Chapter 42: New Classmate

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(A/N: Alright. New chapter. This took me way longer than it should have. I swear, every time I sat down to write, my mind would just go completely blank. Now, I hope you enjoy.)

Mura walked into Nezu's office, Azalia following close behind. "Sir, it's the Shie Hissaikai." He put the laptop down on his desk. "This should have some more info."

Nezu nodded. "Hm, well then. It seems like I'm going to need to talk with some heroes, and pass this into the right hands. For now, return to the dorms. I'd like to have a talk with Ms Dreamer." Nezu motioned behind him, towards the girl.

Izuku nodded, walking towards the door. When he passed Azalia, he put his hand on her shoulder. "Hear him out. Trust me, he isn't like most other heroes."

Azalia nodded, slightly wanting Izuku to stay there with her as she followed him out with her eyes. Once the door was closed, Azalia was feeling uncomfortable. "Now, Ms Dreamer, I would like you to join us here at UA."

"Why? So you can keep me on a leash?" Azalia crossed her arms, looking way.

Nezu chuckled, shaking his head. "No, nothing like that. Quite the opposite. You see, our world is full of many different kinds of heroes. But too many of them are out there looking only for fame or money, rather than looking out for the well-being of people, as you well know. What people need, what the world needs, is heroes like you or Mura or many of our other students. People who want to help for the sake of helping. It's one of the biggest reasons I began the vigilante program here at UA. To give people that chance to help that they weren't given before, or felt like they couldn't achieve."

Azalia listened to Nezu closely. But she didn't hear any deception. He sounded like he was telling the truth. She didn't know what to think. All the heroes she'd met up to now had been terrible. Out for their own gain. But Nezu just seemed... different.

Before she realized it, she answered. "Okay."

Nezu nodded with a smile. "Well then, you are going to be staying in the class 1-A dorms. Izuku will be watching over you." The door to the office opened and some tired hobo walked in. "This will be your home room teacher, Shota Aizawa. He'll take you to the dorms."

The tired looking man walked up to Azalia. "Come on." He walked out of the room, Azalia following after. As they were walking through the halls, Azalia looked at the walls as they passed the empty classrooms.

During the walk, Aizawa began talking to her. "The only rules you need to worry about is no fighting, curfew is at ten."

Azalia nodded, but kept thinking about the mission she just had with Mura. 'What was that quirk? I thought he was quirkless...' now she was wishing he made time to watch the fight he had with that villain on the news.


Arriving at the dorms, Azalia saw all of the other students were talking to each other in the common room. She felt a nervous feeling rise in her. "All of you, get over here!" Aizawa shouted, getting everyone's attention.

They all came up, waiting for him to tell them what it was he wanted, many of them seeing Azalia, asking each other who the new girl was. "This is your newest classmate. Introduce yourself." He spoke in a disinterested tone.

She stepped up. "I'm Azalia Dreamer."

Aizawa looked around the room, looking over all of the others. "Izuku, she's your charge. Show her to her room, it's 2-2." He turned around and walked out of the dorm, making her feel slightly lost.

Everyone surrounded her, asking a torrent of questions. She couldn't even say a word with all that was happening. Eventually, Izuku pushed his way to the front. "That's enough! You're overwhelming the girl." Then he turned to her. "Let's get you to your room."

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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