Stay - Chapter 5

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I need to leave this room.

If I don't leave I'm afraid that I'll go against my own words.

Daphne is standing in-front of me bare chest, inviting me in to betray myself. There's many reasons why this can't happen. I have a fiancé, my fiancé can murder me and Daphne in a second if she finds out and most of all I can see through Daphne and how she's using her sex appeal to get what she wants.

'Cover yourself up' I grab the towel that's laying on the floor. Her face goes red, I can tell she didn't expect that reaction from me. I look away from her as I pass her the towel. She doesn't get the towel in my hand, instead she opens the wardrobe and grabs a T-shirt, putting it over her head. I can tell she's trying to act like it didn't affect her the way I rejected her, but It's obvious from how fast she's moving that she's more than embarrassed.

I leave her bedroom without saying or doing anything else. She never spoke a word to me after that which I expected her not to.

I had a huge brawl with Clarissa after I went back to my bedroom. She screamed at me, making my ears vibrate from how loud she was.

'You said I could kill her!' She flings the six inch blade on the floor. I know Clarissa and when she's this worked up nothing can stop her. I might even think she's going to kill me.
'That's because you wouldn't shut the fuck up about it'
I groan in response.
'So now you're blaming me?' She laughs hysterically.
'Listen to me anjel, I made you the man you are today. If anything you wouldn't even be approved by my family or your family' she spits.

My blood start to boil. Her words stick on me like glue.

'I made you the man you are today'

No one made me the man I am today other than me.
She thinks she's so Fucking special for being my fiancé which only shows who's more powerful here.

I slam my fist into the wall. A hole left behind after I take my hand away. I point a finger at Clarissa and walk up to her. 'No one made me a man! I did all by myself'
I grit my teeth. 'Yeah right, you keep telling that to yourself but we both know the truth' she rolls her eyes, stepping closer to me. Her hands skim down my chest.
'And the truth is. You would be nothing without me by your side' she says. Her lips pour into me for a soft kiss.
I take it but I hate it. I hate how she uses the 'I made you' card every minute of my fucking life.

Clarissa has only been in my life when I was the lowest and that's why I love her and decided to make her my wife, but she never made me the man I am today.

I push her away from me but she grabs a hold of my arm.
'Don't do this. You know I only want what's best for you'
One thing I was before that I'm not now, is stupid. I can see the way she revels in the power she has when she's with me. My family is one of the strongest most dangerous families in the city, her family loves that their little gangster daughter is dating the son of a legend.
Legend my ass. If everyone knew the truth about my dad, his legacy would be over. Thank fuck he's dead, because I would've loved to put him down already.

'You're sleeping in a guest room tonight' I say. Her face turns into pure shock. I don't ever ask her to leave or stay over at another room, but today is the first time and is different.
'What?' She stutters, trying to understand the words that just came out of my mouth. This is one of the biggest arguments we had so far, and I sense it becoming worse the more Daphne stays here. The reason Clarissa is so worked up is because of Daphne.

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