Chapter 20: A safe return

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(A/N: Okay, next chapter. Not a lot to say so I hope you enjoy!)

I had arrived at UA and immediately went to Recovery Girl's office. As I busted through her door, she nearly jumped out of her chair. "Recovery Girl, please quick, she needs help!" I rushed her to a bed as Recovery Girl came up to her and began her examination before beginning the healing process.

I sat outside her office in one of her chairs. I kept thinking about what happened and kept thinking about how I wasn't strong enough. Even with all of my new power, I wasn't strong enough to keep the people I care about safe. I felt someone sit down next to me then another on the opposite side of me.

I felt them put their hands on my back to comfort me. "Its okay, Izuku. I'm sure she'll pull through." I heard Stella's voice.

"Yeah. you can't give up." I heard Shoka's voice.

'They're right.' I heard another voice in my head. The next thing I know, I'm in One for All. I see seven looking at me. "Izuku, you can't think about giving up yet. There is much more for you to do. You even said it yourself. When you lose, pick yourself back up and try again."

A memory flash in front of me. I was sparring with my master. "Pick yourself back up, Izuku."

"But I can't win. What's the point?"

He walked up to me and helped me up. "You stand so you can get stronger for the ones you care about. You won't win every fight. When you lose, get stronger to fight again. When you give up, you've truly lost. Remember what you're training for."

I thought about what he said and nodded. I picked up my training sword and went back to training. Then I was back with seven. "So what are you going to do now?"

I looked down at my hands, balled them into fists and looked back up at her. "I'm going to get stronger."

She smiled and nodded. "That's what I wanted to hear."

The next thing I knew, I was back. I saw sitting in the chair with Stella and Shoka next to me. "You're right. I can't and won't give up now.  Not now and not ever."

Recovery Girl's door opened and she walked out. "You're lucky you brought her here when you did. Any later and I can't be sure she would have made it."

"Can I see here?" She nodded and I walked in. I walked over to her bed and sat down. She was wrapped in gauze but she looked to be okay. The girls came over and sat down. "You're probably wondering who she is, right?"

Izumi nodded. "Yeah. She looks like the girl that shot at you when we fought Stain."

"Yeah, she is. She had infiltrated the league for me to get info. I wasn't fully comfortable with her putting herself in that kind of danger but she insisted."

"So who is she?" Shoka asked.

"Yeah. She looks kinda familiar." Stella was looking at her face, trying to pinpoint why.

"Her name is Kaina Tsutsumi. She was a pro hero a while back, Lady Nagant."

"Wait, wasn't she sent to Tartarus for murder or something?" Katsumi asked.

"She was but she broke out and I found her during my first few months as a vigilante."

Flashback ~(-w-)~

I was running across the rooftops of the city at night. I heard the sound of a scuffle and landed over an alleyway. It had a woman with purple hair throwing around some guy.

I stayed up on the roof as I observed the interaction. "Tell your damn boss that he can take his offer and shove it!" She kicked the guy out of the alleyway. "This is the fifteenth time this week."

I landed behind the woman as I recognized her. "What seems to be the problem, Lady Nagant."

She immediately turned around and crouched, pointing her gun at me. "Who the hell are you and what do you want?"

I raised my hands and moved the barrel of the gun out of my face. "I just want to talk. Tell me, who was that and what did he want?"

"Tch, so what? They've got knights for heroes now?"

I chuckled. "Not quite. I'm a vigilante. Names Mura."


"And after that, we started talking. She was on edge but I already knew she was innocent. I let her stay with me since she didn't have anywhere else to go. She was a bit cold with me for a while but knew I was keeping her safe so she warmed up."

The girls all looked at Kaina, surprise on their faces. I looked over and saw her awake and looking at me. "You know it's hard to sleep with you talking, right?"

I smiled, seeing her okay. "It's good to see that you aren't hurt. I got nervous when you hadn't contacted me in a while."

She sat up in her bed a bit causing me to freak out a bit. "Izuku, I'm alright."

Stella looked between us, an odd look on her face. "So... what's you two's relationship?"

I looked over at Kaina and she nodded. "Well... we're actually uh... dating." Shoka and Stella looked sad when I said this. I wasn't sure why.

Before I could think about it, Kaina tapped my arm. "Izuku, could you get me a glass of water and something to eat?"

"Oh sure. I'll be right back." I got up and left the room.

Kaina POV

I watched Izuku leave and when he closed the door, I looked at the two girls who looked sad. "You two must be Shoka and Stella." The two nodded. "Well, I can tell when a girl is in love. And you two might as well be shining beacons. Izuku wouldn't notice since he's a bit... ignorant to those types of things. But, from what he's told me about you two, I would be willing to share him with you but only if Izuku accepts you."

The two looked surprised and happy.

"But," stopping them and causing them to look at me, "if you hurt him in any way, I will use every skill I've learned to hunt you down. Do I make myself clear?" The two gave me confident looks and nodded.

I smiled, knowing that these two are perfect for Izuku. I talked with the four girls, getting to know them.

Izuku POV

I came back with Kaina's favorite food and her water. When I opened the door, the girls were all laughing and talking. It made me smile seeing them all getting along. I walked over and set the tray of food in front of Kaina as she gave me a kiss on the cheek, making me blush.

The door to Recovery Girl's office opened and I saw Nezu there.

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed!)

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