Chapter 40: Inturder

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(A/N: It's a bit late for me but here's a chapter. Been trying to get this one done for a while but I'll try to get the next one done soon. I hope you enjoy!)

It was early in the morning and a girl was running through alleyways, exhausted and injured. 'C-come on. It should be a-around here, somewhere. If... if I can just... get there...'

She ran out of the alleyway, seeing the gates of UA. She quickly ran towards the gate, the early morning sun shining on the horizon. She felt the injuries scattered across her body screaming at her.

She heard the shouts of people in the alleyway behind her. She didnt look back. She kept running. Once she was close to the gate, wind began to build up behind her before launching her through before it quickly shut tight behind her.

She felt her exhaustion quickly setting in as alarms began blaring, a darkness quickly taking her. And before long, she passed out.


Izuku was laying in bed, sleeping soundly with Shoka, Stella and Kaina, all sleeping at his sides. When the alarm began blaring, Izuku immediately shot out of his bed, dressed in a black tank top and pajama pants.

He flew to his sliding door, flying out and quickly going towards the main gate. Stella groaned. "This is the second time with that stupid alarm."

Kaina yawned, stretching her arms out. "Well, whatever it is, Izuku will deal with it. It shouldn't take too long."

Meanwhile, Izuku quickly arrived at the gate, seeing Aizawa there and a girl with long, black hair being carried away on a stretcher by robots, headed to Recovery Girl's office.

Izuku landed next to Aizawa. "What happened?"

Aizawa sighed. "I shouldn't be surprised. Some girl got inside. She was heavily injured. Also, I think she's a vigilante."

Izuku looked at where the girl went. "I'm gonna stay with her in case she wakes up."

"Fine. Just be sure to let me know if she wakes up and ask her what happened. She's more likely to talk to you since you used to be a vigilante yourself."

Izuku nodded, pulling out his phone, calling Stella as he walked towards the main UA building. "Hey Izuku, what's up?"

"I'm headed to Recovery Girl's office for-"

"You're what?!" I heard Stella shout over the phone.

I had to pull the phone away from my ear because of how loud she was. "I-I'm not going there because I'm injured, don't worry. The person who broke in is headed there and Aizawa asked me to watch over her. He thinks she's a vigilante so he wanted me to question her when she wakes up."

"Stella, what's happening?" I could hear Shoka say over the phone.

"Izuku's headed to RG since some vigilante showed up and now we're headed over, too." Her tone had a 'don't argue with me' to it.

I just sighed. "Alright. And let Izumi know what's happening."

"Why? Wouldn't she be up like everyone from the alarm?"

"Not likely. She could probably through a earthquake. Anyways, she's probably in Katsumi's room."

"Alright. See you in a bit, Izu. Love you."

"Yeah, love you." I hung up, making my way towards the nurses office.


Stella POV

After we stopped at Katsumi's, letting her know the situation and seeing Izumi still fast asleep and draping herself over Katsumi, we headed downstairs where everyone was. Mina was fast asleep on the couch and almost everyone seemed close to following her.

Momo walked up to us, holding a cup of tea. "Where are you all going?"

"We're headed to meet up with Izu. He's dealing with the aftermath of the alarm thing. Why, what's up?"

"Here." She handed me a thermos. "This is full of tea. I made some for everyone. But, uh, they're almost asleep again."

"Thanks. I'm sure Izu will be grateful. He enjoys tea." Momo smiled and nodded as we walked out of the dorms.

"Who do you think the vigilante is?" Shoka asked.

"If Nezu is letting them stay here, they must not have a very bad record. Nezu is also trying to set up a proper vigilante rehab program," Kaina said as we walked into the main building.

"Izu said it was some girl. I swear, if he attracts another girl..."

Kaina laughed. "It's not like he tries to, Stella. It's just how he is."

"Yeah, I know. *sigh*" We arrived at the nurses office and walked in, seeing Izuku sitting there and a girl with long black hair laying in a bed, unconscious.

Izuku POV

I heard the door open and saw Stella, Shoka and Kaina all walk in, Stella having an obvious pout.

"Uh, did I do something wrong?"

Stella walked up, sitting down in a chair next to me. "No."

I felt very confused. "Are you sure? You seem mad about something."

Kaina walked up to me, sitting in my lap, kissing me as Shoka sat in the other chair next to me. "She's just jealous. She thinks you'll accidentally attract another girl."

"Why would I? I've already got the best girls I could have asked for." I kissed Stella, making her blush as she pouted.

"Hey Izuku. Do you know who she is?" Shoka asked me.

"No. Since I stopped being a vigilante, getting info has been a lot harder. She's someone who started fairly recently. Either just before or after the USJ attack."

Just then, Stella's phone began to ring. She picked it up, sighing. "Hey mom. What's... what? Dinner? Uh, sure. When? Yeah, I can do tomorrow. Wait, bring who? I don't..." Her face began turning red.

She hung up her phone after saying her goodbyes and looked at me. "You busy tomorrow?"

"No, what's up?"

"My mom wants me to bring you to dinner. Somehow she found out about you and she and dad want to meet you."

"Alright. You haven't said much about your parents so I can't wait to meet them."

"Ugh, that's exactly what I didn't want you to say."

I was confused why she said that but before I could ask about it, I heard someone stirring in the bed. I looked over and saw the girl sitting up, her long black hair draping behind her as she held her head. "Mmmm, fuck. What happened?" She began looking around the room. "Where am..." she stopped when she saw me. "M-Mura?"

(A/N: I'm sure people are already asking. No, she's not from another anime or anything. She's an OC from @Dorian_Dreamer. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!)

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