Chaos - Chapter 7

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I'm back inside my bedroom. I left daphnes room as soon as I got my job done. There was nothing left for me to do or say.

I'm sat on the bed, my head dig into my palms and my mind filled with chaos. I just fucked another woman after years of loyalty towards Clarissa. I fucked up.
Something in me doesn't regret it, but if the word goes out, that's when I know I'll regret it. I can't lose Clarissa. She's been the stick that's been straightening my life, and now I just betrayed her.

That's not the only thing that's fucking up my mind.
When I first slid inside Daphne, it was heavenly tight.
I thought it's because she's small for my cock but when I looked down in that moment I saw the blood that covered the condom.
She bled. Which only means one thing..

She was a virgin.

I fucked a virgin. I'm Daphne's first time.

She didn't tell me before I did anything, I would've stopped if she told me. Now this makes everything more intimate between me and Daphne. First time for her first time for me.

I never fucked a virgin before. Clarissa was already done with when I got with her, I didn't think much of it cause I also did my fair share of women. Now that I got my way with a virgin, I feel...empowered.
You never forget your first time and knowing that I'm daphnes first time, I will never leave her head no matter how hard she tries to forget. I like the idea of bothering her when I'm not there. She will never see the daylight of me again. I will avoid her as much as I can. The shit that happened between us was a one time thing and it won't happen again. I have a fiancé to care about more than a virgin I just fucked.

What I can't understand is how Daphne, knowing she's a virgin, still chose to have sex with me. She never once told me to slow down my pace and from what I always heard, the first time for women is painful.
From the way she was whimpering, I'm guessing it did hurt, but she took it well. Never once told me to stop or slow down, she just let me have my way with her.

I regret fucking Daphne. Yes I know I enjoyed it overly too much but I can't deny how good it was. The whole feeling felt like a stress relief. Every moment I pumped inside of her I felt the urge to never pull out. The warmth of her insides, the way her tight pussy squeezed around my cock. I'm thinking of this way too much. I regret it. I do. I have a fiancé and I cheated on her today.

I look for my phone around my room till I find it on-top of my bed. I click on Clarissa's name on my phone that's titled 'Baby' on my phone.
I press on her name, the line starts to ring.
She instantly answers the phone but she doesn't respond, she's waiting for me to speak first.
'Come back to my bedroom' I say.
She hangs up straight away and a few seconds later she walks into the bedroom. One look at her and I realise how she has no emotions displayed on her face at all.
I walk towards her, going in for a kiss but she rejects it,
pushing me away in anger. 'Don't do that' I say but she just rolls her eyes. 'I knew you would call me back' she says, crossing her arms together. One thing about Clarissa is, she has confidence like no one else. She's almost so sure of everything that she does.
'I called you because I can't sleep without you' I lie.
'Awww what will happen if one day I go to sleep at a hotel huh?' She says in a sarcastic tone.
'I would've drove up to you' I say. Right now I'm saying anything to gain her heart back. She's annoyed with me but it's better than her finding out I just fucked another woman. 'Kiss me' she demands. I do what as says, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her into a deep fierce kiss.

Then don't stop fucking it

I open my eyes instantly. I pull Clarissa away from me. Her face flashes in worry.
'What's wrong?'
I just saw Daphne's face then heard her voice whilst kissing Clarissa. I feel a rush of cold wash over me.
This can't be happening. I just fucked Daphne once and now she's in my head whilst i'm kissing my fiancé.

'Nothings wrong, let's go to bed' I say to her. She looks so unsure but soon agrees.

It's morning. Me and Clarissa are downstairs having breakfast together. Everything is normal so far. It's a quiet morning. No fights no arguments and no Daphne.

I told pelican to make sure he takes daphnes breakfast upstairs to her room and suggest she stay inside her room for a while. It's been a long week and I can't have any problems occurring.

Pelican walks into the kitchen with a plate full of food 'You did what I told you to do?' I ask pelican.
'I did boss, but she refused to eat' he explains.
I motion for him to put the plate down on the table before he leaves the kitchen. 'What the fuck is her problem, She can't even be grateful that we're at least feeding her?!' Clarissa moans on.

Daphne hasn't been eating for a couple of days now. It's becoming more of a problem. 'If she wants to starve herself to death, she can. I have no problem with her dying' Clarissa pops an olive in her mouth unamused.

I have a deep feeling that after me and Daphne fucked she's becoming more distant. That's what I want anyway. But not eating was not the plan. I need her alive.
I get out of my seat. I need to go ask her what her problem is. Is she doing this to prove me something? Because it's not working, she's only harming herself.
'Where are you going?' Clarissa asks.
'To my office' I lie. If I tell Clarissa I'm going to Daphne to speak to her she will become suspicious.
'I gotta go to the mall later on, your card?' She stretches out her hand towards me. I take my card from my back pocket and place on her hands before leaving the kitchen.

I'm outside of Daphne's room. Do I knock?
Fuck it, I never knocked anyway. I go inside her room, my eyes scanning the room to find her.
The bed is messy, there's books scattered all over the room and the balcony door is wide open.
I scan the bed, same spot that I fucked her at.
There's a spot of blood on the corner of the bed. I know that it's hers. It's the blood of her virginity.
I look away and continue to look for Daphne. The room is empty, the shower is not running, the only place left to look is the balcony.

I step foot into the balcony only to find Daphne sitting on the floor curled up all to herself.
'Why are you here?' She says in a low tone.
'You didn't eat your breakfast' I reply back.
'Why should I, is it some way for you lot to poison me?' She rests her chin on her knees.
'I prefer killing someone with a bullet' I say.
'Great. That sounds much better than starving' she says sarcastically, making me chuckle.
She turns her head towards me. 'Why are you here?' She asks me again. I look down at her, our eyes meeting in a glimpse.
'Stop acting like you care about me, why are you here anjel?' She says my name like it's poison in her mouth.

'I have an offer for you' I say.
I actually don't have an offer, but now that I mentioned it I can use it to my advantage.
'An offer?' She raises an eyebrow.

I stare at her for a few seconds, thinking about what offer I can give her that's rolled up my sleeve.

Lately a man named John bazila has been coming to one of my casinos here in Manhattan. I didn't think much of it until he's been starting riots inside the casino. One of the riots had three people killed. I know that this riot wasn't just a come in and fuck everywhere up king of attack. It was planned. I'm not sure if he was expecting me there or if he was just trying to fuck up my whole business.
Whatever it is, I won't go down without him being dead.

One thing I found out about John bazila is that he's a women's men. He loves women. The man sleeps with women the age of his children but also impregnates each and every one of them. As perverted as he is, he's also smart. If there's one person who can trick this man it is Daphne. She's beautiful, feisty and luring.
Now all I have to do is to convince her to do the job.

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