Chapter 13: Stain

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(A/N: I'm sorry this chapter took so long to come out. I've been dealing with some personal stuff but here's the next chapter. I hope you enjoy!)

Katauki POV

I was beyond pissed. Not only has that useless fucking Deku come back but he even got me kicked out of class a! I deserve to be in the best class! Not that useless fucking Deku!

All Might sent me to train with old guy that he trained with when he went to UA but I've never heard of him. Shoto went to work with his father. After this training, I'm gonna kill that Deku.


Izuku POV

The girls training has been going really well. Izumi, Katsumi and Shoka have been surprising me on how well they've been doing. Stella has also been working hard on making her own sword style, using her natural agility to her advantage and allowing her to use the fire side of her quirk.

Shoka and Katsumi had both began to break out of their shells a bit more which made me happy. They were able to talk to me without being nervous or second guessing themselves, for the most part, like they used to. The girls began to become really close friends and when they weren't training, they were hanging out and talking.

Currently, we were on a train headed towards Hosu so I could stop the hero killer with the girls. I didn't want to bring them to this but Izumi began to insist and then the others began to as well. I relented and they came along.

I was sitting by the window, looking at how the city looked at night as the girls were talking. They were dressed in their hero costumes. Stella was in a suit of crimson red armor I helped her forge without her helmet on, Shoka was in a blue jumpsuit with weighted gloves, Izumi was in a light green crop top and matching shorts with some black straps, long gloves that traveled up her arms, armored leggings and a rebreather, and Katsumi had a suit similar to her brother.

 Stella was in a suit of crimson red armor I helped her forge without her helmet on, Shoka was in a blue jumpsuit with weighted gloves, Izumi was in a light green crop top and matching shorts with some black straps, long gloves that traveled up he...

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(Stella armor and helmet

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(Stella armor and helmet.)


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