Chapter 10: Sports festival finale and reveal

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(A/N: This is it, the end of the sports festival arc. I hope you enjoy!)

All Might POV

I was watching as Izumi stood across from Mura. I hoped that Izumi would win and Mura would just turn himself in. But I knew it wouldn't be that simple. I just needed him to show his true colors and he will be put behind bars forever. Izumi has too much of an interest in that villain.

None of the other staff will listen to me about him. They keep telling me to let go of my prejudice but I can't. I just know he's a villain. 'He must be lying about being quirkless or he was working with All for One before I killed him and gotten one from him.'

As I was thinking, I felt my wife grab my shoulder. "Toshi, honey, are you alright? You look so concerned."

"Inko, I'm just worried. That villain is fighting our daughter." I tried to be quiet so the other teachers didn't hear me. "What if he seriously hurts her?"

"It'll be fine, Toshi. Give the boy a chance. You can't know for sure that he's a villain."

I sighed and nodded to her. 'But no one can be sure that he isn't a villain either.'

No one POV

Izuku was facing Izumi in the arena. "Mura, before this starts, I need to ask something."

"Alright, ask me whatever you wish."

"After the sports festival, can you take me to see my brother?"

"Of course. He will be very happy to see you." 'If you only knew.'

Midnight walked up on her stage and cracked her whip. "Are you two ready?!" Izuku nodded, getting into his stance.

"Yes ma'am!" Izumi got into her own stance.


Izuku immediately slammed his feet into the ground, digging them into the concrete. Izumi tried to pick him up to throw him out but he didn't move. Izuku grabbed a sword from his back and when Izumi saw that, she tried to grab it out of his hand but his grip held tight.

'Okay, one chance for this to work.' Izuku tightened his grip more on his sword and slashed the air, faceing Izumi. The force of the slash caused a slash of air to move towards Izumi at high speed. She wasn't able to react in time and when the air connected, pushed her to the edge of the ring.

Izumi just barely managed to stop herself from being pushed out of the ring. She put herself back on the ground and kept her eye on me. 'Okay, plan B it is.' She tried to throw him out of bounds again but he didn't move.

"Okay, so if my quirk won't work, I'll have to take you on without it." Izumi charged at Izuku. Izuku prepared himself for her assault. During the two weeks before the sports festival, Izumi asked Mura to help her with her hand to hand combat in case her quirk became nullified in some way.

Izuku was impressed with how much of a natural she was. She quickly picked up everything he taught her and was able to use it to great effect.

When she got close, she went for a right hook which Izuku easily blocked only for him to get kneed in the stomach. Izuku bent over a bit at the force of the blow and Izumi elbowed him in the back of the head. It didn't do much because of his helmet and Izuku quickly recovered. "Heh, very good Izumi. It's nice to see your training pay off."

Izuku grabbed her arm that she used for her right hook and threw her over his shoulder onto the ground. As he did, he pulled one of his feet out of the ground and held Izumi down. Izumi tried to use her telekinesis to throw him out but with one foot still in the ground, he still wasn't budging.

"Yagi, can you move?" Midnight asked. Izumi shook her head and Midnight cracked her whip. "Izumi Yagi is unable to move! The winner is Mura!"

Izuku POV

I immediately let Izumi go and helped her up. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Guess I still have things to learn about fighting." She lowered her head.

"Hey, chin up. You did amazing. It doesn't matter how good you are at something, there's always more to learn. Even me, so chin up and try again."

She looked up at me and nodded with a smile. "Okay, I'll train to beat you next time."

"Heh, and I'll be there to meet your challenge." We fist bumped and went back to our class to wait for the award ceremony.


All Might POV

I clenched my fists as I watched Mura win. 'He must have gotten a quirk from All for One. There's no way a quirkless kid could do half of the things he's done. I need to contact Tsukatchi.'

I felt a hand rest on mine and I looked over to see my wife looking concerned. "Toshi, it's okay. Izumi lost but she still got second. I know you don't like the boy but you have to respect his skill and power."

I looked back to the arena and watched the two walking out of the arena, talking like friends. 'I will not allow you to corrupt my daughter, villain.'


Izuku POV

It was time for the awards to be given out. I was happy that I won and proud that Izumi managed to take second. I looked over and saw Shoto and Stella. Shoto looked very disappointed and Stella had a smile on her face as she was standing there next to me.

Midnight came out with her mic and got everyone's attention. "These are this year's top performers of UA's sports festival! And to hand out the medals is...!"

"Hahaha!" Everyone in the crowd began to get excited as they heard that laugh. "I am here!" All Might appeared on the top of the stadium and jumped down. "To hand out medals!"

Midnight handed him the medals.

He walked up to Shoto and Stella and put the bronze medals around their necks. "Very good work you two. It is very impressive to manage to get third out of everyone." He then walked up to Izumi and put a silver around her neck. "I can't express how proud I am that you got second." He then gave her a hug and then walked up to me and put a gold around my neck. "Good job getting first."

"And there you have it! That's this year-"

"Wait," I said, interrupting Midnight. "If I may, I wish to say something." Midnight nodded and handed me the microphone. "Hello everyone. As Izumi Yagi said at the beginning of the sports festival, many people are treated badly for having weak or no quirks. I wish to disperse of a common misconception. Anyone can truly be a hero. I know this because," I took off my helmet "I am quirkless. I am Izuku Yagi, twin brother to Izumi."

I looked over and saw her holding her mouth as tears began to come out of her eyes. I reached out and pulled her into a tight hug as she immediately returned it. "Izuku." She was crying into my chest. "Izuku, I missed you so much!"

I stroked her hair to help calm her down as I continued talking. "I've worked myself to the bone every day for ten years. When I was a kid, everyone told me I could be a hero, that I could never make it, that you needed a strong quirk. The only person who believed in me was my sister, Izumi.

I kept my identity a secret from everyone. The only one who knew who I was, was principal Nezu. He gave me the chance that no one else did. He gave me the chance to be a hero like I always dreamed and I'm eternally grateful. So I say this to everyone out there watching, anyone can be a hero."

I handed the microphone back to Midnight and held Izumi with both arms as she cried.

(A/N: That's where I'll end it. Next chapter's gonna be a bit of a filler chapter but for a reason. I hope you enjoyed!)

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