Chapter 11: Consoling a friend and confronting the past

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(A/N: Sorry this one took a while to write. I've been playing a lot of darkest dungeon lately and got hooked. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!)

Izuku POV

This was nice. Just standing here, hugging my sister with the crowd cheering in the background. I looked over and saw Stella had a tear in her eye. Looking over to All Might, I saw Midnight in front of him, giving him a stern look.

She turned back to the crowd. "That's this years sports festival, everyone! Thank you for coming out! And..."

"Plus Ultra!" The crowd shouted.


Everyone was back in the dorms and Mina decided we should throw a party. Most everyone were freaking out about knowing who I really was. Izumi hadn't let me go since I revealed myself and I didn't blame her. I knew how much she missed me so I was happy to let her.

I looked around the common room and noticed a certain person missing from the party. I wanted to fix this. "Zumi, let's head upstairs for a minute." She nodded and we walked upstairs only to stop at a door.

Izumi had an uncertain look on her face. "Are you sure about this, Izuku?"

"Yeah. This is something that needs to happen." I knocked on the door and saw Katsumi open the door.

"Yea-" she stopped when she saw me. "I-Izuku. Uh, wh-what did you w-want?"

"Hey Katsumi, I just wanted to know why you aren't downstairs with everyone else partying."

She looked away, unable to look at me. "I-I, uh. I don't really deserve to be down there."

"Do you mind if we come in?" I asked, pointing to her room. She hesitated but nodded, opening the door for us. I walked in and sat at her desk and Izumi let me go and sat on the floor next to me.

Katsumi came over and sat on her bed. "S-so?"

"Katsumi, you shouldn't distance yourself for what you did in the past. You made a mistake."


"No. You messed up and made a mistake, it happens. You and I were close friends when we were kids. I know that you feel like you don't deserve any forgiveness but you know what?"

"Wh-what?" Katsumi had a shaky voice and shrinked away, thinking that I was going to yell at her.

"I forgive you. You caused me untold pain and heartache but I forgive you, Katsumi." Katsumi looked at me for a second and began to tear up. "If you'd like, I would love to try and reform a friendship with you and Shoka. Even Katsuki and Shoto if they'd want."

Katsumi looked down. "Why?" She asked in a shaky voice.

"Because everyone deserves a second chance. I can see that you regret the choice you made. It's plain as day." I stood up and spread my arms. "So?"

She looked at me for a second as tears began to run down her cheeks then jumped into my arms as she fully began to cry. "Izuku, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

I pat her back. "I know. It's okay now." Izumi got up and hugged the both of us as Katsumi continued to say that she was sorry. I looked at Izumi and she had a small smile on her face. I was happy for her.


Itsuka POV

After the sports festival, Todoroki locked herself in her room. I was worried for her and went up with some hot soba, her favorite. When I knocked on her door, she took longer to open up her door than usual. "Hey Todoroki, I got worried about you so I made your favorite food."

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