Chapter 3: USJ

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Izuku POV

I caught wind of the possibility of villains attacking UA's USJ from an informant I had. I didn't want any heroes-in-training to be killed and the info she gives me has always been good so I waited for them to strike before I made my entrance from the glass roof. 'This isn't gonna be easy to get away from but I have to do this.'

As I watched, I saw the students start to come in for me to recognize a few of them. My sister was there and I couldn't be happier for her. UA had always been our dream school and she got in. There was also that cute girl I saved a few months back. Then I saw the Bakugou twins and Todoroki twins. I didn't really want to save them but I had to. It was part of my code as a knight.

All of a sudden, the lights began to flicker and the water in the fountain began to cut in and out. I watched as a portal began to open and villains began to pour out of it. In the very back, a giant bird-like thing stood with a guy covered in hands. I knew these two were gonna be trouble for Eraserhead so I knew my help would be needed to make sure everyone got out without injury.

Izumi POV

We had just walked in and Thirteen began to explain what we were gonna be doing when villains began to come out of a portal. I was a bit scared when I saw them but I had to put that aside for right now. I knew that if Izuku were here, he'd tell me to stay calm and assess the situation at hand.

Mr Aizawa was about to jump down to attack the villains when something crashed in the center of the USJ. "What the heck was that?!" Kirishima asked.

Once the dust had cleared, I looked and saw a knight in dark plate armor and a red hood and cloak. "It's Mura!" Stella shouted as she pointed at the black armored knight that stood in the small crater made from his landing.

Me and her had become friends after the first few days since we both had a lot in common like how we both liked Mura. I began to smile as he looked around at all of the villains. "I suggest that you all surrender now! I do not wish to harm you but I will if you resist! This is your one and only warning!"

A lot of the villains looked nervous at his arrival. Many of them began to get on the floor while others charged at him only to be met with his swords. He never killed anyone but did enough damage that they weren't getting back up.

He looked down at the injured villains. "I warned you. Everyone that wishes to surrender, head over to the stairs!" He turned to the hand villain and the bird thing. "And what about you?"

The hand guy was scratching his neck as he pointed at Mura and shouted "kill him!". The bird thing charged at him at insane speeds that could have been mistaken for All Might's speed.

Mura brought his swords up to meet its fist. "Very well. If this is your choice then so be it." Mura moved one of his swords and cut off one of the thing's arms. It grew back almost immediately. The two went back and forth, landing blows on each other but I knew at this rate Mura would lose since any hit he made, the creature would immediately recover as if it never happened.

Izuku POV

'Just like my informant said. This thing is really strong, fast and resilient. But damn, this thing just doesn't know when to give up!' My swords met it's fist once again and shattered the blades. 'Great, now I lost my two favorite swords. I'll have to forge new ones later. Well, looks like Muramasa is up since this thing isn't human anymore, if it ever was one.'

I grabbed Muramasa from my back and cut off the creature's arm again, all in one motion. "Hahaha, that won't work! This is my Nomu. He was made to kill All Might! A stupid sword won't stop him!" But the Nomu's arm didn't grow back. "What?"

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