Chapter 25: Mura vs All Might

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(A/N: Took a bit longer to finish than I thought but I hope you enjoy!)

Izuku was sitting with Stella as she was scrafing down as much food as she could. "So, this is the downside to that ability you used against me?"

Stella swallowed what she had in her mouth before speaking. "Yeah, I need a lot of food to do it."

"What did you call it? Dragon spirit? Heh, gotta say, the name's pretty on point. You completely had me on the ropes there. And the look in your eyes, so determined and ferocious." Izuku leaned over to whisper in her ear. "It was really hot."

Stella began to light up like a lightbulb as her face turned crimson and stated hitting him in the chest. "B-baka baka baka! Don't say stuff like that!"

Izuku smiled as Stella turned back to start eating again with a pout. "Would Izuku please report to the city field for your finals exam?" Izuku got up and grabbed his helmet before turning to head out.

"Izuku?" He stopped when he heard Stella. "Go kick his ass."

"Heh, sure thing, Stella." He put his helmet on and pulled up his hood as he walked out of the room.


All Might stood ready at his end of the city. He wanted to show Izuku just how outclassed he was against him. The thought of testing him hadn't even crossed his mind.

Izuku was waiting on his side for the call to start. Since one of his swords broke during the last exam, Izuku decided he was going to just use his fists for this. He was adjusting his gauntlets to make sure everything was right when he heard the horn, signaling him to start.

He walked in as sparks began to flow around him freely. Half way through the city, Izuku was walking around, looking for any sign of the hulking meathead. A gushing force of wind suddenly blew through the area Izuku was walking, destroying buildings around him. Izuku just walked through it unaffected.

A figure landed in front of Izuku, making him stop, a cloud of dust kicked up surrounding the figure. "Ah, Mura, it seems that it is time for me to show you the difference between the two of us."

All Might walked out of the dust cloud, his iconic smile plastered across his face. "I guess it is, Toshinori. Or should I call you All Might?"

"Hahaha! I do not care what you call me, villain! Today is the last day that you walk the halls of this great school and polute it with your disgusting ideals! The things you've done to my daughter, her friends..."

"I did nothing to them. I taught them how to fight, to defend themselves, to use their quirks to their fullest. Now they don't need me to teach them. But I promised Izumi I wouldn't leave her again like I did. And I won't let you break that."

All Might grew angry at Izuku. He felt the remaining remnants of One for All coarse through his body as he clenched his fists. In the blink of an eye, he charged towards Izuku and punched him in his helmet, making Izuku's head recoil back a bit.

He smiled at the thought that Izuku couldn't even take one of his hits but that thought was quickly squashed as he was hit in the face by Izuku headbutting him, sending the blonde man flying backwards from the sheer force and crashing into a building.

All Might pulled himself out of a pile of rubble and saw Izuku walking in through the hole he made. He jumped up and went to punch Izuku but Izuku dodged out of the way and punched All Might in the jaw, taking him off his feet before getting grabbed by his head and slammed into the ground, creating a sizable crack underneath them.

Izuku threw All Might back onto the street from the same hole he flew into the building through. All Might picked himself off the pavement and stood up in front of Izuku. "You call those... punches? They felt like... light breeze to... me." All Might was panting hard.

"Do you know what your problem is?" Izuku asked him. "Against anyone with anywhere near the amount of speed and strength, you would be next to useless. You rely too much on One for All rather than any form of actual combat skill. You throw punches at random and shout words that you think sound cool and just overpower your opponent. But against me, you can't win that way. I recommend you give up now, All Might."

All Might grew angry at his words. They were the same his teacher, Gran Torino, had told him over and over when he went to UA. And now here Izuku was saying the same thing. Spotting every flaw he had. His anger kept building as he thought about it. "You don't understand what you're talking about! I'm the number one hero! The greatest in Japan! People worship the ground I walk on for how great I am!"

"And yet you couldn't stop All for One the first time you met him. When Nana, my grandmother died. You ran like a coward, betraying the trust she had in you. You could have saved her but you saved your own skin." Izuku walked up to All Might and punched him in his old wound, causing All Might to fall to his knees as Izuku grabbed him by his hair, looking him in the eyes. "You're nothing but a coward and a hypocrite who relies on one thing to get him out of every situation. And now you can't use the only thing you had and are stuck. You have to live with the choices you've made in your life."

Izuku dropped the man on the ground and walked towards the exit. Before he did, he took one last look at the man behind him before turning back and continuing on his way out. Next to him, the figure of a woman manifested, looking at Izuku with a concerned look.

"Don't worry grandma, I'll be okay." The woman nodded before vanishing back into the recesses of One for All.

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed!)

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