Daphne - chapter 1

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Chet is huffing again, as usual..he always does.
It's our 30th date since we've been dating.
And let me just clarify that we've been dating for over 2 years!
High school sweethearts you can say...well so much for high school sweethearts when all your boyfriend talks about is Fucking you.

Chet is them type of guys that doesn't care about the small details, instead he assumes he knows so much about you but he doesn't.
Like that time where he bought me Red roses and expected me to be over the moon about it.
My favourite flowers are Peonies!

Tonight we was supposedly going to have a dinner without him moaning about 'taking the relationship to the next step'
But I don't think he understands yet with what I'm comfortable doing and not doing.

Im seated on the leather chair hearing him yap about all our time together.
He has a sweet tone in his voice.

It's an act.

'It's been two years..can't believe it' he grins stupidly at me.

All he ever does is act sweet then drop the bomb on me like it's nothing.
I know what the next thing he will say is, so I just sit patiently waiting for the 'so I was thinking about us' words to fall out from his mouth.

I might be 20 years old without any type of action going in my life but it's my choice wether or not I get it on.

I was in love with chet once upon a time but it started to slowly chip away when he started begging more and more.

I look around the crowded restaurant, everyone's doing their own thing. I start to peel the vanish off my nails.
The colour crumbles on the white table cloth as chet continues to speak.

'Hunny?' I hear chets voice and I snap out of my distracted mind.
'Are you okay?' I shake my head and give him a small smile.
The only thing I've been doing since we started dating.
Just simply giving him a smile.
A way of dismissing him.

'As I was saying, I thought about our relationship and I -'
Just as he was about to speak a waiteress comes with a huge smile on her face.
'Hey..what can I get for you guys?' She smiles kindly.
I smile back at her and then point at the pasta that's on the menu. When I finish with my order, the waitress looks over at chet, who now surprisingly looks more uncomfortable and scared than he did before the waitress came.

Does he know her?

'And what would you like to order sir?' She says as if the word sir seem weird to say to him.
She keeps that kind smile except she's looking at chet with an awe look.

I shove my thoughts away and take a sip from my wine.

'I'll have the..' Chet is starting to get more nervous and it even looks like he can run out of the restaurant.

I've never seen him like this since high school.

'The french onion Parmesan soup?' The waitress says making me look at chet confused.

Chet always gets the french onion soup when he comes here, how did this waitress know that?
We've only came here two times together in my record, but maybe he came here without me or with his family?

When I look over to chet he looks taken back as if he just got slapped.

'Err..yes thanks'
The waitress looks at me then at chet but this time her smile fades. She takes the menu's then walks away with a sad smile.

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