Chapter 38: license exam

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(A/N: This chapter has given me so much trouble and I don't know why. I hope you enjoy!)

Izuku POV

Everyone from 1-A began running into the destroyed city, looking for any injured civilians. Izumi, Katsumi, Shoka and Stella were following close behind me.

We arrived at the ruined city, hearing many injured people. Izumi began lifting up a bunch of rubble while me, Katsumi, Stella, and Shoka, all began to help injured people out of the rubble, carrying them to safety.

We saw people setting up a medical site and began carrying them over. Once we set them down, we were about to head back over to look for more when another explosion occurred in the wall of the testing area as people in black body suits began running out with weird devices on their arms, all led by Gang Orca.

Some of them began pointing the devices at us. "Snowflame, wall!" Shoka Immediately began creating a thick wall of ice between us, allowing us a chance to help the civilians to a new location. "Snowflame, I need you to stay here to make sure the villains are kept back."

"A-are you sure?" Her voice was shaky and unsure of herself.

I put my hand on her shoulder. "I know you can."

She nodded, turning back to the ice wall while I began grabbing what civilians I could with Blackwhip, carrying them somewhere else.


Kaina POV

I was watching Izuku talking with Shoka before helping the civilians away from the action. "Hm, she's having a hard time."

Aizawa nodded. "She's been like that since the Kamino incident."

I remembered back to how upset she was about everything that happened. "She'll make it through. She's tough."

"But fighting villains and trying to rescue injured civilians will be tough even for a pro." Aizawa watched the girl. "If she doesn't step it up, she's going to fail."

"Trust me, she'll pass." I kept my eyes locked on Shoka. 'She has to pass.'


No one POV

Shoka felt something hitting against her ice. She didn't know what it was but it felt like her ice could shatter at any second. 'Come on! I need to buy them as much time as I can! I won't be left behind!' Shoka sent another wave of ice, reinforcing her wall, feeling whatever was hitting it get stronger.

She brought out her right arm, flames beginning to swirl around it, condensing in her hand. The moment her ice shattered, she saw Gang Orca there, seconds from being on her. She shot her right arm out, releasing her flames, pushing the fake villain away along with all of his lackeys in a huge flaming explosion.

"*pant* That should buy them some time."

Izuku came running up next to Shoka. "What's happened?"

"I managed to keep Gang Orca back for now but something he had broke my ice extremely easily."

Izuku looked around at the ice shards scattered around. "Must have been his hypersonic waves. Be careful, he'll paralyze your body with it. You should be able to use your quirk but you'll be a sitting duck."

Shoka nodded. "Okay, I'll be careful. How are things on your end?"

"All of the civilians are evacuated. The others are staying over to make sure no stay villains try to attack. I moved here to help you here." He saw Gang Orca and his men quickly approaching. "Quickly, be ready. Those gauntlets shoot quick dry cement. Be watchful for them."

"Okay. Is it just us?"

Izuku nodded, Blackwhip beginning to come from his hands. "For now, unless others decide to help." He began floating off the ground, floating towards the enemy. "Watch my back."

He shot off, quickly engaging the enemy while trying to avoid Gang Orca's paralyzing waves with Shoka sending ice and flame towards any villains trying to catch him off guard.


A horn blared, signaling the end of the test. Everyone gathered in front of a large screen, the man who explained the exam standing in front, almost ready to collapse with exhaustion. "Behind me will be a list of everyone who passed. You needed to maintain above a certain score in order to get your license. If you don't see your name, you didn't pass."

The screen lit up, showing a big list of names and everyone began looking through it, looking for their own name.

Izuku began scanning through, looking for his name, before seeing it next to Izumi's, and a smile grew on his face. 'I... did it.' A flash of him and Izumi promising to become heroes together from not long before he left began shooting through his head. 'We did it.'

"Ah, I did it!" Shoka shouted next to him, causing him to look over and see her bright smile. She hugged Izuku, along with Stella, as he hugged them both back. Izuku couldn't help but smile at the two. As everyone from class 1-A began cheering from seeing their name.


Izuku POV

Everyone was walking out of the testing facility, temporary hero licenses in-hand. "Hehe, we did it guys!" Izumi cheered, her fist shooting up in the air. Everyone else cheered with her.

I just looked at my liscense. It didn't feel completely real. "Izuku?" I looked over at Shoka. "You okay?"

"Yeah, sorry. It just... doesn't feel real. For the longest time now, I'd given up on being a hero for a long time, being a vigilante and all."

Shoka smiled at me. "Well, you've been a hero to me for a while. That liscense doesn't make you a hero, it's what you do, right?"

I began to remember back to when I rescued Stella all those months ago, and what she said back then. "Heh. Yeah, you're right. Come on, we should be headed back to the bus. We've fallen a bit behind."

Shoka noticed that we had stopped while we were talking and smiled, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the class.


Once we got back to the school, I headed back to my room, and layed on my bed to relax. As I was laying there, I heard my door open and close.

"So how was your day?" I heard Kaina's voice.

"It was nice. The exam went well." Kaina sat on the bed next to me as I was laying there. "What about you? Did you see anyone out there that caught your eye?"

"Only you. And the girls."

I got the feeling that she wasn't telling me something so I sat up. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing Izuku. Don't worry about it."

"Kaina, you can't lie to me. I know something's been on your mind, you can tell me anything."

Kaina took a breath. "I'm... worried. I did so many evil things in the past. My sins are going to catch up to me one day. You and the girls will only get caught in the crossfire."

I hugged Kaina from behind, holding her tight. "Hey, you don't have to worry about a thing. You know that I understand the risk of loving you, fully. I don't care what the commission says or thinks. Nothing is gonna stop me from being with you. And the girls all love you. Izumi even thinks of you as her big sister. They'd never abandon you."

She grabbed my arms as if she never wanted me to let go. I just sat there, holding her and smiling, not wanting to let her go.

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed!)

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