Chapter 37: Provisional license exam

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(A/N: Sorry this took a while. I hope you enjoy!

It's been a few months now since All for One tried to take One for All from me. All Might had to retire since he used up what embers he had left of One for All. Since then, he's put his all into trying to teach us properly on how to be heroes. It was a nice, refreshing change.

Shoto was taken into custody and sent to Tartarus with the rest of the league members that were captured. Meanwhile, Katsuki and a few other league members were still on the run, evading police.

I didn't know where they were at this point so I didn't know what their plans were. At best, I could guess but it was a shot in the dark. Katsumi and Shoka were both pretty torn up about their brothers turning to the villains. I did what I could to console Shoka while Izumi was helping Katsumi.

They liked to act like they didn't care but... I could tell they did.

Anyways, the exams for our temporary hero licenses were coming up and I'd been preparing my gear for it. Most of the class had been working on ultimate moves with their quirks. I just spent that time perfecting my mixing of quirks with One for All.

There was still a lot I needed to get used to with it but Izumi and the girls are always there trying to help. Moves like Black Chain and, what Izumi called, Light Speed Flight, the mix of Fa Gin and Float, were my biggest focus but trying to find new combos is something me and the past users are always trying to figure out.

All Might has even been helping me with what he can, giving me input and advice. He's really changed a lot since the exams.

Right now, me and the girls were in the common area. "Hey Kaina, what did you do when you worked for the commission?" Stella asked.

"I was an assassin disguised as a hero. Whenever someone threatened the balance to society they held, I was sent to kill them. If I still worked for them, Izuku would be a huge target for me."

The girls looked at her, surprised. "But Izuku wants to help. Why would he be a target?" Izumi asked.

"Because his ideals threatened to change society as a whole. Quirks are seen as a pinnacle for people. The stronger, the better. But Izuku was a dangerous vigilante without a quirk. He would show people that it didn't matter what quirk you had, it mattered what you did. There are a lot of people who would make great heroes. Much better than many of the heroes now a days. That could cause a huge collapse of everything."

"But wouldn't it be better to have it that way? We would have people who really want to help."

"The commission doesn't care about that. They only care if they can control society. If things were to change, their control would crumble. I'm sure they've sent a few agents after Izuku when he was a vigilante."

The girls looked at me. "Yeah, probably. I know they've sent at least one. Hawks."


I was standing on top of a roof, the night sky coating the city. I've been a vigilante for a month now. I felt someone coming towards me. Looking to my left, I saw red wings spread wide as they approached the roof I was on, landing.

"Hey, you must be that Mura guy I heard about." I stared at him silently. "Heh, the strong silent type huh? Look, I'd prefer if you came in silently. I'm feeling a bit tired."

"I won't surrender to a commission hero who'll just stab me in the back the moment he has a chance."

Hawks chuckled. "Commission hero? I don't know what you mean. I'm just your normal, ordinary hero. Come on, let's just get this done, nice and easy."

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