Chapter 29: Training camp 3

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(A/N: I hope you enjoy!)

Izuku POV

I was wiping the sweat off my brow as I was walking back to help with dinner. I've been getting better control of One for All.

I can use Fa Jin with float without flying at mach speed. The previous users were also giving me ideas on how to combine the other quirks I have. For some reason, though, the second's quirk is still locked away from me.


Dinner was pretty easy to prepare. Just some chicken ramen. Katsumi was talking to Izumi about the ways she saw trying to improve her quirk. She was trying to see if she could use her explosions on other parts of her body, not just her palms.

Shoka was trying to have better control of her quirk, trying to make more complex structures. Stella was trying to reduce the drawback of her dragon spirit.

My eyes began to wander and I saw Katsuki and Shoto staring at me. My danger sense began to go off. 'So, it's them. *sigh* I hoped they would be better than that.'

After dinner, the pussycats had us line up in a clearing. "Okay everyone, tonight, you'll be taking part in a test of courage!"

Everyone began to cheer until Aizawa spoke. "Except for those that failed their exams. You'll be coming with me for your extra classes."

They were dragged away, screaming about how it wasn't fair, causing me to chuckle to myself. I looked around and didn't see Kaina anywhere and began to grow concerned. "Don't worry, she's scouting the area."

I turned and saw Mandalay next to me. I nodded. "Okay, thank you."

She walked back over to Pixie-Bob. "Now, all of you will be put into teams of two! Now, come draw lots!"

After everyone was put into teams of two, I ended up alone. Stella got teamed with Katsumi and Shoka got teamed with Izumi. They had already gone in the forest. It was only me and a couple others left.

Suddenly, Pixie-Bob was pulled towards the forest edge by an invisible force but I caught her using blackwhip, pulling her back. Out of the forest, a tall masculine woman and a guy covered in scales walked into view. "So, it begins."


Shoka POV

We were walking through the forest, enjoying the serenity of the forest night. "So, Shoka, how has your training been going?"

"Good. I've been able to make some things that are more recognizable. It's not perfect yet but I'm getting there."

"So what have you been able to make?"

"Don't tell Izuku because I wanted to surprise him. With my ice, it's more defensive and utility based normally, so..." I raised my hand as frost began to fall off of it. It began to condense into a ball before refining into a small dagger. "I wanted to focus a bit on weapons for when I don't have my swords. As for my fire..." I raised my other hand and fire began to form into a little bird as it flew over the palm of my hand. "I wanted to do something beautiful with it."

Izumi looked at it with stars in her eyes. "That's so cute!" Izumi suddenly grew a serious face before turning away from me. "Whoever you are, come out!"

A girl with blonde hair in two buns walked with a weird device on her back with some strange mask on. "Hehehe. You caught me."

"You're not from UA. Who are you and what are you doing here?" I asked, seeing her clothes.

"I'm Himiko Toga and I'm here to here to have some fun!" She suddenly threw a knife but Izumi quickly caught it with her telekinesis before pulling her over and pushing her to the ground where I froze her down. "Oh, boo. You two are no fun at all."


Stella POV

Me and Katsumi were walking through the forest. "Hey, Katsumi, are you gonna tell Izumi?"

Katsumi looked down to the ground. "I... I don't know. What if she doesn't feel the same?"

I put my hand on her shoulder. "Hey, where's the confident Katsumi I know. I'm sure she's crazy about you."

"I-I mean, maybe. But... what if... when I tell her, our friendship is ruined?"

"Katsumi, you're worrying too much. Izumi won't hate you if you tell her how you feel. Come on, have confidence in yourself."

She nodded. We continued walking until we saw something strange. A guy who seemed to be wrapped up and a full body straight jacket. "Meat... meat... Must... get him..."

I got ready for anything that might happen and I saw Katsumi do the same. I looked at the ground by his feet and saw a... a severed hand.


Izuku POV

I was quickly dodging out of the way of the lizard guy's attacks. He was swinging around this giant sword that looked like it was a bunch of smaller swords tied together. "You! You are the one Stain wishes dead!"

Tiger was fighting the other one, keeping her away from the the thing that was wrapped up in a sheet. Mandalay was trying to reach everyone to order them back to base. "Kota."

"Mandalay!" I shouted to her.

"I don't know where Kota is!"

I summoned Muramasa and destroyed the sword the villain was using before punching him in the face, knocking him out. "I'll look for him! You all take care of everyone else!" I took off into the air, looking around.

I spotted a cliff and saw two figures on it. One was a tall cloaked figure while the other looked like a kid. Using Fa Jin, I took off towards them as fast as I could.


No one POV

"Hehehe, I can't wait to see you bleed, kid." Kota backed away from the tall man. He recognized the man as the one who killed his parents.

"N-no. G-get away!"

Kota fell to the ground, backed up to a wall. Suddenly, he was wrapped in something black and misty and something flew in, punching Muscular in the face, sending him into the cliff side. "Kota, are you hurt?"

Kota looked over and saw Izuku. "N-no... wh-what are you doing here?"

"Mandalay was worried about you." Izuku looked at the wall when he heard movement. "Stay back and let me handle this, kid."

"B-but, he'll kill you!"

"Heh, I'm not very easy to kill."

Muscular pulled himself out of the rubble. "Ahhh, Mura. I was hoping I'd get to meet you again so I could kill you." Muscles began to burst from his arms. "I really want to see your blood."

Izuku watched him, waiting to see what he was going to do when his danger sense went off. He dodged to the side, a knife flying through the air, and Muscular ran at him.

Izuku used One for All, grabbing Muscular's fist as he looked over and saw Stain. 'Okay, time to take this seriously.'

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed!)

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