Chapter 18: Inheritance and a match

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(A/N: Hey everyone. For the past few days, I've been dealing with some brain fog and haven't been able to think straight so forgive me if this chapter and the next one read weird or something. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!)

I had just woken up from my dream. Looking outside, I saw that the sun hadn't risen yet. I looked at my phone to check the time and saw it was the early morning.

I got up and checked on the girls. I saw all of them were asleep except for Stella. She wasn't in bed. I walked outside to look for her. Walking through the forest, I came to a stop when I saw her sitting, hugging her legs, on a rock next to a waterfall.

As I watched, I noticed how beautiful she was as the moonlight hit her. 'Wow... she's so... no, she doesn't like you like that. You're just friends.' I walked up to her. "Stella, what are you doing up so early?"

"I couldn't sleep. I went out to clear my head and found this spot."

I walked up next to her and watched the waterfall. "You know, I came here to clear my head too, when I was younger. This was my favorite spot. It just always had a sense of calm and serenity to it."

Stella watched the waterfall with me and smiled. "Yeah, it really does... Hey, Izuku?"

"Hm? What's up?"

"Why... Why are you training me?"

"It's like I said during the sports festival. You have amazing potential. All you needed was someone to show you how to bring it to light. You have the potential to be one of the greatest heroes of all time and I just wanted to show you that."

Stella smiled as she thought about what I said. "Thank you, Izuku."


Everyone had woken up and I was preparing for my match. I held the marble with One for All in my hand as I looked at it when the door opened. I looked up and saw Izumi. "Izuku, what are you doing?"

"I had a dream last night. The previous users spoke to me, telling me that they've chosen me as their new successor."

She came over and sat next to me. "So are you gonna take it?"

"Yeah. I already agreed to take it. But on my own terms." I summoned my Muramasa and looked at it. "Muramasa is connected to me in a very unique way. It may be possible to have One for All be channeled through it."

"Would it even be able to be passed down after that?"

"Not likely. The sword bonded to me in a special way. The curse was the only thing keeping the sword alive without a host and now, since the curse is gone, the sword dies with me. If I do successfully bond One for All with the sword, it will likely be unable to be passed down. Or the opposite could happen. It may allow the sword to survive without me and be passed on."

I stood up and made the sword have a small hold for the marble. I took one last look at the marble, feeling a sense of confirmation from it. I slowly placed it in. The moment it went in, the sword began to glow with lightning flowing around it.

After a minute, the power began to flow through me and I felt the full power of One for All. I felt the lightning course around me as the power surged throughout my whole body. "So this is the power of One for All."

I looked at my hand and saw small black wisps of energy coming off the back of my hand. At the same time, a dark smoky substance began to come off of my body and began to surround me. The next thing I knew, I began to float up in the air. "Uhh, Izuku? What the heck is going on?!" I looked over to the door and saw Stella and Shoka there.

"Uhh, hey girls. I uh... I inherited One for All."


Once I managed to get down and get all of the quirks of the previous users under control, I explained everything to the girls. They both looked nervous. "Hey, don't worry. I have this under control."

We left the house and made it to the fighting grounds. When we arrived, we saw Katsumi angry at Namaiki. "You little shit! I ought to...!" Before she could continue, Izumi ran in and held her back.

"Ha! Is this really the kind of student you keep? You best keep your dog on her leash otherwise she might bite someone."

"I suggest you don't talk about my friends like that."

"Tch, or what? After I beat you, I'll just take them."

"No, you won't."

Master walked up between us. "That is enough. Both of you, prepare for your match."

I nodded and got into position. Namaiki did the same as everyone gathered around to watch. I got into my stance, drawing my sword, as he did the same.

Master brought his hand up before bringing it down. "Begin!"

Namaiki charged at me as I stayed on the defensive. He swung at me and I blocked. Pushing himself back, he got down low and tried to attack my legs but I jumped over each of his swipes. I saw him grow increasingly angry and he began to go faster.

Continuing on the defensive, I blocked and dodged all of his attacks to get a gauge for his fighting style since it felt very familiar when it became very clear. I blocked another slash and stared at him. "Your sword style. Where did you learn it?"

"Tch, why should I tell you?"

I quickly kneed him in the stomach then grabbed him by his face and pushed him to the ground. "Answer the question. Where did you learn it?!"

Before he could answer, I dodged a knife being thrown at me. I looked into the woods and saw Stain, his blood crazed smile stretched wide. "Mura."

Master quickly grabbed the hilt of his sword and faced Stain. "So you are the evil presence I felt. I suggest you leave now if you value your life."

"Out of my way old man." Stain drew a new serrated sword, aiming it towards my master. Master kept his eye on him, grip tight on the hilt of his sword. "Ha, did you think I came here alone?"

Out from the woods behind him, a horde of Nomu with different blade quirks from what I could tell. "Zumi, get my armor." She nodded and my case flew out from the house at high speeds into my outstretched hand. I quickly opened it and put on my armor and summoned Muramasa.

The girls all drew their own weapons and got ready to fight. Stain could smile at us. "Well, it looks like everyones ready. Then let's begin."

(A/N: The next chapter should be up in a few minutes from this one. I hope you enjoyed!)

Izuku, The Twin Sword Knight: MuraWhere stories live. Discover now