Chapter 35: Escape

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(A/N: I hope you enjoy!)

Izuku POV

I was looking around the mostly destroyed room. Glass shards filled the floor along with liquid and Nomu parts. "Now to find a way out of here."

I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see that white haired guy from the camp. "You shouldn't be walking around."

I pulled Muramasa, pointing it towards him. "I will only give you this one chance. Give up."

The man stopped and stared at me. "How about you just die, Mura." The man raised his hand towards Izuku and fired a laser at him. Before it reached me, I blocked the attack with Muramasa.

No one POV

"Then die here. I don't have time to waste on you." Izuku brought Muramasa to his side, transforming it into a katana, and dashed toward the white haired man. He tried to fire more lasers but whenever they got close, they just seemed to destroy themselves.

"Wh-what?!" Once Izuku got close, he unsheathed Muramasa, slashing at him. The man tried to bring up his barrier but the sword just cut through it. Thinking fast, he jumped away as fast as he could, barely dodging the edge of the blade, and sending a blue, crystal-like serpent out from his back towards Izuku.

"Pointless." Izuku pulled his free hand back, punching the serpent, destroying it before it grabbed him. Izuku sheathed Muramasa again, transforming it back to its usual form, as he began to float in the air. A black, wispy substance began to come off of his hand. "Let me guess. We're underground?"

The man didn't answer as he only stared at Izuku in anger. 'This doesn't make any sense! That doctor was supposed to give me more than enough power to be unstoppable!' He quickly raised his hand into the air as storm clouds began to form over them out of seemingly nowhere. "DIE!!"

Lightning shot down towards Izuku. Izuku, on the other hand, raised his sword above him, forcing the lighting to strike it. "That only worked because I needed a way here. But now you made my sister cry." Izuku brought his sword back to its sheathe. "And now you'll pay for that."

Izuku floated towards the man as he was frozen in fear. "I-I..." The look Izuku was giving him made his blood freeze. He began to back up, until he hit something and realized he was backed up to the wall as Mura was mere feet from him. The black substance wrapped itself around him in an instant, preventing him from moving.

"Now... die."


All Might felt exhausted from his fight against All for One. He had reverted back to his weak form in front of everyone. But that didn't matter right now. He knew that this was likely to be his last fight as a hero. The remaining embers of One for All barely giving him the energy to continue on.

All for One simply laughed at the weakened hero. "Hahahaha! Is that all you can muster anymore, All Might. That is barely enough to save yourself, let alone Mura. Face it, you've failed in your last attempt to do anything to stop me! Ahahahaha!"

All Might looked down, clenching his fist. "Even... even if that is true... I'll die before I stop trying. Not until he's safe!" Flashes of his time with Nana before she died shot through his head. 'I've been so blinded. Blinded by my desire for power. So much so, I turned my back on my own son. I refuse to let that continue!'

He felt One for All begin to course through his arm, a smile stretching across his face. "Oh ho, where did this come from?"

Kaina was keeping an eye on the battle, making sure that it didn't get close to where she and the girls were hiding. She could tell they were struggling with themselves to not go out there and fight. "Keep them safe for me, Kaina. When I'm not with them." She remembered the words Izuku said to her the day before the villain attack.

'I won't let any harm come to them, Izuku. I promise.' Suddenly, the ground began to shake as everyone looked around, confused.

"What? Who is this?" All for One asked himself.

Suddenly, the ground in front of him exploded up, dirt and concrete flying everywhere. The news helicopter was above them, catching everything that was happening. Sparks emanated from the hole, as Izuku floated up into view of everyone. "All for One." Izuku looked at the man, his eyes glowing a bright, emerald green.


Crowds of people were watching a large screen showing the fight between All Might and the mysterious villain. Many people were worried he wouldn't be able to win while many others cheered for All Might to not give up.

But they all stopped when the ground between the two exploded as a figure began to float out. It was hard for anyone to make out who it was. "W-wait, it's Mura!" One man shouted.

"Yeah. Yeah, it's him!" A woman shouted. The crowd began to grow a new found hope for the heroes, feeling more confident about their chances of winning. The crowd began to cheer for Mura, hoping to bring the villain to his end.


All Might's eyes grew wide as he saw the person floating in front of him. "I-Izuku."

Izuku looked back at him. "All Might, go rest. I've got the rest of this now. Thanks for holding him off until I got here." Izuku turned his full attention back to All for One. "I think you've interfered with my family long enough, All for One. But now it's time you finally die."

"Hahaha! I'll commend you, boy. I didn't think you would reach us by now. But even with all of your power, you will never be enough to stop me."

Izuku grabbed the hilts of the two swords that appeared on his hips. "Just shut up and die, old man. I ran out of patience a long time ago." Izuku pulled his swords free and flew towards All for One.

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed!)

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