Chapter 27: Training camp 1

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(A/N: I hope you enjoy!)

It was the day of the trip to camp. Everyone was packed and excited to head out. We headed towards the bus but found class b there with another bus. "Hahaha! If it isn't the inferior class 1a!"

I walked past him and greeted Kendo. "Hello Ms Kendo. I suppose this means our two classes will be training at the camp together?"

"Yeah. I hear you fought All Might for your finals. Is that true?"

"Yeah, it's true."

Shoka and Setsuna walked up next to me. "Hey Kendo, long time no see!"

"Hey, Itsuka."

"Setsuna, Shoka, hey. I hope you two are enjoying your time in your new class."

"Yeah, the girls there were really welcoming. Some of the guys were weird but it's been great! Plus, Shoka's got a special someone~."

Shoka began to blush. "Ohh, who is it!"

"U-uhh..." I smiled and wrapped my arm around her shoulder, pulling her into a kiss. She began blushing up a storm as I pulled back. "I-I-I..."

Itsuka smiled. "Aww, you two are so cute together."

Shoka began to blush harder as steam began to flow out of her ears. I chuckled to myself before picking her up. "Aizawa should be here soon. Best to be ready. See ya, Kendo."

I walked back over to my class as Shoka began to calm down. She pushed herself into my chest as I saw a small smile on her face.


On the bus, I was sitting next to Shoka and Stella. Kaina had to sit at the front of the bus since she was a teacher. Suddenly, I began to feel very tired. I felt my eyes begin to close.

The next thing I knew, I was in the plane of One for All. I looked around and saw most of the other users. "Izuku, we need to talk."

I looked over at the first. "What's wrong?"

"Something is going to happen. We aren't sure what but you must have felt danger sense going off even a little."

"Yeah, I did. I haven't let the girls know yet. I was hoping I wouldn't have to get them involved."

"Izuku." I looked over at grandma. "You need to stop trying to rely on yourself for everything. You know how capable of defending themselves they are."

"I know but... what if they get hurt? I only let them fight those Nomu from the forest because I didn't have any other choice." I looked down.

"I understand that." Grandma brought her hand to my cheek and had me look at her. "But they can't grow anymore if they don't have experience. They need to sprout their own wings and fly on their own. Just like what your master did."

I looked down remembering what my master did. He was the one that told me I should head to the city. To carve my own path.

"I'm not saying you need to send them away. I'm just saying that you should trust them to be able to fight off whoever they need. They almost beat you, after all."

I nodded, knowing she was right. "Alright. When we have a moment alone, I'll tell them. I have a few things I want to work with Izumi on. I think I know a way to help her be just a bit stronger."

Nana smiled and nodded. "Good. And tell Izumi that I love her, alright?"

I nodded as darkness began to take me over. I opened my eyes and saw both Stella and Shoka were asleep on my shoulders. I didn't want to disturb them so I decided to join them in sleep.


The bus came to a sudden stop, jolting me and the girls awake. "This is our stop. Everyone get out."

I stood up, stretching out my arms as the girls were still trying to wake up. "Do we have to get up?" Shoka mumbled out.

I chuckled before looking at Izumi. "Hey, I need to talk to you and the girls when you have a minute."

Izumi looked at me curiously but nodded. We walked off the bus and lined up with everyone else along the edge of the cliff.

A black car drove up next to us and two very catesc women walked out with a boy with horns on his hat. They introduced themselves as two fourths of the wild wild pussycats.

Mandalay walked over and looked off in the distance. "From here it should only take you guys three hours to reach the main base. And don't worry about using your quirks. This whole area is our property."

Slowly, everyone began to understand what she was talking about and they all ran towards the bus but Pixie-Bob landed in front of them with a ferocious glint in her eyes.

"Now now, kitties, no going out of bounds now." She pressed her paws against the ground as a light pulsed up, causing the ground beneath our feet to begin to collapse.

Reacting fast, I grabbed Stella and Shoka with blackwhip and floated in the air while Izumi used her quirk to levitate her and Katsumi into the air next to me.

Pixie-Bob looked up at us with a furrowed brow. "Hey! That's cheating!"

"Hey Izu, this is part of the training! Give'em hell!" Kaina shouted up to me and I smiled and nodded, slowly floating back to the ground.

No one POV

Izuku let go of Stella and Shoka as they took off into the forest, Izumi and Katsumi following behind.

"So, was that really that vigilante, Mura?" Mandalay asked.

Kaina smiled as she watched Izuku destroy a mud golem with his fists. "Yeah, he is. He's really going to make a real difference to society when he's done."

Shoka froze a giant golem solid as Katsumi blew it to pieces. When one jumped up from the ground to attack them from behind, Izuku jumped in and destroyed it as a familiar lightning coursing around his body.

Izumi crushed one with an invisible force and Stella cut another to pieces, turning it to ashes.

Pixie-Bob was astonished with how skilled they were as she was fighting with the other students. "Wow, they sure have some skill!" She stopped sending the golems after the class, focusing all of her efforts on Izuku and his group.


After two hours, Izuku and the girls walked out of the forest and Kaina walked up to them, kissing Izuku. "Hey."

Stella and Shoka began to blush with jealous looks. They each pulled Izuku in for a kiss of their own. They ran off into the building as a trail of steam flowed from the two.

Izuku just watched, confused. "Uh, what was that about?"

Kaina giggled. "Oh don't worry about them. They're just still new to this."


Everyone was resting in the hot springs. The girls were all enjoying the heat as it released the tension from their muscles.

Kaina was laying back against the wall of the pool with Shoka next to her and Stella after. Shoka looked at both Kaina and Stella before looking down at her body.

"Would Izuku really want me?" She whispered to herself.

Kaina heard her and opened one of her eyes to look at her. "Shoka." Shoka jumped when she heard Kaina. "What's wrong?"

"...I'm..." Kaina looked at her, slightly worried. "M-my body. You and Stella both have these amazing proportions and curves. But... I'm..."

Kaina wrapped her arm around her shoulder. "Hey, Izuku doesn't care about any of that. The only beauty he sees is what's in here." She put a finger against where Shoka's heart was. "And trust me, even petite, you can still have plenty of fun in bed~."

Shoka began to blush again, thinking about doing those things with him.

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed!)

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