Chapter 17: A trip, a story and a decision

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(A/N: Okay, so I meant to post this hours ago but, uh... didn't. Anyways, I hope you enjoy all the same!)

Traveling through the forest, we quickly arrived at my master's house. I spotted him meditating on a rock when we walked up. "Izuku. It is good to see you back. I assume you are here for more than tea and catching up, though," Master said.

"Yes. But you have other guests." I bowed to him as he got up and grabbed his sword that was leaning against the rock he was on top of.

"Ah. Master Akihiro. It has been some time since you have shown here."

"Master Buredo. I believe you know why I'm here?"

Master nodded. "Yes. Izuku, how would you feel about a one on one against Master Akihiro's top student?"

Namaiki gained an even wider smile. "So I can finally show this worm how useless he really is?"

I glance over at him before bowing to my master. "Of course. But I need to talk to you first. It is of dire importance."

Master nodded and had me and the girls come into his house. We all sat at his table as he brought out a kettle of tea. Once everyone had a cup, he sat down as well. "What is it you wish to know, Izuku?"

"Sir, yesterday, Katsuki Bakugou challenged me to a one on one fight. However, during the fight, he seemed to fall into a state of unconsciousness for a minute but after he woke up, he was unable to use his quirk. You see, sir, he was the inheritor of One for All. After he was taken to Recovery Girl to be treated for his injuries, I found this where he was." I handed him the marble.

My master examined it in great detail before handing it back. "This is the quirk, One for All. As to what happened, exactly, I cannot say. My best guess would be that the predecessors decided he was no longer worthy to carry the torch."

Izumi looked confused. "Wait, you mean the previous wielders are alive in the quirk itself?"

"Yes. You must be Izumi Yagi. Izuku has told me many things about you. You see, One for All is more than just raw power that gets passed down. It takes a part of the previous wielded as well. It takes their quirk and their very being into it. But there is a problem with it. It is growing increasingly unstable. As time passes, the stockpile part of the quirk passes from one to the other and unendingly grows until the power is unable to be wielded by anyone. So it is likely the previous wielders chose to enter this state of stagnation until a new successor is chosen."

"And how will we know who is the new chosen successor?" I asked, looking at the marble in my hand.

"I believe you already know the answer to your question, Izuku." I looked down and thought about what was said. "Do you remember the story of Muramasa?" I looked up to him and nodded.

Stella and Katsumi looked between the two of us confused. "Story?"

"Ah, so he hasn't told you. Long ago, there was a legendary swordsmith named Muramasa. He was heralded far and wide as one of the greatest smiths to ever grace the earth. A young noble had commissioned the swordsmith to forge him the greatest sword he ever had.

However, he became very ill. Instead of dying in a bed slowly, he decided to pour the rest of his life energy into his last sword. When the noble returned to claim his sword, he found the body of the smith next to the finished blade. But, when the noble took up the sword, he felt the power of the blade surge through him.

His father was in a war against another noble house and the wielder of the sword went into battle. But he let his lust for conquest take him over. He raided towns on his way to the battlefield, killing many innocent townspeople. The blood stained the sword, corrupting it.  Eventually, the man became mad with power and even began to slaughter his own men, corrupting the blade further. It wasn't until the man was slain did the war end.

Many had tried to take the blade and all fell victim to the noble's same lust for death. It wasn't until I was entrusted with the blade and to keep it safe from humanity. But no matter how well one tries to keep something secret, there are those who manage to find the truth.

Many had come to claim the blade and all fell to my sword once driven mad by its curse. It wasn't until Izuku came did the curse finally end and the nightmare of Muramasa truly end."

"So, how long have you been guarding the sword?" Katsumi asked.

"Around seven hundred years now."

All the girls looked surprised. "Really?!"

"Yes but that is a story for another day. So, I'm guessing all of you are Izuku's students?"


We had continued talking until it got late. My match will happen tomorrow so I was making sure my blades were ready. The girls were all asleep in their beds. We were sharing a room since master didn't have anywhere else to put us and no one was against sharing a room.

Once I finished with my swords, I felt that pull again but I ignored it. I laid down and went to sleep.


I awoke in a misty, dark void. I looked around but I couldn't see anything around me. I looked over myself and saw that I had dark whips coming off of my body. "What is this?"

"So you are the chosen successor?" I turned and saw a man with snow white hair. "There is something... familiar about you."

"Who are you? And where am I?"

"Where you are is not important. As for who I am? I am the first. I am the original wielder of One for All."

"The first? Then you're the younger brother of All for One. Why did you bring me here?"

"You were brought here to inherit One for All." Six other people walked out from behind the first. A couple of them I couldn't make out their features. "We want you to become the tenth wielder of One for All."

I looked over all of the pervious wielders and saw a woman with long black hair. "You, your Nana Shimura. The seventh wielder. My... my grandmother."

"Yes Izuku. I'm sorry for how Toshinori and Inko have treated you. I know giving this power to you doesn't make up for how I've failed as a mother and mentor. But I know that, no matter what, you can and will be the best hero you can be."

"Grandma, you didn't fail. They made their choices. You did the best you could. First, I accept your power but in my own way." The first nodded as I began to explain to him my plan.

(A/N: I want to say thank you for all the comments saying that Izuku should get One for All and also some really interesting and cool ideas. I hope you enjoyed!)

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