Chapter 8: Sports festival 2: electric boogaloo

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(A/N: I just want to say thank you for all of the support I've gotten about this story. I hope you enjoy!)

Shoka immediately tried to freeze me in an ice glacier but I quickly dodged out of the way and began to charge her. She tried to send more ice at me but I reached back and grabbed my wooden swords, cross slashed through, the ice immediately breaking away.

I continued running towards her and before she could use more ice, I jumped over her and spun around. When I landed, I put one sword over her throat and the other pointing at the back of her neck. "If I were a villain right now, you'd be dead."

She froze for a second before she tried to freeze me again. I jumped back as an ice pillar appeared behind her. I saw that ice was quickly forming on her body faster than Shoto. 'Stronger quirk, worse drawback.'

Shoka was breathing hard and sent more ice towards me but it was much smaller than before. I easily broke though it with my swords and looked at her. "Why don't you use your fire?"

"I *pant* can't. Not after *pant* what I *pant* did."

"You can't win without it."

"Then *pant* I'll lose. I'll die before *pant* I use my fire again."

I shook my head. "Do you think that is what Izuku would want?" She stopped and looked at me. "Do you think he would want you to hold yourself back and give up on your dream?"

"What do you know about him, huh?! I used my fire to hurt him and I can't ever take that back so I'll never do it again!" She tried to sent more ice at me but it stopped before it even got to me.

She fell to her knees as she began to breathe hard. I began to walk towards her. "I know that he doesn't hate you. Even after what you did to him, he still cares. He wants you to be a hero like you all promised."

No one POV

Shoka froze. She didn't know what to do. She remembered back to when she was a kid and was still friends with Izuku. "Hey Shoka, Katsumi, let's promise to be great heroes together no matter what."

The two girls looked at Izuku as he smiled wide. They couldn't help but smile too. "Okay Izuku, let's all be great heroes!" Shoka shouted and Katsumi began to say how they were gonna be better than All Might.

Shoka had forgotten that moment. She was so lost in the fact that she hurt her closest friend that she forgot her promise she made to him.

"B-but I hurt him. I-I can't be a hero."

"You promised that no matter what you'd be one of the greatest heroes ever. Not using your fire is tearing that promise apart." Shoka looked up at Mura as he stood over her. "Even though you hurt him, he still wants you to follow your dream." He knelt down. "So Shoka, what are you gonna do?"

Shoka looked down for a second as sparks began to come off her right side. Izuku smiled under his helmet. "I'll do it for Izuku."

Izuku POV

I jumped back as Shoka waved her hand as flames came out, creating a wall of flames. When the flames died down, Shoka had no ice covering her anymore. "Heh, guess I'll have to get serious too then."

Shoka sent a horizontal pillar of ice towards me as I sheathed my swords and pulled back my fist. I punched the ice with everything I had, shattering it all the way back towards Shoka as she recovered quickly and sent her flames towards me.

I had to dodge out of the way so as to not get burned and began to try and approach her.

Shoka POV

Mura managed to either dodge or break through everything I threw at him. The only thing left I could do is put everything I had left into one final attack. I charged up my flames in my right hand as I sent more ice towards Mura to slow him down a bit.

Once I thought it was enough, I stopped the ice and Mura was on me in a second. 'Izuku, I hope you're watching. I'll do my best to keep our promise. I just wish you were here too.'

I unleashed my flames and caused a huge explosion as the whole arena was covered in smoke.

No one POV

No one could see a thing. The entire arena was filled with smoke as Midnight was coughing and trying her best to fan the smoke away from her. "Holy crap Aizawa and Vlad, what do you teach your kids?!" Present Mic shouted into his mic.

Everyone waited with bated breathe as the smoke began to clear. When it finally did, most of the arena was completely destroyed. Only a small corner remained and in it was Mura with his hands and feet dug deep into the concrete to stop him from flying out of the arena. Over by the entrance to the arena was an exhausted looking Shoka with the right side of her clothes almost completely burned away. She was trying her best to cover herself.

"Shoka Todoroki is out of bounds! The winner is Mura!" Midnight announced as Mura hurried over and gave her his gym shirt.

"Here, cover up and I'll help you to Recovery Girl." She quickly accepted the shirt and put it on as Mura helped her up and back into the nearby entryway.

The crowd of mostly heroes and press was silent enough, you could hear a pin drop. Then, slowly, people began to clap and cheer. The sounds of increasingly loud cheers echoed through the halls as Shoka was supported by Mura, who was now wearing a black sleeveless top.

She blushed as she felt his muscles against her. They felt so firm but also so comforting. "M-Mura?"

"Hmm?" He looked over slightly.

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it, Todoroki."

"Shoka. I prefer you call me Shoka."

"Sure Shoka. So you're keeping your promise?"

"Yeah. I wish Izuku was here too but I'll still do my best to be the greatest hero I can be. I hope he was watching."

"Don't worry, I'm sure he was."

The two continued to walk in silence towards Recovery Girl until an all too familiar heat began to come closer to the two. Around the corner to a stairwell came Endeavor, flames burning especially bright and a face that didn't say he was happy.

He looked and saw the two. "Shoka, come here immediately."

Shoka was about to walk towards her father until Mura held her back. "I'm afraid I can't allow that." Mura threw a glare at Endeavor that could be felt behind his helmet.

Endeavor faltered for a second before going back to his usual, angry self. "This has nothing to do with you, villain. Either let my daughter go or I'll kill you."

"I guess you have to kill me. I won't be letting her go to you." He pulled Shoka behind him.

Endeavor began to flare up like crazy before his flames suddenly died out. He was confused until he was then suddenly wrapped up in a strange scarf. "Endeavor, what are you doing?"

Endeavor looked behind him and saw Aizawa was there. He didn't look very happy. "I was about to kill this insect for threatening my daughter." Endeavor smiled as he thought he had won.

"I saw the whole thing. The only one making threats was you. I suggest you leave. Now." Aizawa tightened the scarf.

He glared at Mura who hadn't moved from protecting Shoka. "Fine." His voice came out into a barely audible growl. Aizawa let him go.

Endeavor stood there for a second before suddenly charging at Mura. He threw a fist which Mura caught before Mura smashed his nose with his palm. Endeavor's head was knocked back, giving Mura the perfect target. Mura punched Endeavor in his bottom jaw, knocking a tooth out and knocking Endeavor out.

"Mr Aizawa, may we leave and get to Recovery Girl?" Aizawa nodded and Mura helped the still exhausted Shoka past her unconscious and bleeding father.

Aizawa called for security to have Endeavor taken out of the stadium and be taken to the hospital.

As Mura and Shoka arrived at Recovery Girl's office, she was going through some paperwork and looked up to see the pair. "Come on you two so I can get you checked out."

The two nodded and sat at the two beds that were there. Mura was a quick check up with only a few burns that were quickly healed and Shoka mostly just needed rest.

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed!)

Izuku, The Twin Sword Knight: MuraWhere stories live. Discover now