Chapter 41: New Vigilante

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(A/N: Alright, new chapter. I was honestly struggling a bit with this chapter for a while. Wasn't happy with it for most of it. Finally, I'm happy, so here you go.)

No one POV

Izuku stood up, walking over to the girl. "Yeah, I'm Mura. You mind telling me who you are?"

The girl hesitated, seamingly star struck at seeing him before catching himself. . "I-I'm Azalia. Azalia Dreamer. I-It's amazing to really meet you."

"You wanna explain why you broke into UA?" A serious look on his face.

"Uh, I, uh..." Azalia took a deep breath. "Sorry, I guess I should start at the beginning. I'm a vigilante called Avatar. I was investigating this yakuza group since they deal a lot in drugs n' stuff. Well, while I was in one of their facilities, I found... something."

"So how does this bring you to UA?" Izuku asked.

"Well,' Azalia stared, moving a hair out of her face, "I was found when I was trying to escape. There was a bit of a scuffle but I was too close to buildings with people to use my quirk. But I knew I was close to UA so I tried to come here to find you. So I can ask for your help." She said, looking at Izuku, hope filling her eyes.

"You do know I'm not a vigilante anymore, right?" Izuku asked, looking out the window. "I can't just go running off whenever I want. You need to give whatever info you found over to the police."

"B-but. But." She began to get desperate. "Mura, please, you have to listen to me! The drugs that they're making, they're using-"

Before she could finish, the door opened, revealing Nezu. "So, this is our newest visitor. It is quite a pleasure to meet you."

Azalia stayed quiet as she looked at the principal. "Sir, she is a vigilante like me." Izuku said.

Nezu nodded, sighing. "Yes, I figured as much. And after reviewing the footage of her "break in", I can confidently say she isn't a threat. Are you, Avatar?"

Azalia looked slightly surprised at hearing her vigilante name said to her from the creature. "Y-you know who I am?"

"Why yes, I know you. Even though Izuku here couldn't keep up on the current vigilantes like he used to, I am not so limited." Nezu began walking up to Azalia. "Now correct me if I'm wrong but, I thought I heard you saying something about critical information about a yakuza group."

Azalia looked at the creature before looking at Izuku. "You trust this... guy... right?" 'What the heck even is this thing?'

"Trust me, he's the most reliable person you'll meet. You can tell him with whatever you wanted to tell me."

Azalia sat there, thinking to herself. "Well, first off, I don't really trust heroes. They've never been the most reliable people where I live. Now, the drugs they're making... they're using..." she began clutching at the blanket. "They're using a little girl's blood to make them."

Izuku closed his eyes, thinking to himself as Stella was trying not to throw up at hearing the info. Shoka was rubbing her back and Kaina looked at the floor, her expression growing more angry.

"I don't know everything since the info they had was minimal but I don't have any doubt."

Izuku slowly opened his eyes, looking towards the girl. "Any details about the main base of operations? That's likely where they're conducting any experiments."

Azalia stared down, shaking her head. "Nothing. Whoever is in charge of this, they're good at hiding their tracks. Any locations in their system were either fake addresses or a demoed building."

Izuku looked over at Nezu, who nodded. He looked back at the girl. "How are you feeling? Any serious pain?"

Azalia looked up at Mura, sightless confused. "N-no, I'm fine. Why?"

Izuku began walking towards the door. "We're going back to that yakuza base."

Izuku walked out the door as Azalia processed what she heard. "Well, Ms Dreamer? Are you going to leave him waiting?" Azalia quickly scrambled out of the bed, running after where Izuku went.

"*sigh* Some things never change," Stella said as she rested her head on her hand.

"At least he's not running off alone this time," Shoka said to her. "He's learning but it'll be slow. I mean, he was always solo when he was a vigilante. I'm sure it can't be easy just changing that so quickly."

Stella's shoulders slumped. "Yeah. I guess."


Izuku walked out of UA, his black armor clad over him. Azalia quickly followed after him. "S-so you're taking me with you?"

"Yes. You've been inside of this place. You have a good idea of where we are headed as well as the interior."

Azalia felt excitement quickly building in her. 'I can't believe it! I actually get to go with Mura on a mission!' She was struggling to hide her excitement.

"Just remember that you can't use your quirk unless I tell you. You being a vigilante doesn't mean much right now with Nezu taking over this case." Mura climbed up the side of a building, quickly reaching the roof and running across the rooftops.

Azalia followed after him as best she could without using her quirk. "Uh, okay. Still, this is kinda cool. You were the person who inspired me to become a vigilante in the first place." She began to lead the way back to the base.

"That wasn't what I had wanted for anyone. Being a vigilante is dangerous. You never know what you might walk into when patrolling. Whether you can handle it. A lesson I learned early in my career."

That peaked Azalia's curiousity. "So how did you get into being a vigilante?"

Mura stopped, holding his arm out to stop Azalia. "Another time. We're here." He looked down at the building, a small collection of the Yakuza could be heard inside the building.

Mura climbed down to the side of the building looking in through the window.

"Well? Any sign of her?!" One yelled.

"No, she's vanished. We haven't found a trace of her, sir."

He scratches his head in anger. "Useless! The whole lot of you! I should have you all killed on the spot for this big of a slip up! What if she got away with vital information! Ugh, if Chisaki finds out about this, we're all dead!"

Izuku, upon listening to him, jumped down, landing in the middle of the four men. When they saw his black armor, they immediately recognized him and began to freak out. The seeming leader began to run away, only for a black, wispy chain to latch around him and the other lackies.

The boss was pulled back into the knight's hand and pushed into a wall. "Tell me who your boss is." Mura looked over at Azalia. "Avatar, look for that computer you found earlier." She nodded, quickly ran off, searching for it.

"I-I don't know what you're t-talking about."

"Lying will only make this more painful for you." Mura tightened his grip on the man, cracks appearing on the brick wall behind him.

"Ghhhhhh! A-Alright! I'll t-tell you!" Mura loosened up. "H-His name is Kai Chisaki. He's the leader of the Shie Hissaikai. B-But that's all I know, I swear!"

"Where is he located?" Mura asked, his grip getting tighter.

"I-I don't know! Please, I really don't kn-know! W-We just distribute! Th-that's it! The stuff just arrives here from someone else!"

Izuku dropped the man, pulling out a few pairs of cuffs. His partner ran up behind him, computer in hand, he begins cuffing the four men. "What was that black stuff?" She asked.

"Later. Right now, we need to get back to UA." Azalia nodded, following Mura as police sirens were heard close by.

(A/N: Oh, and I'm going to work on getting the next chapter out hopefully some time this week or the next. Let me know what you thought of this chapter!)

Izuku, The Twin Sword Knight: MuraWhere stories live. Discover now