Chapter 34: Rescue

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(A/N: I hope you enjoy!)

Crashing through the building, All Might saw all of the league members. But something was missing. He looked around and saw that Izuku was nowhere to be seen. He began looking around, trying to see any sign of him. "Hahaha... you thought we had him here... you stupid heroes." All Might looked over at Shigaraki.

"Where is my son, Shigaraki!" All Might grabbed Shigaraki by his shirt, glaring at him.

Shigaraki only smiled at All Might from behind the hand that covered his face. He looked at Kurogiri. "Bring the Nomu!" After a second, nothing happened.

"I'm sorry but they aren't in their set positions." Shigaraki looked at Kurogiri and began to yell as All Might let him go, stuck in Kamui's binding with the rest of the villains. 

Pressing a finger to his ear, he spoke into a small mic. "Best Jeanist, have you captured the suspected Nomu facility?"

"Yes. All of the Nomu have been captured."

"Have you seen Izuku anywhere? He isn't at our location."

There was silence over the call for a second before Jeanist returned. "There hasn't been any sight of him yet but there are still more places to search. I'll report in if we find anything."

All Might sighed to himself, unable to do anything at the moment. "Alright. And be on the lookout for anyone suspicious. We don't know who might be over there." Ending the call, All Might began to thing to himself. 


Izuku was sitting, tied to a chair in a dark room. All for One stands, staring at Izuku. "So, the great Mura has fallen. Now he stands at my mercy. Or rather sits." He smiles behind his mask, already believing that he's won. "It's too bad I'm not feeling very merciful today."

He steps up to Izuku and places a hand on his head and everything goes quiet. A red energy begins swirling around the two before All for One begins to seemingly struggle. After a minute, All for One is forced to let go, sparks of green energy following after him for a second before dispersing.

"Gah, you impudent child, you dare to defy me?!"

Izuku begins to move, surprising All for One. "You aren't taking anything, All for One." Izuku stares at All for One. "The heroes will be here soon. I recommend you give up now."

"Hahaha, and who are you to make demands of me?"

"The person who will put you down." Muramasa appeared on his back. "Now, I will only give you this chance once. Surrender or I will kill you, All for One."

All for One began laughing. "What makes you think you're in any position to make demands? Your chained down, unable to do anything." Suddenly, the ground began to shake and All for One looked to the doorway.

"There are the heroes. What is it going to be, All for One?"

He began to make his way towards the door. "Some random heroes make no difference." He opened the door and left, as Izuku looked at his hands, seeing the block of metal covering them. He looked back and saw the chair he was chained to.

"He's underestimating me." He stood up and kicked the seat of the chair, breaking it, causing the back to fall along with the chains afterwards. Looking back to his hands. "Muramasa." The blade shifted from its position, appearing in front of him as Izuku easily cut through the metal, freeing him.

Surveying his surroundings, he saw a few pods containing Nomu and he grabbed his sword. "Time to get to work, then."


The five girls were floating over buildings in the night, following where the tracker was leading them. "Izumi." Kaina whispered to the girl.

She nodded, placing the five on to roof of a building as Kaina double checked what she was seeing. "Kaina what is it?"

"Shows here that the tracker was disabled. They might have found it. We're close to them at least. Come on, we'll continue on foot from here." The girls nodded and jumped off the roof with Kaina as they made their way towards the building.

Once they got to the side, Izumi floated up Kaina as she looked through a window and saw a bunch of tanks containing Nomu. "We're here. Now we wait till the heroes attack." She looked up and saw Mt Lady growing in size.


Best Jeanist had just gotten off the call with All Might, thinking about the warning he had gotten about others they might not know about. Suddenly, he heard clapping and looked over to see a man in an all black suit walking towards them.

Assessing the situation, he used his quirk to try and constrict the man's movement. Hearing the man laugh, he kept his eye on him as the other heroes around him were prepared for combat. "Quite the strong quirk. As to be expected from the number four hero."

Kaina heard the voice and immediately recognized it. She looked at the girls next to her. "None of you are to fight him, do you understand me?" She spoke in a tone that made the girls immediately nod. 'Izuku, where are you? Please, be safe.'

A sudden explosion rocked the entire area, destroying most of the surrounding area. Most of the heroes lay unconscious on the ground as Best Jeanist was barely able to pick himself off of the ground and stare at the man before him.

"Hm, your quirk is strong but requires a lot of training to reach the point you have it. It's not worth my time." He raised a finger towards Best Jeanist, sending a wind bullet into his stomach, blowing a hole in it.

All of a sudden, the girls heard the sound of people coughing and Kaina looked through a hole in the wall they were hiding behind to See the league of villains had appeared through a black substance.

"Damn, more villains appeared. Girls, stay down." The girls did as they were told as Kaina was about to use her rifle.

"So, you're here." Kaina's blood began to run cold, thinking he was talking about them before looking up. "All Might." Out from the air, All Might came crashing down towards All for One, using both fists to try to punch the villain. All for One easily caught All Might as if it was nothing. "You've grown weaker, All Might."

"Grr, All for One, tell me where my son is!" Izumi was surprised to hear her father say that.

"Hahaha, you mean the son you abandoned and disowned? Why would you care about a useless boy like him?" Pushing All Might back, the hero began to grow angry. "The boy is well beyond your reach now. You can never even hope to see him again, All Might!"

All Might lowered his head as he heard that. 'No. He can't be lost.' Growing more angry, All Might launched himself towards All for One with all of the strength he had left from One for All. 'I refuse to believe it!'

(A/N: ...1337.)

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