Chapter 26: Mall trip

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(A/N: I'm not very good at writing chapters like this but I hope you enjoy!)

After the finals, everyone was sitting in the classroom waiting for Aizawa and Kaina. I was talking with Izumi as she was nerding out about random things related to quirks. She was going through a hero notebook she had recently started.

The door opened and Aizawa walked in with his usual, sleep deprived look with Kaina following after. They stood up by the podium as everyone waited silently for him to begin. "First, everyone is going on the trip. Those that failed their practical exam will be taking extra classes while we're there so everyone better be packed and ready to leave."

Everyone began to cheer, excited about the news until Aizawa used his quirk, making everyone sit back down in silence.

"Next, myself and Ms Tsutsumi will be the only teachers in charge of your class. All Might couldn't do it if he wanted to right now due to his injuries. Anyways, the rest of the day is yours. Go do whatever, I don't care." He grabbed his sleeping bag and curled up in a corner.

Mina shot up from her seat. "Hey, what if we all go to the mall! That way we can all hang out and get everything we need!" The excitement in her voice was clear as day and everyone agreed to go.

"Hmm, I think I'll come along to make sure none of you get into trouble," Kaina said.

Mina got a mischievous smile. "You sure it's not to love on your boyfriend~?"

"Oh wouldn't you like to know, Ms Ashido. But I'm afraid I can't talk about such things in class. Dismissed."


Everyone was at the mall, splitting up into groups based on where we were going and the things we needed. I was with Shoka, Stella and Kaina getting some clothes for them. Izumi and Katsumi had gone somewhere else together to get something but they didn't say what.

I didn't know why but the girls insisted on getting my opinion on the clothes they were trying on. They know I don't have all that much of a sense for style. A lot of the outfits they showed me made me feel... uh...

Anyways, after clothes shopping, we went to the food court before going back out to get some other things. I went and got food for the girls while they went to find a table for us.

On the way back, I felt something. Like a stabbing feeling in my head. I looked around and saw some guy in a hoodie walking up to me. I quickly headed over to the girls and set the food down before feeling someone wrap their arm around my shoulder.

"Hey, you're that guy from the sports festival, Mura, right?"

"Yeah, that's right. Shigaraki." I looked down at him as he lifted his head to look me in the eye.

"Heh, should have figured you'd recognize me." He quickly wrapped his hand around my neck, leaving one finger hovering above.

The girls began to get up until I raised my hand. "Wait. What do you want?"

"Oh a lot of things. I want All Might dead, you dead. But right now, I just want a question answered. Why? Why is All Might so popular? Why was Stain getting front page news even though we caused more destruction and chaos?! What do they have that I don't?!"

"Tch, really?" Shigaraki looked at me with an angry look. "It's obvious, they actually have something with some kind of plan. All Might was the symbol of peace, protector of the innocent. Stain wants to kill fake heroes and rebuild society to be more fair. All you have is "kill All Might" and "destroy things". There's nothing of substance or any real longevity to it."

Shigaraki began thinking to himself. I saw the girls were looking tense. I gave them a smile to try and calm them down.

"It all makes sense now."

"You want to know something else, Shigaraki?" He looked at me curiously. "You don't need to be a villain to prove something."

"What would you know about it?"

"A lot more than you might think. Had an abusive father, a mother who was oblivious to my existence, my sister was the only one I had, friends began to bully me. Just for something I couldn't control. My life my be different from yours but we have similarities. We could have followed the same path if things were any different. Either I could have been a villain or you could have been a hero."

I heard Shigarki growling, hand twitching, threatening to try to decay me. I quickly brought my arm up, using blackwhip on his hand, preventing him from touching me.

I quickly elbowed Shigaraki in the chest, knocking the wind out of him. I grabbed his hoodie and pushed him against the table where the girls were sitting, using blackwhip to wrap both of his hands together. "Now you're going to answer my questions. Where are the league located?"

Shigaraki just looked at me with anger burning in his eyes. "I'm not telling you anything!"

I closed my eyes and sighed. "Fine. Then you'll go to the police." I lifted him with blackwhip until a portal appeared behind him as a familiar hand came through and pulled Shigaraki through before it closed, cutting off blackwhip.

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed!)

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