Chapter 2: Change

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(A/N: Hello! So this story has kind of been stuck in my head a bit so I've been doing a lot of writing for it. At the rate I'm going right now, I'll probably post another chapter either today or tomorrow. I hope you enjoy!)

Izumi POV

I was sitting in class, thinking about Izuku. Last night, he left and now I can only hope he's okay. As I was thinking about him, I saw someone put their hand on my desk. "So, where's Deku?"

I looked up and saw Bakugou, or as Izuku likes to call him sometimes, Bakubitch, which I find funny. "Go away Bakugou."

"Aww, don't be like that. I just wanna show the nerd his place for looking down on me for thinking that he can be a hero."

He was really starting to get on my nerves. "Look Bakugou, I'm not telling you where Izuku is."

Bakugou began to get really angry with me thanks to his very short temper but I just stared at him. Before anything else could happen though, the teacher came in and started class.

'Don't worry, Izuku. I'll do my best to keep you safe from here.'


It's been ten years since my master began to teach me the ways of the sword. He was like the father I never had. After I crafted my weapons and armor, I left his small cottage and returned to the city.

I decided to be a vigilante with my skills. I knew it was illegal but I wanted to help people. Not to mention UA or any other school wouldn't even let me in without a school record and since I left when I was eight, I never finished school officially. Master taught me everything I needed but that wasn't gonna cut it so here I am.

I was sitting on the edge of a building, watching over the city, when I heard what sounded like a girl scream only for it to be cut off. I rushed to the location and saw three guys there surrounding a girl with pinkish red twin tails. One had a knife to her throat and a hand over her mouth. "Give us your money, girly or we might have to hurt you."

"Hey, what do you say we have some fun with her?"

I jumped down from the rooftop I was on and drew one of my two longswords and smashed the pommel into the back of the head of the guy holding the knife to the girl's throat, knocking him out.

The other two turned to attack me as one had a knife but the blade just bounced off my chest plate. When they both looked and saw me, they began to freak out. "Oh shit, it's Mura!"

Before they could run, I grabbed both of their heads and smashed them together, knocking them both out. I looked at the girl. "Are you alright?" I had a voice modulator in my helmet to hide my voice. It made it deeper while also layering it with different levels of deepness.

"Ah! Y-yes. Thank you."

"It's no problem. If you are sure you are alright, call the police. They can handle things from here."

As I was about to leave, the woman stopped me. "Wait! Those two called you Mura. Is it true?"

"Yes. I am Mura. Why?"

"I just wanted to meet you. I know you're a vigilante but you save people. You're a hero."

"That's why I do this. To save people. But I'm not a hero. Not to the law. To them, I'm no different than a murderer or a deranged psychopath."

"Then why don't you become one?"

I turned back to look at her. "Heh, if only it was that simple. I'm sorry, I must leave. Please, stay safe." I jumped up the side of the building and made my way home for the night.

Izuku, The Twin Sword Knight: MuraWhere stories live. Discover now