Chapter 32: Taken

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(A/N: Okay, I finally managed to finish this chapter. Sorry this took so long to get out. I hope you enjoy!)

Blue flames shot out of Dabi's hand towards Izuku, who reacted quickly, slashing one Muramasa through the flames, causing them to split. "Tch, those some stupid swords? Where's your big one?"

Izuku pointed his sword towards Dabi. "I'll say this once and only once. Stand down and give up or I will kill you."

"Heh, I doubt that. You never kill anyone, Mura." Dabi began chuckling as blue flames began forming in his hands again.

"That's not entirely true, Dabi. I rarely kill. The only ones I kill are those that are too dangerous to let live due to their mental state and quirk. And you check both boxes." Izuku reached to his second Muramasa, drawing it as well. "And these "stupid swords" are Muramasa."

Dabi seemed to flinch slightly, seeing the look in Izuku's eyes. "Tch, yeah, I'll believe it when I see it!" He launched more flames towards Izuku.

Izuku slashed through the flames again, charging forward against the flames. Once he was close, he used one sword to cut through the flames completely, sparks coming off of his body, and slashing his second through Dabi, who was staring down in horror.

"Y-you..." His body began to dissolve into mud, falling to the ground.

Izuku looked down at the mud. "Must be some sort of duplication quirk. I need to find the others." Izuku took off into the sky, looking for whatever he could before seeing something that quickly caught his eye.


Izumi, Shoka and the girl were all walking through the forest together, looking for any sign of the others. "Hey," Izumi asked, "you never said your name, what is it?"

"Oh, name's Himiko Toga. I like drinking blood." She said with an unflinching smile as she skipped along behind the two.

"Does that have to do with your quirk, Himiko?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "Probably. Pomegranates are great, too."


The three walked through the forest, not seeing any sign of anything. "Ugh, this is so boring." Himiko pouted

"Hey Izumi, can't you use your quirk to find people or something?" Shoka asked.

"I mean not exactly. If I focus enough, I can feel movement over a distance with my quirk. But I can't tell who or what it is I'm feeling, whether it's a villain or someone from our class."

"Isn't it better than walking blind?" Shoka reasoned.

Izumi sighed and sat down on the floor, closing her eyes. She felt a few different things that were relatively close by and chose a group of what felt like three of four people. "Okay there's a few people close by. This way." She led the two towards where she felt them heading.


A man with white hair was walking through the forest, looking around. His eyes were glowing yellow as he saw figures through the trees. Raising his gaze to the sky, he saw one figure floating above him, glowing a bright yellow. "Mura."

Izuku stared back at the man. "Who are you?"

The man didn't answer and only raised his hand into the air, dark clouds forming above him, before bringing it down and causing lighting to strike down on Izuku, causing him to scream out in pain.


Izumi, Shoka and Himiko were running through the forest, quickly approaching the location where Izumi felt the people were headed. As they were entering a small clearing, a loud bang went off, and Izumi barely managed to catch a blank bullet with her telekinesis inches from her face.

"Oh, Izumi, Shoka. Thank goodness you're both alright." Izumi and Shoka saw Kaina standing up from a bush with Katsumi and Stella with her.

"Kaina! Have you seen Izuku anywhere?" Izumi asked.

"Not yet. Himiko, it's good to see that you're here with them. Do you have any new info?"

"Kinda. Obviously, we were brought here to capture Mura. Apparently he's really strong. Also, we had to bring this one weird guy."

Kaina looked at her, confused. "What guy?"

Before Himiko could answer, a loud crack of thunder was heard and the group saw where the lightning hit and rushed towards the area.


Izuku, smoking and hurt, fell to the ground. "Hm, so you were the so-called great Mura. The hero capable of fighting All for One himself as an equal." The white haired man watched the body fall and hit the ground.

He walked up to him and pressed a finger to his ear. "I have Mura. It's time we get back." He reached down and grabbed Izuku by his collar and picked him up as a portal appeared behind him.

As he was about to step through, he felt Izuku's body being forced away from him but he held him tight enough that he wouldn't escape. Looking back, he saw a green haired girl running towards him, looking extremely angry. "You're not taking him!"

He pulled Izuku free of the force pulling at him and tried to throw the body into the portal but both him and Izuku were frozen before he could.

"*sigh* Annoying insects." He raised his free hand and lasers began to shoot from his fingers, destroying the ice around him, freeing him. He turned around and was about to shoot off more but his hand was forced back as blood began to spray from the bullet wound.

Katsumi was running in, trying to get to Izuku as fast as she could. 'No.' She saw that Izuku was almost taken away. 'No, they can't...' She remembered the feeling of driving Izuku away, the pain of realizing what it was she was doing. 'I can't...' "I won't let you take him away!!"

Rainbow sparks bagan to come off of her hands as she was about to release an explosion at the man.

But before she managed to let it off though, she was pulled back by an unseen force as a wall of blue flames appeared in front of her. She looked over and saw a black haired man with burnt, patchwork skin. "Sorry to cut you off from your heroic saving, but we need him." The man was about to send another wave of flames but before they could reach her, an ice wall appeared, saving Katsumi.

The white haired man took the opportunity to head through the portal, Izuku's body in tow. "Worthless heroes."

All of them saw him leave through the portal. Izumi reached out her hand, trying one last time to try and pull Izuku back through with her telekinesis. "Izuku!!" But she couldn't grab anything as the portal closed the moment the man was through.

"Hmph, too bad, heroes. Next time I see you, I'll be sure to kill you." The black haired man stepped into a portal that appeared behind him.

Izumi collapsed to her knees, tears forming in her eyes as she stared at the spot where Izuku was taken. "N-no... h-he... he can't have been..." She began to break down into tears as Kaina got down and hugged the girl, trying to help her.

(A/N: Okay, imma go start writing the next chapter now since I've got inspiration flowing through my brain right not but, I hope you enjoyed!)

Izuku, The Twin Sword Knight: MuraWhere stories live. Discover now