Chapter 16: A trip

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(A/N: Hey, so I'm wondering. Do you guys want Izuku to get One for All? Anyways, I hope you enjoy!)

Izuku POV

Laying in bed, I was thinking about what had happened today. Katsuki wanting to fight me then losing his quirk. The rainbow marble I found under him. I held it in front of me as I stared at it. "What are you?"

I heard a knock at my door so I got up and answered it to see Izumi there. "Izuku, what's wrong?"

I chuckled and let her in. "I should have figured you'd be able to tell." She walked over to my desk and sat down. "It's the fact that Katsuki lost his quirk and One for All. Quirks don't just disappear like that. And then there's this." I tossed her the marble and she caught it with her telekinesis.

"A marble?"

"After Katsuki was taken by Recovery Girl's robots, this was on the ground where he was. When I look closely at it, it's like there's this... connection. Like when I found Muramasa."

"Maybe it has something to do with One for All. It's a quirk that can be passed on so maybe it decided to pass itself on."

"Maybe." I thought to myself for a second before going to my bookcase and grabbing an old book my master had given me before I left. Opening it up and looking through, I found what I was looking for. "There was a case of mysterious marbles found in alleyways, next to unconscious criminals back in the day. Police thought that it was a vigilante but due to quirks still being new, they couldn't tell if the marbles were made with a quirk or not. The case was eventually dropped and shortly after, the man know as All for One began to rise."

"I've heard dad talk about him. He said that All for One was responsible for causing his injury."

"Master had a few encounters with him. Tried to take Muramasa way back during his first rise to power. He warned me of All for One's power and to beware." I put the book back as I thought to myself.

Izumi looked at me concerned. "Your not going after him, are you?"

"Not unless I have to." I walked over to her and hugged her. "Don't worry, Zumi. I won't leave you again."


The next day, I walked into Nezu's office. "Sir, I need to leave the school grounds for a while."

Nezu looked away from his computer and towards me. "May I ask the reason why?"

"I need to talk to my master about what happened during my match with Katsuki." I pulled out the rainbow marble from my pocket. "And what this is."

Nezu looked at it for a second before nodding. "Yes. I can see why you would want to go. Very well, you may have a weak off to see him. And take your students. Treat this as a... training trip."

"Yes, thank you sir." I left and walked to the dorms to see everyone in the common room, talking. I walked up to Izumi and the girls as they were all talking. "Hey girls, go pack a bag real quick. We're going to be leaving for a week."

They looked at me and nodded and went upstairs. I was about to follow when someone grabbed my shoulder. I looked over and saw Iida. "How dare you try and skip school, villain!"

I just ignored him and continued my walk up the stairs. Once I was in my room, I packed everything I'd need. Once that was done, I headed back downstairs to find Iida berating the girls. "Iida, I suggest you back off."

Iida looked at me with a scowl. "No! You all are breaking the rules and leaving the school!"

"We have permission to leave for a week. You have no right to yell at us about rules, Iida. Not after what you pulled with Stain." I looked over at the girls. "We need to stop and get our hero suits real quick."

We left the dorms and got our costumes before leaving school grounds and heading towards the forest. "Izuku, where are we going?" Katsumi asked.

"We're going to see my master. He likely has an idea what happened to Katsuki." I reached into my pocket and felt that same drawing sensation again. I ignored it and pulled my hand out of my pocket as we reached the edge of the forest.

We stopped at the edge as I looked into the forest. I thought about all the time I spent there. All the years I spent training. Then I noticed something.

"Girls, stay close." We walked into the forest. As we got further and further in, the more and more I noticed. We stopped in a small clearing and I grabbed the grip of my sword.

Stella summoned her sword as a vortex as of flame swirled around the blade, Izumi pulled her sword grip from its sheath as the blade pieces began to circle her, Shoka pulled both of her blades as fire flowed out from the hit to the blade tip on her right and her left sword became coated in ice, and Katsumi pulled her heavy sword from her back.

We stood in a small circle in the center of the clearing. "I recommend you show yourself and surrender now!" Someone walked out of the forest in front of me, clapping.

"So, your the famous Izuku Yagi I've heard so much about. Tamer of the cursed sword, Muramasa. Vigilante turned hero. Winner of the UA sports festival. I've been wanting to meet you. But first, how about a test?" He snapped his fingers and not even a second later, a figure shot out of the forest to my side.

I pulled my sword from its sheath and met his sword. As I held the man at bay, more figures shot out of the forest and tried to attack the girls. But they acted quickly in response. Stella met the sword that headed straight for her neck.

Katsumi swung her sword, stopping two in their tracks as if they hit a brick wall, Shoka froze one well before he made it to her as she melted the sword of another, and Izumi stopped a hoard of them with her sword segments.

I looked at the one trying to push against me. I looked him in the eye, unblinking and caused him to falter for a second. I kneed him in the stomach, knocking all of the air out of his lungs before grabbing him and throwing him to the ground.

"If you're going to fight me, do it yourself."

The guy just shrugged with a smug smile on his face. "Why would I need to fight someone far beneath me?"

"Namaiki, that's enough." An old man walked out from the forest behind Namaiki. "You must be Izuku. Please, forgive my students. We are here to see your master. Your company would be much appreciated."

I looked around and saw that all of the students had backed off. "Very well. Come on, girls. Let's get going." We put our weapons away and walked past Namaiki who stared at me.

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed! Also, let me know if you want Izuku to get One for All or not.)

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