura, I would like to extend to you and offer."

"Very well, I am listening."

"After hearing how much you wished to be a hero, I would like to offer you a place here at my school. Here, you may be the hero you wish to be without the threat of the police or other heroes coming after you. You would move into the dorms on campus. At the beginning, you would, of course, be monitored to appease the police but after showing them that you aren't a threat and never were one, you would be allowed off the campus to have a semi-normal life."

I sat in my chair thinking to myself. 'Is this real? Nezu isn't one to pull jokes like this from any of the info I have on him. Then... could he be serious?' I looked at him for a second. "Is this a real offer?"

"I may joke about a lot of things, Mura, but when it comes to someone's future as a hero, I am always serious."

"Then... *sigh I accept." He looked at me with a smile as the teachers stood up to leave. I was about to follow before Nezu stopped me.

"Mr Mura, a quick word before you leave." I nodded as everyone else left. "I know who you are, Izuku. I have known for a long time now. I wish to offer my dearest apologies for what you've been through."

I took off my helmet and looked at him. "Don't worry about it, sir. It wasn't your fault. You didn't know. I was only trying to hide from my birth parents. The only thing I needed was the voice changer. For now, I would ask if you could keep my identity a secret. At least until I'm ready to say it myself."

He nodded. "Of course. Now, Aizawa will show you to your dorm. He has recently opened a new spot in his class that I think you'll fit nicely into. And I'm sure you wish to see your sister again."

I smiled at the thought of seeing her. "Yeah. Izumi will be thrilled when she finds out. Thank you sir. This really and truly means more than you realize." I bowed to him before I put my helmet back on and walked out of the meeting room to see Aizawa there waiting for me.

"Come on, problem child. I have to show you to your new home. Follow me."

Nezu POV

As I was working on some of the paperwork for having Mura here, I heard the door open. "All Might. What seems to be the problem?"

"Sir, I think having Mura here is a mistake. We don't even know if the information he gave us is true. What if his real motive was to kill the students here?"

I sighed as I moved my paperwork over and took a sip of my tea. "Mr Yagi, there is nothing to worry about. Mura is not a danger to anyone here. And we have no reason to believe that he has an ulterior motive. He saved the students after all. The students you were supposed to protect."

All Might flinched when he heard that. "I know. I failed. I almost let my own daughter and her classmates die because of my own actions. But-"

"But nothing. If anything, you should be thankful to Mura. After all, he is the reason why none of the students or faculty were hurt. Just leave the boy alone."

All Might POV

I walked out of Nezu's office, thinking about what he said. 'No. He is a villain. I just know it. I'll prove it and save my students from his evil.' My mind began to trace back to my son for some reason. 'That failure. I wonder where he went. Probably became some villain. He never had what it takes to be a hero. Never will.' I walked out and went home.

Izuku POV

As I followed him through the halls and outside to the dorms, Aizawa looked at me. "How does your armor not make any noise?"

"Simple. I have a sound dampening alloy lying just under the armor as well as vibration absorbers and disruptors scattered throughout. It's enough to make me almost completely silent and lessen the wear and tear on the suit."

"Did you make that yourself?" He asked, slightly impressed with my suit.

"Yes. It took about a couple months just to get everything just right. But with a bit of patience and determination, I think the results speak for themselves."

Aizawa nodded and we finally arrived at the dorms. "Alright, this is where you'll be staying. I'll introduce you to all of your classmates and show you your room. After that, I don't care. Just don't leave the dorms till school tomorrow."

I nodded and we walked in. The class seemed to all be in the common space, talking about the attack. "It was sooooo cool the way Mura did all of that!" The pink girl said.

"Yeah, but he's still a villain." A muscular guy with big lips said.

"Tch, I could have easily done all of that stuff he did in my sleep, easy." I looked at the Pomeranian from behind as everyone saw me there except for him.

"So, you think you can best me, is that it?"

He jumped a bit in his seat when I spoke. He then stood up and turned to face me. "The fuck are you doing here?!"

Some of the other students, who weren't my biggest fan, got into combat stances. I looked over all of them and began to laugh, confusing them. "Is that any way to welcome your new classmate?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

Now they all looked lost and looked to Aizawa for help. "Yes, he's your new classmate." Iida was about to shout about something before his mouth was closed and I saw Izumi's eyes glowing purple slightly. I couldn't help but smile at her use of her quirk. "Alright, follow me."

We went up stairs and walked to the fourth floor, eventually reaching my room. I opened the door to reveal a rather spacious room with a closet and my own shower and toilet. "Hm, quite a nice room. Will I be able to decorate it?"

"*sigh If you give me your address, I can have someone grab some stuff for you. Just tell me what you need."

I nodded and wrote the address of my apartment and room number and the things I would need. He left and I decided to take off my armor to relax on my bed. "*sigh Much better." I layed there, taking in everything that's happened, and smiling. "I'm here. I'm really here."

Izuku, The Twin Sword Knight: MuraWhere stories live. Discover now