Truths and lies - Chapter 20

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'Chet?!' My eyes widen at the sight of him. I haven't seen chet, nor have I had any contact from him, all cause I haven't had my phone since the night we broke up.

'That's right baby' he says with his usual slimy voice.
I feel a pit in my throat drop to my stomach. My ex, the man I broke up with is standing right in-front of my apartment whilst anjel is still up there somewhere, probably making his way downstairs, and the way he says baby as if we're still together makes me wonder why I ever thought he is the one for me.
Safe to say I feel disgusted for dating him.
'What are you doing here?' My voice comes out in a loud shock. I pull my arm away from his grasp and back away from his presence. 'You haven't answered any of my calls so I gave you some time, but now I thinks it's time to revive our love' He smiles so cheesy it makes me cringe. What did I ever see in this guy?

I guess the saying, "love makes you blind" is true.

'There is no love, now leave' I roll my eyes.
'Baby, don't be like that. You and me both know that what we had is much more special than some waitress' he says without any shame.
With one look at my cringed out face, he sighs.
'Wait which waitress?' I ask sarcastically.
'Exactly! There is no one other than you and me baby'
I'm trying so hard not to cringe again.

'Are you talking about the one that you fucked and told her I was your cousin?' I say. His face drops. He didn't expect it. I want to laugh so hard right now, he looks so foolish.

'Baby-' he tries walking closer to me but I raise my hand up to stop him from coming any closer.
'Stop.' I shake my head. 'Stop calling me baby.'
'Look. Just please let's put this all behind us and move on'
He walks closer to me again. I try putting my hand up again to stop him from coming any closer but it does no good. He keeps walking towards me slowly, making my patience run low.
'There is no us Chet! What don't you understand? Leave me the fuck alone!' I yell. He still doesn't stop walking up to me. 'Don't come any closer' I push him away with all the strength I have. He moves back a bit from my push but doesn't stop from approaching me.
'Stop!' I push him away once again, which doesn't help.

'Baby, please just listen to me' he begs. If I didn't know him I would expect him to start crying and rolling on the floor for forgiveness. Not that I mind that sight.

'Chet, I said stop!' I shout loud this time.
'If you just listen-' before he could finish his sentence Chet flies across the street in a blink of an eye.
I gasp at the sight of chet rolling on the floor.
'Come near my girl again and the price won't be pretty' Anjels voice comes out silky smooth. He threatens Chet so calmly that it makes me wonder if I've ever seen him angry.
'Who the fuck are you?' Chet groans with his words coming out mumbled.
'It doesn't matter who I am, stay away from my girl'

His girl

'I see. You moved on real fast Daph, didn't expect it to be with someone below me' he gets up from the floor, bobbling side to side as he walks over to me and anjel.
'Let me get a closer look of you' Chet laughs.
I feel nervous. Anjel is calm right now, but for how long?
When someone is this calm, you just know it's bad.
'This guy?!' Chet laughs so loud that it echos through the empty street. I'm so glad it's late at night where no one is around or watching.
I look at anjel, a small smile creeping up on his lips.

Oh no

When Chet walks closer to anjel, you can tell the height difference straight away. Anjel towers over Chet to the point where he's looking down at him. I don't know if I should laugh or be scared.
'Chet, just go home' I say, but this only adds fuel to the fire. 'Why? We can all have a threesome' he says sarcastically. 'Fuck, I forgot' he continues. My eyes piercing lasers at him. He's acting drunk, or maybe he is drunk.

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