Chapter 31: Training camp 5

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(A/N: Sorry I haven't updated this story in over a month now. I hope you enjoy!)

Landing in front of the main building, Izuku put Kota back on the ground and saw some blue flames dotted around the entrance of the building. "Kota, stay close."

Izuku walked inside and looked around for any danger. Reaching a room, he opened the door and saw Vlad King there. "Ah, Izuku. It's just you."

Izuku walked in, looking around, seeing some of his fellow classmates but not Aizawa. "Sir, what happened?"

"A villain with burns over his skin came in. He melted into dirt and Aizawa went looking to help the students."

Nodding, Izuku looked at Kota and got down on one knee. "Kota, stay here. Vlad King will keep you safe. I need to head back out to help the others."

Kota looked down at his feet. "W-Will you be okay out there?"

Izuku smiled and ruffled his hair. "Don't worry kid. It's like I said, I'm not so easy to kill." Getting up and looking at Vlad, the hero seemed to understand what he was saying without needing to say anything.

"Don't worry kid, I'll take care of him. You go do what you need to." Izuku nodded and ran out of the building and took off into the sky.


Stella and Katsumi were sitting on the ground, panting. "What the hell happened?" Katsumi asked.

They both heard a rustling in the bushes next to them and immediately got up to fight again but calmed down when they saw it was Kaina. "Kaina!" Stella ran up and hugged the heroine.

Kaina smiled and accepted the hug. "Heh, seems like you two can handle yourselfs." She looked around at all of the destroyed blade shards. "I just took the liberty of finishing the fight for you two."

"Wait, that was you?! Since when could your bullets explode?!" Katsumi asked.

"Mmmm, fairly recently. I took inspiration from your quirk. They take a while to make but they're very effective in the right situation."

Katsumi looked over at the still unconscious Moonfish, mouth still billowing out smoke. Seeing all of the teeth missing from his mouth, Katsumi could only nod in agreement.

"So what are we going to do now?" Stella asked.

"Regroup with the others. There's strength in numbers and we need to make sure everyone is okay." The two girls nodded and they ran through the forest, looking for the others.


Izumi and Shoka stood next to an ice statue of what looked like Shoto, a face of terror stretched across its face. "Hey, is he gonna be okay?" Izumi pointed at Shoto.

Shoka looked at Shoto for a second. "He'll be fine." She looked over at the villain girl who was still frozen to the ground but didn't seem worried at all as she bobbed her head to some tune that played in her head. "So what are you villains here for?" Shoka asked.

"Hm? Oh, you're done. Finally." Shoka and Izumi were both confused at the girl. "Shesh, talk about an asshole. Him and the blonde boy were sooooo annoying! Always talking about how they were so great and they were going to kill some guy named Izuku." She looked at the ice around her body. "Hey, you mind letting me out of this?"

Shoka just stared at the girl, blinking in confusion. "Why would I let you out? You're a villain!"

"Ohhh, right." The girl laughed, confusing the girls even more. "I'm not really a villain. Kaina recruited me to spy on the villains in her place since she knew they were on to her."

"Wait, why didn't she tell us about that?"

The girl shrugged her shoulders, or at least, tried to. "Don't know. She always liked to keep her secrets from people. Can I be let out now? I'm getting cold."

"O-oh, uh sure." Shoka heated up the ice, making it quickly melt, letting the girl free.

She got up and stretched her limbs out. "Ah, much better."

"Okay," Izumi said, getting the other two girls attention, "now we need to find the others."

Shoka looked at the blonde girl. "Hey, do you have any info about the other villains?"

"Oh, yeah. Well from what I know about them..." She began to go through the villains, giving what info she had on them. "Oh, and the reason we're here. I couldn't tell you because of Shoto. We were brought here to grab some guy named Izuku. Didn't tell us much besides that he's strong."

Izumi and Shoka began to grow angry when they heard that.


Izuku was flying over the forest, looking around. Seeing the pink gas beginning to dissipate. Turning his head to a sudden flash of light, Izuku saw blue flames beginning to rise up. Turning to that direction, Izuku flew towards it, hoping no one was caught in the middle of the flames.

Stopping over the area,he looked around for any of his classmates, he felt his danger sense go off and powered one for all and swiped his arm to the side, sending a gush of wind, dispersing the blue flames that were sent towards him.

"Huh, so you're that Izuku guy we're here to get." Izuku saw his assailant, a man covered in burn marks. "Tch, don't look like much to me."

Izuku lowered himself to the ground in front of the man. "Dabi. A man with a mysterious past and a dangerous quirk, even to yourself. So you guys are here for me?"

The man smiled. "Yeah. But they didn't specify that you had to be uninjured." He smiled as he raised his hand, a small ball of blue fire sitting in the palm. "I'm sure they won't mind a few burned off limbs!"

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed!)

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