Mission impossible - Chapter 23

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The whole night, I've been having vivid dreams.

More like nightmares.

Multiple nightmares.

They consisted of my dad. He was one minute sitting down with me in-front of our porch at our old house, to then disappearing every time I was in the middle of telling him something that I wasn't able to tell him when he was still alive.

I never woke up once. The nightmares kept repeating on-top of each other. My dad, me and our front porch.

I tried speaking to him, but once I got into the depth of my sentence, he disappears.
I knew I had to make it short if I wanted him to hear what I had to say.

So when the nightmare repeated again, I just said the words I want him to hear before he leaves.

I love you.


My eyes open to complete darkness. Is it still night?

I groan at the pounding of my head.

What on earth happened yesterday for me to be in this state?

I start to jog my memory to yesterday.
All I remember is drinking with Anjel in the hotel VIP lounge and then the rest is all a blur.

Fuck, I was drinking with Anjel!

I lift myself up and look around me. I'm inside an awfully beautiful hotel room and Anjel is right next to me. Fair enough. Im in my underwear. Fair enough. I didn't bring any pyjamas with me to wear so I'm guessing this was the only choice. I watch as Anjel sleeps, then my eyes dart to his body...He's NAKED!

Oh no no no no.

I lift up the sheets and look underneath to see if Anjel has anything on.

I take a huge breath of air when I see that he has his boxers on.

That still doesn't clarify whether we did anything or not.
I shake Anjel to wake up so he can tell me what happened yesterday, but he won't budge.
He's going to hate this but oh well...

I slap him hard on the face and he finally wakes up.
'Fucking hell, angé' he rubs his cheek. His eyes still half open.

'What happened yesterday?' I ask desperately.
'What?' He asks, his question full of confusion.
'What happened yesterday?' I ask again.
He lets out a deep groan and lays his head back on the pillow. A smirk curls up on the side of his lips, making me nervous about what he could possibly say next.

'We had sex' he winks at me cheekily.
My heart starts to beat fast and I feel my body go hot.
'W..what?' I stutter in shock.
He turns his head away and I can visibly see him laugh.
'Is this funny to you?!' My face turns red. I'm irritated.
'Yes. A lot actually' he says, mockingly.
I scoff and turn my back at him as I go to get off the bed.
'I cannot believe this' I shake my head in disbelief.
How could he let me have sex with him if I was that intoxicated?

'Angé?' He continues laughing from behind me.
I ignore him and walk to the bathroom.
'Angé, I have something to tell you' he says.
I turn around to face him and wave my hand in the air.
'What could it possibly be that you have to tell me? That you cummed inside me?' I say sarcastically, but his face turns emotionless.
'You're joking?' I widen my eyes at him.
'Anjel. Please tell me you're joking.'
He sighs and lifts himself off the bed.
'I thought you took your birth control pills'
I feel myself going crazy.
'Are you kidding me?! I don't take birth control pills!'
'You have sex but don't take birth control pills? You definitely are a brave one'
My jaw falls to the ground.
'Hold on. This isn't about me and my fertility. This is about you not being able to keep your dick inside your pants for one day!' I point a finger at him.
'I couldn't help it. You came out of the shower and insisted I touch your body'

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