Sheilding - Chapter 11

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I wake-up in a hospital room. For a moment I forget what happened but I then remember how I was taken away from my room, from quietly reading to then being tortured continuously by Anjels crazy fiancé.

The crazy bitch attacked me when no one was at the house, then knocked me out. When I opened my eyes I found myself in a dark room and tied up.

She kept telling me how Anjel was hers and that I won't be able to get in the way of the both of them.
Fair enough. I get she's a jealous bitch. Until she took it far to use weapons on me.
I tolerate pain of any sort but nothing prepared me to feel the pain I did last night.

I look all over my arms and peek under the blanket to look at my body. Im covered in stitches. My legs, thighs, stomach, arms. They all have bruises and cuts all over.
I look like a walking Chucky doll.
I feel my heart beating and my anxiety growing faster.

I look like a mess. These scars won't ever heal or look better, they will stain on my body like a memory. A memory I want to forget but never will cause it's stuck on me like glue.

I let my tears fall on my face, stinging the wounds and stitches on my face. I'm minuets away from running away from this hospital and going straight to the police to file a report. I can't stand to look at myself. I'm furious. Not at that crazy bitch but anjel. He knew bringing me into his home would only harm me but of course he never cares. Why would he give a shit what happens to me?!
Yet he has a lot of nerves to bring me to the hospital.

The hospital room I am in is empty. What was I expecting? For him to come and visit me when he doesn't even give two shits?

I get up from the bed, my whole body sore from head to toe. I groan when my feet touch the floor. My whole body heaves in pain. I walk over to the mirror, my hospital gown falling down to my knees as I take small steps.

I come face to face with my reflection. It's horrifying.
I'm shocked but I can't express it because of the huge stitch on my face keeping my whole face still.
I let my emotions take over me, my insides ache from the physical and emotional pain. I let out a internal scream, my mouth still shut but the scream still hearable.
I place my hands on my face, rubbing my puffed up eyes and stitch gently. I look disgusting. Ugly.
My teeth squeeze together tightly as I let out a chocked up cry. My whole body shakes in agony whilst my reflection stares back at me disgustingly.
My eyes are blood shot red, purple from the abuse I received but now it's starting to worsen as I cry.

The door knocks before someone comes barging in at my loud inner screams. I feel my knees weaken the more I stare at my reflection.
My hands cup my face, trying to cover the ugliness that's showcasing on my face.
'Daphne' I hear that familiar voice that I hate so much creep behind me. I don't give it notice, I continue to breakdown over who's standing in-front of me. This isn't me. This is someone else. This cannot be me.

My heart pounds faster in my chest. Cold hands slide around my arms trying to pull me back from looking at myself.
'Daphne' I feel his arms pull me back more forcefully this time. He can see the way I'm breaking down in the mirror over something that's his fault. I want to scream and shout at him but I am silenced physically because of him. My cries choke me till I can't breathe. I place my hand on my neck but nothing helps the feeling.

A nurse rushes into the room, helping Anjel take me back to the bed. I feel trapped in this darn room, with my ugly reflection.

I lay on the bed, still and numb. My cries stop but my heart is still in shock. The nurse flashes a light in my eyes before speaking to Anjel about my well-being. All I want to do is scream at the nurse telling her to not say a single thing to this man. He doesn't give a shit about how I'm doing. I bet he's grateful that I can't even speak. He knows damn well I will run to the police if I could. I wonder what fucked up lies he told to the doctor when they asked what happened to me. This man is twisted enough to lie to keep his psycho fiancé safe from the cops.

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