Chapter 15: Class returns and a fight

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(A/N: Okay, this chapter gave me a lot of trouble. I hope you enjoy!)

A few days had passed and the girls were all training with the swords I made them. Izumi had a whip sword but each segment of the blade wasn't connected, instead each segment could be controlled by Izumi making a storm of blades when she masters it.

Shoka had twin blades like me but each blade allowed her some better control over each side of her quirk. With some further training, she'll be able to coat each sword in both sides of her quirk allowing her to pull off some amazing things.

Katsumi has a great sword with a thick blade. The hilt was designed to absorb the nitroglycerin like sweat she secretes from her hands and distributes it throughout the blade and with training, will be able to release explosions from specific spots on the sword.

Everyone was back and they were all talking about what happened during their internships. A lot of them did some pretty cool things. Jiro helped save people in a hostage situation, Tsu helped stop a drug ship, Kirishima did some community service with Tetsutetsu.

Momo wasn't very happy with her internship since most of it was commercials and other advertisements. Uraraka was excited with learning martial arts from the hero, Gun Head. The girls were talking about their internship with me and the fight with Stain.

Iida was placed under house arrest for his act of vigilantism and was restricted to his room because of it. The police chief wanted to arrest him and me for our actions but when Nezu told him that he asked me to go after Stain, he gave up on me. Nezu also talked the chief into letting Iida stay at UA but on a short leash.

I looked at all of the girls talking to each other and smiled seeing how happy Katsumi and Shoka were. Kirishima was talking to me about how manly it was that I fought Stain. 'I wonder what Katsuki and Shoto are doing now?'

Katsuki POV

I was pissed. I was walking around in my room, thinking of a way to kill that damn Deku and prove my place as number one above everyone!

As I was thinking, it occurred to me. 'Why not kill him in front of everyone. I'll have Nezu have us fight in a stadium match for everyone to see!'

I ran out of my dorm and towards the main building before getting to Nezu's office. Once I was in, I saw the damn rat sitting at his desk. "Oi, Nezu, I want a one on one match against that damn Deku."

Nezu looked at me with his ever present smile. "Hmm, very well. I will inform the staff and students about this. The fight will take place in two hours."

I walked out of his office with a smirk on my face, knowing that I'm gonna kill that Deku and take my place back at the top like I always should have been.


No one POV

In the stadium, all of the students and staff were there. All Might had brought in Inko to watch the match. Izuku walked into the stadium arena wearing UA gym clothes as Katsuki did the same. They stopped near the center of the arena and stared at each other. Katsumi, Shaka, Izumi and Stella were all cheering for Izuku from the stands.

"Hello everyone and welcome!" Nezu announced. "Katsuki Bakugou requested this match between him and Izuku. If Katsuki wins this fight, he'll be transferred to class 1A and Izuku will be transferred to class 1B. Do you both understand this?" Both Izuku and Katsuki nodded. " If Izuku wins, Katsuki will remain in class B for the rest of his time at UA. Do you both understand?" Both Izuku and Katsuki nodded again.

Izuku and Katsuki got into their combat stances as Nezu announced "Ready? Go!" immediately, Katsuki launched himself towards Izuku with his explosion as lightning coursed around his arms as he pulled one arm back to punch.

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